Awakening and Team

As they were watching him they saw that Kyo was about to fall from exhaustion so minato quickly jumped and caught him to help him sit down. He then said "You know Kyo, you could just have cut his arm or even destroy the kunai in his hand. So why did you kill him by cutting his head off ?" Kyo replied exhausted but calmly " First because I am not strong enough to properly use this technique so I would certainly aim off if I had wanted to touch just his kunai. Second he did not deserve to live as we all are a familly and he tried to harm his own family making him a scum. And my last reason is that my brother has awakened his sharingan by killing an ennemy so I decided it was time to awaken mine" Minato then nodded.

But the two of them turned their head toward Kushina as they heard her stutter. Kyo looked at her and kindly asked"Yes ?"Kushina panicked as she heard him talk to her but she calmed as she understood he did that to help her."How did you help me ?" Minato smiled and answered in place of Kyo" He infused a kunai with lightning chakra to make it fast and destructive. This is also why the kunai sounded like thunder" But Kushina wondered why she heard the flesh cutting sound before the kunai. Kyo, as if he was reading her thought, said" Even thought my kunais are not as fast as lightning yet, they are still faster than sound so his head was cut off before the sound arrived."

Kushina nodded understanding. Then a ninja appeared next to them. He saw the chunnin and asked with a stern face"What happened here!?" Kushina tried to answer him but Dan arrived next to them wearing the police uniform." Go I will take care of it." The ninja nodded and shunshined to go. Dan looked at the three of them then focused on the corpse, then on the hole behind. After having analysed the situation he asked Kyo"You did it ?"Kyo nodded"He tried to kill them ?" Kyo answered "He was going for her throat with his kunai."Dan looked at Kyo in the eyes and said" You did well then moreover you unlocked your sharingan by killing that scum. I will report to the clan head and all will be fine" He jumped on a branch and just before departing he asked"Where did you learn this technique ?"Kyo surprised truthfully said"I invented it myself but it is not complete yet. I don't have enought chakraa and body strenght. And when this technique is complete my kunai should be as fast as lightning."Dan then departed.

After this event nobody dared to insult or harass kushina as the rumor had already spread, the 2 genius are protecting her, and one of them killed a chunnin to help her. Today was the last day at the academy, indeed they were going to graduate and put in team of three gennin with a chunnin. The three friends easily passed the exam as they just needed to show a henge(transformation jutsu) and a clone jutsu. It was now time to make the teams. Sadly they were not in the same team with Minato as they said they wanted to balance the strenght of each team. Minato got in a team with two average guys but got Jiraya as their teacher ! What luck to have one of the students of the hokage as a sensei ! But Kyo got two of the worst in the academy and an unknown teacher who just got promoted to jonnin. His teammates were a girl nammed Ayami and a boy, Denji. Their sensei was a guy too, Kimio.

What was strange was that kushina did not get in a team. The three friends waved goodbye at each other as they knew they would not see for a long time. Kyo departed with his team in a restaurant to get acquainted with each other. Their sensei began" Okay so my name is Kimio and I will be your sensei untill you all become chunnin so I would like to know who you are. You first. You tell us your name, your dream and what you like." "My name is Denji and my parents are civilians. I like play with my friends and I like the stars. My dream is to become a strong ninja and become a hero !" The girl then talked blushing" My name is Ayami, I like flowers, and I also like a certain person. My dream is to become a ninja strong enough for him to see me." As she said that she looked at Kyo and smiled at him." Ryo thought (Great ! A fangirl in my team ! F*ck!). But not revealing what he really thought he smiled and said politely" My name is Kyokai, I like training and fighting. My dream is to become the strongest ninja ever."

After the introductions Kimio looked at them and began" Meet me tomorrow at dusk in front of the hokage tower." He then departed. But the three genin did not depart and instead began to talk. Denji asked with energy" What do you guys think about our sensei ? I think he is pretty cool as he is a jonnin." Ayami replied " Yes he seems to be great and kind, don't you think so Kyokai ?" Kyo said" Please call me Kyo as my friends call me like that and it's quicker to say. And I don't know if he is a great sensei. I hope he is strong so that he teach us well." The two others nodded at his words. Suddenly Denji shouted" Oh I heard we genin are only good to do rank D quest ! I hope we could do higher ranked quest as rank D quest are only about stuff like babysit' or find the legendary lost cat !" Kyo replied relaxed" Don't worry as we certainly won't do this kind of quest as there are numerous tensions between the villages. There's also a lot more bandits than before as because of the shinobi World war everyone is poorer." But instead of relaxing him it only made him a bit sad as he wanted everyone to be happy.