This Must Be Fate

"Wow, what are the odds? You know what this means? It means the two of you are still fated to be together." It was Ai Weinan, standing a short distance away. She smiled and waved at Jiang Hongcha. "Welcome back, Hongcha. I said I'd be here, and here I am." She winked at Jiang Hongcha as she said this.

Jiang Hongcha was a young, mild-mannered lady in her 20s. Her features were exquisite, and her voice was soft and sweet. She never raised her voice, because she never lost her temper.

Like Mei Xiawen, she was a big literature enthusiast, and wrote mostly for her own amusement.

"Why are you acting all shy? You're blushing. You lived abroad for four years, you should have a hide like an elephant by now." Ai Weinan made a face at Jiang Hongcha. "Do your parents know you'll be back home today?"

Jiang Hongcha's face, small and fair, had turned a shade of pink. She shook her head. "I haven't told them. I want to give them a surprise."