Tracking and Pursuit

The mustard yellow Hummer sped through the tunnels away from the Barbados airport.

The group in pursuit hadn't expected another vehicle to intercept the blocked limousine, so they'd chased them on foot and fallen behind.

Huo Shaoheng raised his anti-material rifle. He didn't even have enough time to use the scope to lock on the target. He aimed and fired several shots at the Hummer just as it was about it disappear around the corner. His accuracy was eerily perfect, and because the Hummer wasn't bulletproof and the tires weren't specially treated, they were effectively destroyed by the bullets.

With a great boom, the SUV's front wheels exploded and blew up the asphalt under the car. In an instant, the road was marred with pits and chunks of concrete everywhere, and the air heavy was with smoke and dust. The obnoxiously loud Hummer made a full 180-degree spin then flipped over.