Simply of Too Great Importance

Hurriedly dressing and rushing to the doorway, Speaker Long caught sight of Yin Shixiong standing there in full-on military garb, like a serviceman on guard.

The sight made his heart feel heavy.

Yin Shixiong was already a colonel, was it really appropriate for someone of his rank to be standing guard for them?

Catching sight of Speaker Long, Yin Shixiong reached out to push the door of the study open. "Please enter, Speaker Long. Our senior official has been humbly awaiting your arrival."

Speaker Long smiled good-naturedly and patted Yin Shixiong's shoulders. "Humbly awaiting my arrival?" he asked. "Big Xiong, quit messing with me. Barely three minutes have passed between when I received the news of your arrival and when I actually arrived at the study. Don't you think you are exaggerating a little?"