Rendezvous With Her

Special Assistant Yang stared at her with a smile on his face, and said with a threatening tone in his voice that only Rong Mingxing could hear, "Were you terrified? It's okay. If you want to go back, after we're done with this, I will help you send the request to return home to the ambassador."

"Thank you, Special Assistant Yang." Rong Mingxing nodded anxiously, then quickly walked to Special Assistant Yang's side, and dared not speak to Speaker Long any further.

Special Assistant Yang stared at her suspiciously for a second, then turned around and saw that the other two security personnel seemed to be gone. He felt nervous and asked, "Speaker Long, have you sent someone to look for Lawyer Gu? It seems that it has become even more chaotic outside."

"Yes, they just left." Speaker Long nodded kindly. His impression of Rong Mingxing worsened a little.