A Better Person

It sounded awfully twisted, so Gu Nianzhi didn't hesitate to argue. "You want to correct my bad habits and turn me into your little pet? Or your trophy? No, Mei Xiawen. I don't want to be a conquest."

"Nianzhi?" Mei Xiawen looked at his reflection in the window and was startled by the desperate smile he saw on his face. He tried to speak with some more confidence. "Don't be so quick to say no. When we fall in love, we naturally feel inclined to become a better person for our lover. Won't you do this for me as well?"

Gu Nianzhi was stunned. She thought about it carefully and shook her head. "No, you can't make me change myself into someone you would like. You either take me as I am and try to accept and work with my flaws, or you go find someone as perfect as to your liking. But, I won't change myself for you."