
She never knew that she would be so disgusted with something that was manmade and just by looking at the screen and clicking on the keyboard she was thoroughly agitated and annoyed since way back she got accustomed to not speak her mind.

Being unable to retort since young, trying to swallow all the whispers from people saying things behind her back was painful and some was even said in front of her knowing that she was actually listening to them was the worst of the worst.

She knew that she would never rival her sister ever in the pack but all she wants was mere acknowledgement and everything she manage to do were just of average or it was just bad no matter how hard she tried.

The moment she found the world of hacking and somehow she excelled in it, she wanted to tell the entire world that this person was her but at the same time she never did liked stares from people.

She never wanted to be famous, all she ever wanted was acknowledgement deep down from her parents and some other people that she deemed very important to her.

No matter what, she would not give up and continue to breathe standing on earth surrounded by a sea of malicious people.

Reaching the venue she merely stood aside and watched while the others attacked the boss mercilessly.

Serpentaur was one of special class boss that hardly spawns and it is more like a 0.001% of quest could trigger it. People who managed to trigger it usually ends in a very pitiable stage since not just that they were unable to kill the boss, they would lose more than 50% of their experience points.

If you were even a little bit more unlucky it would even minus some of your stats by random or the one that has the most points.

Many people would not dare to trigger this boss but there are still those who would since the items that the boss would drop costs more than a fortune and the amount of experiences, special skills and even some stats were very generous.

It was a high gamble to trigger this boss. There were those who managed to trigger this boss and killed this boss last time but that were the only time that Serpentaur were killed and after that one time, no other team were able to succeed.

That particular team used about 24 hours to actually kill the boss and the amount that they pay to kill the boss quite hefty although their rewards were bountiful.

HiddenSleeve finally noticed CreamIced and said "Cream, come one!"

Summer chuckled and sent "If I attack now, the boss's power is only going to increase. Are you sure?" thinking that they just wanted her in to spectate or give advice on where are the critical parts of the boss to attack after observing.

Then those who had a few seconds of rest saw CreamIced simultaneously sent "yeah!"

The corners of Summer's lips could not help but twitch. What kind of fixed team mates does this RusticVow has?!

Each of them were more abnormal than the one before that they were actually so eager in wanting to attempt in increasing the Serpentaur's damage level to a whole new level when it is already so crazy high where normal players never dared to touch.

Summer stared at her screen, speechless. She really could not expect much of his fixed team mates. As the team are led by an abnormal person like RusiticVow, they really could never be normal either.