Iwa's front and Hyuga

As soon as I said that I coated my body with lightning, and body flickered to the front of the army. I unsheathed my sword and coated it with wind. As soon as I was in front of an enemy, I slashed so fast that he could not even see it coming. I deactivated the lightning coat as soon as I slashed the first one as lightning coat onlt accelerate straight movement, so it cancel the second effect of wind coating, the unpredictableness of my attacks. I coated my body with wind, and now the enemies could not touch me anymore, as they are not skilled enough, and it enhanced my wind coat.

This is another aspect of my Elemental coating. If I coat my body and my weapon with the same element, the effect will get enhanced. For exemple a strike with fire coat will be even more powerful and the fires I creates will be more powerful, lightning would make the attack even faster and add more lightning for a shock… and so on and so forth.

This battlefield was even better than the Suna's one as it was more difficult to kill those ninjas who are focussing on defense. But it is still quite easy. As I was killing my way through the ennemy soldiers, I saw that Kushina and her friend were surronded by what seemed to be seven jonin. And there was at least one special jonin amongst them. I was worried about them so I quickly made my way toward them. Surprisingly they were not in a very bad state. They had quite a few injuries on them, but not any deep ones.

That was because they had a good level, Kushina was at the level of a high chunnin while that other girl was already as strong as a jonin, despite being only a few years older than us. She seems to be around Teuchi age. She is a very talented Uchiha, I think she would be one of the most talented if I was not in clan. You can't expect someone to surpass a 12 years boy almost as strong as 2 sannin put together, and that without the mangekyou.

But the most important fact is that she has a stage 3 sharingan. I stopped just watching them and went to the seven. I first slashed at the back of one, killing him, and the six remaining saw me. They attacked at the same time but I just evaded and killed another one by piercing his heart. While I did that the two killed two jonin as they were now focussing on me. It now was a 3v3. I attacked the special jonin while the two girls attacked the other two. The ennemy ninja was quite strong as I only killed him on my tenth attack.

I turned and saw the two girls were now fighting against the last of the seven as the other one had already been killed. I ran off searching other victims as I though that I underestimated Iwa ninjas too much. At the beginning I thought that this battlefield was the less dangerous but it is even more dangerous than Suna now that Tsunade made an antidote for all their poisons. A pity she stopped fighting because of the death of her loved ones.

After dancing around a bit I saw something interesting, the Hyuga twins, Hiashi and Hizashi were fighting the ennemy commander, their Major general. The two of them already were jonin, and even if they had a great coordination, they were against a surprisingly strong opponent. He was almost as strong as a sannin. Seeing that they were beginning to really struggle I decided to go help them. The ennemy, as he saw me coming, tried to flee but I was stronger than and faster than him.

I coated myself with lightning, appeared in front of him, then coated my sword with fire. This was a great combinaison as the fire will make the weapon powerful and heavy, so a little slow, and the lightning on my body will cancel the slow effect and accelerate the attack a bit while keeping it's heaviness and power. My sword slammed against his weapon, breaking it and stunning him with the strenght of the blow.

After that I did not have to continue as the Hyuga twins finished him. They smilled to me and said"Thanks for helping us despite the clans, Lord Red Sword."I nodded smilling at what he said. It really is a waste to have this conflict with the Hyuga clan for no apparent reason other than wanting to be the strongest clan in the village. I was still as excited as ever by the battles and it was really refreshing to be able to fight against ninjas from other hidden villages.

Also I could feel that fighting against ninjas from Iwa who uses earth the most really did help me make progres on my earth coating. But because I do not have an affinity with earth like the wind, I will take more time to advance to stage 2 with earth compared to wind where I took only one battle.

The battle ended after about an hour as even if their was an entire division against us, alone I did a little more than a thousand kill on their 18000. When we came back to the stronghold the soldiers began shooting my name as I also saved the lives of many ninjas. I smiled and went off to see Kushina and her friend as I did not have a tent. I did not want to have one as I prefered to go to Konoha or the main camp. It is always better to seep on a real bed than the little army beds you have in the strongholds.

When we arrived, Kushina could finally present me to her new friend"So, earlier I got cut by the beginning of the battle, so I could not introduce her to you. Now that I am able to, here it is. I present you Mikoto Uchiha."