Breakthrough and Fear

I knocked on the door and opened as I heard Sarutobi voice inside telling us to enter. But he was not alone inside as their was another man covered in clother, and I think by his face he should be around the same age as Sarutobi. The only remarkable trait of him was his cross shape scar on the chin. He looked at me with a weird gaze and went out without talking. I looked at the door weirdly and snaped out of my thought when I heard Sarutobi talk"Good to see you brought your team, Kyokai."

I looked at him and saw that he was looking at a ninja hidden and said"This is an A-rank secret." Then all the ninja in the three ninjas hidden in the room body flickered and went out of the room. Also the atmosphere changed , certainly a sound barrier was put in place. Sarutobi then talked seriously"The three of you have been chosen to help Kyokai in his S rank mission because the White Fang could not come. This is a mission of utmost importance, as you will have to gather intel at a secret base we located near the third stronghold of Iwa. This stronghold is in the earth, at a ten meters depth. This intel will help us considerably as it will permit us to know the weaknesses in their third stronghold. The four of you are to gather here in seven days ang go attack in the morning."

The four of us nodded and departed. We did not disperse and instead decided to go eat together and after go talk obout their plan. I proposed to go to Ichiraku and curious about my praises and the fact I would pay for them they agreed to eat there. And like me, they were amazed at the food. We then went to Kimio appartement and we talked about our plans. The three of them decided to stay at Konoha as they did not have to fight until the mission. I, knowing I would be bored, decided to go to the main camp.

I first went to Sakumo to tell him that I would stay for the week at the third stronghold and come from time to time see him and Sakaki. I then departed to Konoha again as I wanted to go sleep in my bed. I woke up next day, went to the Uchiha training grounds, and did the same training I always do. But as I was training my Fire coat I finally succeded at evolving it to the 2nd stage. Now I could coat my body fire chakra, that enhance my physical strenght by a lot, and makes me able to make any point I touch on fire.

For exemple here as I coated my body with fire, I only put my palm on a tree so thick that two men would be needed to circle it, I took back my hand to see that a fire was beginning to spread from where I put my hand. Of course I can choose whether I put on fire what I touch or not. I can also extenguish it without even touching or even seeing it as I could sense it even if it was at the other side of the world. But these flames are not very strong as they are quite easy to extinguish. So now I will start training lightning.

After I finished my training I wondered if I should show this jutsu to the Hokage. I decided against it as they won't be able to reproduce it anyway. I looked at the time and saw that the battle will soon come. I rushed there and saw that it would be a quite big battle against Suna. There was an entire division of our ninjas. I just nodded to the major general and he looked so happy to see me. We went there but there was a slight problem, the ennemy outnumbered us by a quite big margin as they had two more regiments than us.

But the soldiers did not panick, and I saw that a lot of them looked at me. I activated my sharingan and tried my new ability. I coated my body with fire and my sword with wind. I now had impressive strenght and the strikes of my sword so strange that I killed at least one ennemy at each strike. The ennemy saw me on the battlefield and immediatly their moral went down. I saw that the ennemy commander was coming my way, I think he wants to motivate his troops by fighting himself the famous Red Sword.

One strike. All I need is one strike. He body flickered toward me but I was faster. I beheaded him on the first slashed and did it in a way that his head flew in the air. It went high enought for everyone in their army to see it. This crumbled their moral and they began to flee. Our soldiers did not try to kill them. The major general ordered the troops to advance our line. I just nodded to him one last time before departing to go see Sakumo.

We greeted each other and I asked him"Why don't you come back to Konoha for the birth of the baby ?" He replied"Because all the best doctors are still here. There is even Tsunade here" I nodded understanding. Then for the next four days I did the exact same thing. It only changed on the eve before my mission. I did not went to the battlefield and instead trained all day. And it paid off as I mastered the stage two of my lightning coating.

And it is a huge power up for me as now I can coat my body with lightning, making me way more faster than before. Before I already was faster than other ninjas of my level, the only one faster than me at the same level was Minato, as if I do not use my lightning coat, he is as fast as me. But if now I activate my lightning coat, I am sure that I am one of the fastest people in this world. Maybe only the Raikage is faster than me now.

Moreover, now if I just touch something I can paralyse him or even knock him out with a simple touch !