The day then passed by with no issues, rumours and gossips also died down with time, both Danson and Summer continued their daily lives as per usual.
Both of them got too caught up with either their studies or their job that both did not manage to log into the game for weeks.
Finally, one month later when they received news saying that there would be an event starting on Friday night, they both decided to log in and join the fun, taking this chance to relax and take a break from what they were doing.
Logging in, they were both flooded with notification stating how come they went MIA for an exact month then logging in at the same time, appearing at the same place.
Some were cheeky enough to ask if they both planned this grand entrance together as well as they might have even already met each other in real life. Summer then swiftly denies the allegation and Danson merely kept quiet and watched the "show".
-Guild Chat-
HiddenSleeve: It indeed has been awhile leader! So busy with life you chose to discard us aside?
ManlyMagic: Yeah! Why did leader decide to toss us away? woo woo T.T
DiscardedFlames: Hello leader! hello boss!!
Ohsosopretty: Leader! Boss! I ship arh!!
DiscardedFlames: Boss boss! How come you stopped logging in after the raid? You've never never log in for such a long period of time!
Ohsosopretty: I agree! We miss you boss! leader too! T.T
HiddenSleeve: Flame and soso only remembers leader and boss. Huhu T.T
Ohsosopretty: of course, of course who do you think you are? pfft
ManlyMagic: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA nicely said soso!
CreamIced: Hahaha! Hello boys and girls, it has been awhile and yeah, I just got caught up with life and apologies for not joining the dungeon raid the other day. It is good to see that the guild is still so lively!
RottenMonkey: Leader leader! Boss was super disappointed that you did not log in that day cream.
CreamIced: Ahh... did he? sorry!! Russ! I am so sorry T.T
Summer was pacing around the room thinking what if the fact that she chose to hang out with Dusk and Dawn and not to log in then suddenly she received a notification.
[RusticVow invited you to an expedition party]
Feeling relieved she immediately clicked yes.
-Expedition Chat-
CreamedIce: After the event?
RusticVow: Yes.
HiddenSleeve: Finally some action! I literally am feeling so tired of waiting!
ManlyMagic: Event first! Event first!!
DullMystic: It arrangements shall be as per usual.
CreamedIce: Ahh hello Myst! I thought you were away.
DullMystic: Hahaha, I was!