New posts and Unfitness

All ninjas had to follow a quick training to learn how to manage and to attack as per their new position as the army was further divided, making it a real army.

A section made of 5 men assigned to a sergeant

A platoon made of 25 men assigned to a lieutenant

A company made of 150 men assigned to a major

A battalion made of 750 men assigned to a Lieutenant colonel

A regiment made of 4500 men assigned to a Colonel

A division made of 18000 men assigned to a Major General

A corps made of 36000 men assigned to a Lieutenant general

A field army made of 288000 men assigned to a General

And the entire army assigned to the Hokage.

The new posts were only given to people for their contribution on the war, and not in strenght. That mean a genin could be the superior of a jonin.

Today is the first day on the frontline since the construction of the strongholds, and almost alll the troops are to be sent. There is an entire corps sent to the battle on each front. So that means there is 2 divisions or 8 regiment. In those eight, there is mine, along with seven others diriged by people I do not know. There is one Lieutenant colonel I know, Kimio, but he is not one of my direct subordinates.

But there is something unexpected that came from the Hokage himself, it is that the anbu are to mix in the army, and they won't do any missions made by anbu teams, instead by teams of four. This has come from an agreement from all the villages as it would be overkill to send an anbu team on assassinating genin or making strategic strikes. My entire team was sent to the first front against Kumo except me.

I was coming back from the tent of my direct superior, the White Fang of Konoha, who now was a Major General, as I met with Ayami and Denji. I walked toward them"Hey, how are my two new chunnin?" They looked at me and Denji said"Well we just promoted to chunnin so of course we are happy, and moreover we have not been selected to be sergents, so we do not have to hold any responsibilties. But you, the one who do not want to have any responsibilities, have to be a colonel, and have responsibilites over 4500 men."

I smiled at what he said"You bast*rd, at least I won't have to fight unless it becomes bad." Ayami then said"Well, you are the supperior of the superior of the superior of the superior of our superior. You can at least help us if we need it ?" As she said that she made puppy eyes, which made me roar in laughter. After regaining my serious I said"You know I can't, but don't worry as it is my duty to protect my men and women, and you are part of it."

After saying that I went to the meeting point and waited. We were then divided in divisions. The Major Generals and the colonels would stay in the main tent to make plans while the rest of the army would fight. We quickly reached the third stronghold(The first being the nearest to the main base) and there a division from our corps was already stationed. We quickly wallked to the battlefield and then the battle began. It was really different to see it from afar and fighting in it.

But then I understood something awful, our Lieutenant General, who was making the decisions, was very bad at commanding. He did not listen to us and was doing whatever he wanted. I knew he was at this because of his contributions in the first war and is an anbu captain but here… He is making us loose. We were loosing more and more soldiers, and we now could see that there were way more ennemy troops than our soldiers. He seemed too have seen it as he began to panick.

I then saw that the old bastard turned to look at Sakumo, who now I was friend was, with a bit of hatred. He then looked at me and smirked evilly. He quickly tried to hide it and ordered" I think you all can see that we are losing, certainly because the gods are against us. So we need to do something. We can not even take the advantage despite my skills in commanding, so I think we should send highly skilled ninjas. I order that Major General Hatake choose one of his colonels and go fight."

And that bastard did another shameful thing as we were all frozen from what he said, he continued"We do not have time to wait, I will choose for you. Take the famous Colonel Kyokai Uchiha as he already made his proof and he is one of your friends… I mean someone you work great with." He tried to correct himself but everyone in the tent understood that I was choosen because I was a friend of Sakumo.

I was about to burst but Sakumo quickly held me by the shoulders and said"As per your orders" and we departed. On the way he quickly apologised"I am sorry to drag you in this, he hates me because one time my father humiliated him and from then he hated my family." I shook my head and said"You do not have to apologise, it is not thit that is going to break our friendship." We stopped just before entering the fight. Sakumo asked"We can't barge in without a plan, what do you think we shoud do ?" I though about it for a few seconds before saying"We should make a retreat, as I would rather lose the battle than loose more of our troops. Normaly we should have only lost a fourth of what we already lost"Sakumo quickly said"But how are we doing it, if we just retreat we will lose even more men and be mad almost like ennemies of the village."