Round 2 and First victory

I tried to avoid as much as I could the Suna ninjas to be quick but it was almost impossible in this huge mess. But now, with my sword in the head of a kunoichi, I finally saw Rasa. I took back my sword, and used body flicker to go near the man and coated my weapon with wind. I shooted a war cry and he turned to me, finishing off a chunnin, and anger filled his eyes. I seem to have angered him by leaving like nobody cared. Okay then, let's go for round 2, fight !

I learned my lesson and made 4 clones to distract him before making hand signs.


I just made one as my chakra was low, created another clone to stand at my place and transformed myself as a shuriken behind the fireball. As expected a wall of sand blocked the fireball, and as the shuriken went off, he did not care about it as a dangerous man was in front of him. But I transformed again from the shuriken into myself when I was on his side. He quickly made a wall but it was too late as I now was near him. I coated my sword with water and slashed downward on the wall. This was a coating made to break defenses as it transformed an instant damage in the same damage over time. It attack a bit like a drill but not really.

It is quite difficult to explain with words so let's just focus on the result. I destroyed his wall but he had an amazing reaction as my sword, which now was coated with wind, did not managed to cut him in two but only to leave a deep cut. He had moved slightly and this is what allowed him to survive. As I raised my sword to finish him, I heard a commotion and looked. I immediatly threw a smoke bomb at my feet and escaped using body flicker because when I turned my head I saw three special jonnin coming toward us. As I escaped the area I heard a chakra amplified voice say"RETREAT! OUR COMMANDER HAS BEEN HEAVILY INJURED !"

With this I saw the Suna's ninjas panic and they hurriedly retreated. I wanted to pursue them a little but I heard our commander voice telling to retreat. We walked off from the battleground and stopped at the first safe point. They then made the count and we lost more than a hundred ninjas, with a two hundred and thirty injured, whom were almost all going to die as they were poisoned. The commander had us come to a gathering. He spoke with a chakra enhanced voice to make us all hear him."Even though we lost a part of our forces, we still killed more than five hundred of their forces. And as they won't gain anything from this, we will be able to creates antidotes against their poisons. Also, someone managed to injure badly the ennemy commander, who is supposed to be the next Kazekage. I would like for the one who did this to present himself."

As he said that I walked toward him and raised my hand. He looked at me curiously, and said"Don't try to lie kid, you should only be a genin and this man was a equal of a jonnin with his golden sand. Moreover you are covered in your blood, this is evident you did not injure him." Before I could even respond, the vice commander, a young man looking arond 20 and who had white hair spoke up for him"He is not lying I saw him myself attack the enemy commander. And I heard our ninjas who saved their lives. A kid who was on the vanguard and who was covered in blood from head to toes."

As he finished talking I added"Commander, I am indeed covered in blood, but not mine, only the one from my ennemies." After saying this I saw everyone looking at me fervently, almost with worship. The commander smiled"Then what is your name ?" I answered confidently" I am Kyokai Uchiha, eleven years old and genin of Konoha." The commander nodded"You did well, Kyokai Uchiha. One more thing, take a shower as soon as we come back, you reek blood from kilometers !" With this joke everyone laughed and the mood was allievated.

We then made our way back to the main camp and while returning I spotted Denji and Ayami, along with Kimio who did not look so happy, but he said nothing. We were acclamed as we came to the main camp. I immediatly walked to the showers area and took one. I then went off to try to wash my clothes but I could do nothing : You don't wash blood away.

Later this evening I went off to see Minato and Kushina. I first went to the training area and found Minato. He asked me how the front was as I was the only one of us three to go there. I told him that he will soon know. We then departed and searched Kushina. We then talked througout the night about life and stuff.

The next day, before the other sections departed to the front, the Hokage made one other pitch."Yesterday was the first real day of the war, and I am proud of the warriors who fought. I am sad of the death, of course, but we won on the three fronts and we successfuly pushed the enemy lines. Today the construction of strongholds will began so there will be less fights for one month. Many has made names for themselves today, and ones are the strongest ninjas from this village. The battles of yesterday showed the potential of a very soon to be strong team named INO-CHIKA-CHO. Also, three people fought the half god himself and survived, earning the title of the Three Sannin. But the front which helped discover the most powerhouses was the one against Sunagakure, with first the performance of Sakumo Hatake, who now has been determined as one of the strongest ninja from the village by Suna themselves. And last but not the least, a very young ninja, who we estimated eliminated at least one tenth of the death count of Suna, of which were two jonnin, but most importantly heavily injured the ennemy commander, I am talking of Kyokai Uchiha."