Mock battle and Elemental coating

Kimio was looking around him as he suddenly saw Ayami in his periphical vision. He turned his head but what he saw was not Ayami, it was a big monster coming at him. Understanding it was a genjutsu as it was impossible for this kind of monster to appear here he shook it off only to see Ayami retreating. He jumped and ran behind her to catch her but the moment he came in the forest differents Akami jumped at him and tried to punch him. To escape the blows he had to stop and then he did a rotative kick only for the two to blew up in a screen of smoke. Not waiting for it to dissipate he jumped out of it thinking one of the other two would attack him but nothing came.

Kimio only saw Ayami far in front still running. He decided to quickly take care of her as she would be annoying if he let her run wild. But as just as he was about to catch her he felt a little cable break against his leg and with that two explosions occured, one on his left, and the other on his right. He wanted to go forward but a huge log was coming his way so he retreated backward and made sure to look around. Yes as he though Denji was right next to him coming with a flying kick. Seeing this he smiled and evaded the blow. Then another fist came from Denji. But just as he was about to parry he heard :


He could not parry as he would take on the jutsu so he again jumped backward, only to activate another trap. But that was only what he thought so while making attention to see the what he activated he did not see the numerous shurikens coming at him. As the three celebrated inside to have hit their sensei, he changed in a log with a puff. He appeared behind Deiji uninjured, and just as he was about to jab at the back of the neck of his student, he felt danger and hurriedly made a step backward, then he heard a huge sonic boom and an explosion occured on his left. With it came a sword. Kimio took out a kunai and succesfully parried the hack.

Kyo had decided to attack his sensei because he understood that he underestimated his sensei and thus made a mistake in his plan : Denji. He was not anywhere near the level of their sensei, and thus could not do a thing. He shouted" Quickly retreat and support me !" But as he said that Denji still foolishly attacked Kimio, who evaded the blow and as Kyo just jumped backward from the confrontation sword/kunai, he calmly jabed at the back of his neck. He then jumped to where Ayami was and knocked her out.

He looked at Kyo and said "Well you are the last." He jumped with his kunai still in hand and Kyo rapidly made hand signs


Kyo wanted to send another jutsu but realising his chakra reserves were nearly empty he decided against it. Kimio him was shocked but happy that his student was able to make such an advanced jutsu. He replied by :


As the two jutsu canceled each other and created a thick mist Kyo attacked with a new technique. He coated his sword with lightning chakra which enhanced his speed. Kimio blocked it with his kunai as this technique was good to pierce but not to slash. But that was what Kyo wanted. He quickly changed the coating of his weapon by wind and thinking it was the same attack Kimio tried to do the same only for the sword to cut his kunai neat. He evaded it despite the surprise but not without a shallow cut on his forearm.

His eyes widened seeing this and said" Well well well, you managed to hit me... then the three of you win." As he said that he quickly woke the two. Their mind were still a bit groggy at the start but they ran to Kyo as soon as they remembered what happened. Ayami quickly apologised, followe by Denji. "I'm sorry I did not support the two of you ! Because of me we lost !" "No it is my fault ! If I had listened to Kyo the two of you would not be alone against sensei." Kyo smiled hearing this "Don't worry you two, it's not your fault. First it was the first time we fought together and I think we fought pretty well. Then it is not your faul, it is mine as in my plan I severely underestimated sensei. But more importantly, we did not lost…"

Hearing this the two were surprised and turned around to look at Kimio. Then they finally saw the cut on his arm. The two froze in amazement seeing this. They twitched and asked at the same time" You have won against sensei alone !!?" Kyo replieed "Calm down you too, I won only because he wanted to stop, and without the surprise from my new technique I would have never hit him." Hearing this Kimio happily said"Yes but the fact is there you hit me, and even if did not fought as hard as I could, you did not either. You could have used your sharingan."

After this Kyo blushed and smiled a bit embarassed seeing his two teammates looking at him reverantly. Kimio resumed his poker face" You two go back home and meet us at the north entrance in 2 hours for the mission. Kyo follow me." Kyo wondering why his sensei wanted him to come he still acted as per his orders. Two minutes after they were in front of the office of the Hokage again. Kimio knocked on the door and came in, only for the two to see thehokage behind a montain of paper. Seeing this Kyo laughed out hard and Kimio hit him hard on the back of the head. Sarutobi, as if he did not see a thing, asked" What makes you two come see me again ?"