

The night covered the village and its surroundings. But, in the still night almost like a glaring light, an orange figure appeared bringing with it, an utmost ferocious aura causing the weak to tremble, ever so slightly in fear of its bloodthirsty roar, shattering the peace of the night.


Sometime before.

In a secret room, where the ritual was to take place to tighten the loosened seal.

"FOURTH HOKAGE, minato, step away from the jinchuriki." a masked figure in a cloak ordered.

"Argh!" Kushina groaned in pain.

Minato called out to her in concern.

"I told you to step away from the jinchuriki." he repeated as he pointed a kunai to the baby's neck in his arms.

"Wait, calm down!" minato said in panic.

"I'm as calm as can be". He threw up the baby and jumped to pierce it.

"Naruto!!!" kushina screamed.

Swish. Minato crouched on the ceiling and caught him.

"Minato, Naruto!!!" Kushina screamed. The baby's blanket was covered in explosive tags.


In a marked house.

Swish, he appeared with naruto in his arms. He threw off the blanket and teleported out. He was grazed by a wooden fragment. He teleported once more.

In their house, with a flash he put down naruto, and returned to kushina, luckily she was still alive. Comforting her before placing her beside naruto after a flash. He donned his coat and disappeared in a flash.


Present time.

kyubi!!! someone yelled in horror seeing the nine tailed figure.

It smashed, clamped and caused mayhem to the village structures.

The ninja attempted to stop it with bombs, kunai and jutsu but none of their attacks had any effect.

The kyubi just massacred them.


A top the fourth hokage's figurehead, the real one appeared.

I must protect the village that is my family.

Swheeoooo!! a noise similar to a car's turbo sounded(initial D). The nine tails fired off a tailed beast bomb in his direction. A giant flying rajin symbol swallowed it up and sent it nearby. The shock-waves of its landing could be heard from the distance.

In a sudden turn of events, a figure grasped at minato appearing from the bedrock behind him. In a split second reaction, minato slashed at him only for it to pass through.

"I'm your opponent and you have lost." he stated. A whirlpool in the air originating from the solitary hole in his mask sucked them both in.


Guh. Minato fell on the ground, the masked figure landing on his feet a split second later.

Minato questioned him of his actions, seeing his attitude he made a decision.

If i don't care of him here, he'll cause even more destruction than the kyubi.

Finishing their little chat. The masked figured prepped for battle, putting cuffs with extended chains on his hands. He moved forward his hands in a lunging motion, Minato advanced to stab him with his three forked kunai.

He fazed through him. Cling, Shake. Madara shook the chains to hold him. Swoosh.

He escaped at the last second before it got ugly. Reappearing at a kunai he placed nearby.

"I have a vague idea of what to do, he's a tricky one." Minato thought.

Whoever 's attack is a split second faster will win.

He turned around swiftly from his crouching position and grasped his kunai to attack. He advanced and three the kunai at tob i's mask. It didn't connect.

A rasengan appeared from who knows when in his hand.

They both are inches away from each other and closing. Minato with a rasengan in his hand and obito reaching out to grasp him on the opposite side. The swirl of the rasengan's chakra was slicing the air.

At this fraction of a second, Madara was closer; his attack will land first. Recognizing this, "This is it, I win" he thought. Grab. Swing.

He grasped air. He was still in motion from the g-force. And so was the kunai Minato threw at the start. But, Minato had teleported above the kunai, he threw and in the longest milli second ever, his arm swing the rasengan in his grasp down and into tobi's backside.

"This was my level two hiraishin" he explains for us dumb viewers.

Ugh. Pwoosh, shh hh , Crackle. Madara was slammed into the ground, kicking up dust, rumble and noise. Swcha ish. Madara sped out of the dust and landed on a rock. His bloodied arm was accompanied by a white gooey substance as it... seemingly.... fell off. He stated at minato.

"I let my guard down for just a.. "

Bwosh. Minato instantly stabbed him, he marked him in their clash before. Ughm, the hand completely fell off with the chain.

"I see. He must have marked me. "

"The nine tails is no longer under your control." With the hand still in contact with Madara he undid his control over the nine tails.

Hiraishin Vs Kamui.

Hiraishin K.O.!!!!!!!


