Return and War

Kimio looked at Kyo with a gaze filled with wonder, amazement but most of all envy. Kyo said without looking at him"Come we need to go help Denji and Ayami." This angered Kimio a bit as he felt it was disrespectful but did not say anything as they were in a hurry. They quickly arrived at to the lair again and saw Denji and Ayami. They looked good, just a little exhausted. They then proceded to free all the prisonners, and became disgusted when they saw the five little girls in the biggest tent. Fortunatly or not, only two of them had been raped.

They took the prisonners back to the village, but seeing how it had become they decided to take them back to Konoha along with the man who was almost hugging the legs of the ninjas seeing his daughter well and alive. They only arrived the morning as it took them all night. The team just explained a bit of what happened and said they were going to make their report to the hokage. Kimio looked at them seeing how exhausted they were,"Just go home and sleep, you can make your own report later."

The trio nodded. They were way too exhausted to care about anything, especially Kyokai as he first used his sharingan a lot, fought multiple times and used his Lightning kunai. His parents had already gone to work as his father was on a mission and his mother worked at the hospital. His brother was the only one still in the house. He just nodded to him seeing him drinking tea, went to his room and sleeped. It was only five hours later that he woke up. He directly made his way to the hokage tower to make his report.

Kyokai knocked on the door and came in as soon as he heard the hokage. Kyo closed the door behind him and bowed toward the hokage."Lord hokage, I am here to report my mission. There has been a chang…" He got interupted by the Sarutobi" I know, your sensei already told me what happened. What I want to know is what you did, start from when your sensei went off to fight the missingnin." Kyo told what he did and his decisions. After he finished his report, the hokage looked at him in though. He then smiled"Your mission has been promoted from C to A rank, and from what happened we need to talk about something."

Kyo, immediatly guessing where the conversation will lead to, said" I think we should wait for my promotion, because nobody except my teammates knows of my powers. I think I would be way more dangerous to the ennemies in the soon to be war if I am just a little defenceless genin instead of a dangerous chunnin in the eyes of the ennemie. Sarutobi nodded" Then we should wait for it. But how did you know for the war ?" Kyo sighed" Well poverty is at its paroxysme since the first war, and life is becoming harsher by the second."

Sarutobi agreed"Okay you can go now." Kyokai bowed again and departed. He quickly went to the training ground of the Uchiha. He first did physical training, then tried to add fire chakra to his blade. But the problem was that he did not know how to apply it. He trained all day and seeing the night would soon come, he decided to go home. Then the next day he trained all day, the day after he was on a mission and then a routine came to place.

But this routine got broken at the end of the next year. Kyo was now eleven years old. Several events happened in the world, but the most importants events were the death and replacement of two jinchuriki. The first one was the one from kumo, because the eight tail has gone on a rampage he killed the previous jinchriki and got sealed in a new one. But the second was the most important as it was nine tails, the most powerful, who was sealed in the wife of the first hokage. The beast got sealed in one of the dear friends of Kyokai, Kushina Uzumaki.

Because of this her two only true friends, Minato and Kyo got a month free of work to support her. This permitted Kyo to almost finish his elemental coating. He now could coat his weapon with lightning, wind, fire and earth. Each had a different speciality : Lightning made an attack faster and add penetrion and thus was good for throwing weapon. It was the most powerful but it took the heaviest toll on the body. Even with all body training he did he could only throw ten kunai before getting ehausted, and this was if he was in top condition. Wind made weapons are way sharper, making it good for swords. Fire made a strike incredebly powerful. It was good for blunt weapons but. And lastly the earth coating made an object extremely harder, increasing the defence of anything. If normal clothes were coated with it then a normal blade wielded by a genin would b unable to cut it. But if put on a metal plate then even a good sword coated with wind chakra would need several hits to be cut. But this was not the best upgrade he had, because now unless he throw a weapon he could tack back the chakra.

More importantly the village founded a way to apply the Elemental coating without the incredible control that Kyo has. It was a metal that easily absorbed chakra. But this had a slight disavantage : it weakens the power of the coating. But as Kyo was still the only one who could wield it without the special metal, everyone had a little less power so it did not change a thing. All this training was for one thing, the thing that was started by Konoha : the Second Shinobi World War.