Elsewhere, the sharingan reflected in the pupils of the nine tails disappeared.


Mugen stood atop a building just out of the reach of the chaos and destruction caused by the kyubi.

Should I take the power of the nine tails....

Leaving out compatibility, his power is outstanding.....

Even the other tailed beasts together couldn't match up to half of his power or maybe they do just barely.

I'm basically ice itself, while he might not be directly fire attributed but he might as well be....

Leaving such a wonderful jerked chicken just because it is unhealthy isn't right.....

That's it!!!! I'll just not eat the bad parts. The yin half, I'll take it. As for the yang... Hmm

Thought mugen.

Conducting further thought on it was a nuisance, he decided to let fate decide, with his interference anything could happen.

Swish. He blurred and disappeared.


In a heated battle, the third, anbu, and other ninja were trying their best to hold off the kyubi.

A tailed beast bomb was about to have a chat with the village.

Summoning Jutsu !!!!!!

Gamabunta fell from the sky replacing the tailed beast bomb.

Booom, the bomb was relocated and had to chat with the land over that way. It didn't end well.


The uzumaki's vitality was the only reason kushina was still alive, she was basically one foot in the grave.

She used the last of her chakra to restrain the nine tails after having treasuring her last moments seeing her husband, she wanted him to live on with their child but he had other plans.

"Thank you for making me a father... Reaper!!!!!" Minato performed the Jutsu to the restrained nine tails . As it was inches away about to enter the markings now on his stomach, a person appeared before him and it collided with them.

A young man with luscious curly straight-ish black hair appeared. (Short fine hair)

He was dressed in full black with a dark blue sash. His deep blue eyes drew you in and gave off a cold intimidating stare.

"You're!!! How!!! Why!!! ..." Minato said shocked.

" Now isn't the time,.didn't you want to do something for your son. " mugen stated.

Minato recovered his bearing and took his reminder. Kushina didn't have long left and so did the jutsu.

Crkkk. Crkkk. Mugen was planning on freezing the entire air surrounding the kyubi, it costs a lot of chakra but at top condition he could do it, but while it was still angry, it didn't attack, it stared at him and looked at him as if he was considering something.

That human, I feel.no hatred or hostily from him, no negative emotions weighing him. He has some minuscule amounts but they are so small that it i wasn't paying attention i would miss them, he is in full control of what he does. Why do I.....

Suddenly, the kyubi disappeared and.the yang half went into the infant, in the miniature platform Minato summoned still whining. Without realizing it the sealing was done, Minato and kushina had gotten to say more to their child without having been pierced by the nine tails unresigned claws. Kushina still took a lot of time, with the nine tails not attacking, Minato got to say his share as.well, to guide their son.

"Thank you, " Kushina said to him, she looked to be in her last few seconds.

"Yeah, thanks" Minato repeated.

"Hmm, why I didn't save either of you or anything." Mugen asked bewildered.

"Its because.." Kushina eyes slowly closed. Minato looked at her lovingly and then at naruto before his soul was taken.

"You didn't get to finish your sentence." Mugen sighed. Looking at the reaper. death seal with his eyes was... Interesting.

The barrier that separated them from the outside was gone now. The hokage and his entourage entered, they had been watching from the sidelines.

The third stopped in front of Minato and kushina.

"Minato, you died for the sake of the village, it is because of you that we are alive, fate is cruel.... Taking you out fourth away from us and at such a young age t... " the third sighed unable to even finish his sentence.

"I'm.leaving" Mugen walked off.

" Wait, I have to ask you, how did you.. "

"Hey, old man." Mugen halted.

" For his parents sake, don't let anyone else know about the Fox being in that boy, otherwise he will suffer even more. He was the protege of your.... Well whatever jiraiya is. You should do your best, Lord third, the village owes him that much, leaving his parents identity a secret is fine though I suppose, it is your call, old man, " Mugen walked slowly until he was out of sight.


On his way back, walking down a foot path,

He stood still gazing at the sky, "Their deaths are sad, however, Saving....." Mugen sighed . He didn't even remember what he was going to say. There are times when you aren't sad, happy or anything, kind of in a melancholic trance. It feels soothing.but your heart is heavy. The emotion and occurrence of death, yes it was death itself and not the people them selves. Dying.... Huh.

