Fusion and Chunnin

As it said that, it rushed at me even faster than before, as fast as me in lightning coat, and punched toward me. I evaded it and as expected, when the fist connected with the ground, it shook with an explosion that its strenght was even greater than the blond. It was even greater than mine with fire body coating.

That means that I now need to relly on my speed to kill it. I did not activate my mangekyou powers until now as even if I would have killed them already, I want to kill them without using it. And I still want to now. I keeped my body coating to lightning to keep up with its speed, but sheathed my sword. I decided that it now was a great opportunity to enhance my taijutsu. I have always been lacking in taijutsu.

I took the initiative and jumped on a tree, jumped toward another one while sending a wave of shurikens toward it. Once on the tree, before the shurikens could even near them, I threw two kunai toward them with a neutral chakra coating on each, and made them touch each other just before they touched it, who now was evading the shurikens. The collision between the two kunai made a screeching sound and put it under a genjutsu because of the way I coated the two.

But it did not went as expected as it did not went under the genjutsu. I tried to make it fall under one with eye contact but did not succeed. This was tricky. I now could only move with difficulty because of the exhaustion, and could not coat myself with earth to recuperate. It, insyead, was not even panting lightly, as if the fusion between the two made the exhaustion vanish.

If this continue, they will only take the upper hand. I looked toward the others who were now waiting at the side and said"I will show you a part of my power." As I said this, the three genin looked at me curiously, but Dan and father looked serious. I turned to look at the fusion when I heard it laughing. It said"YOU will show us true power ? Just try to see !" When it said that, it rushed toward me.

I smirked, and time slowed down around me. It was almost in front of me, but now appeared to be very slow. I body flickered behind it in no time, and pierced it. I tried to puncture it's heart but it was not where it should have been. I then returned to my initial location and saw the fear in it's gaze. I deactivated my power and try to put it in a genjutsu again and succeded because of it's fear. It now was not moving anymore, and I beheaded it.

I then hurriedly changed my body coating to earth to not fall uncounsious. I now was slowly recuperating and looked at the body. It had now revert back to what it was. There were now two corpses on the ground. I looked at my father and he nodded. We took the corpses of the A grades ninjas in corpses preserving seals and made our way out of the forest. We went to the gathering group and I saw that we lost 3 A grade ninjas.

We went back to the third stronghold. It was guarded by a big part of the B rank or less and some A rank ninjas. It was the strongest stronghold we had. Father went to make a report to the Hokage himself, as even if there was a general, we were not part of the army. He came back an hour later with a grave face. In this hour, the three genin talked non stop about how strong I was. I was desesperating until I saw Minato and Jiraya in the distance.

Strangely, they were not with with their team. There seemed to be something wrong on their facees. I excused myself and went toward them. They did not even saw me come. I said"Minato, Jiraya !" They looked at me but did not smile or something like that. They just nodded to me. I asked worried about them"Something happened ?" As I said that, a tear fell off the eyes of Minato and Jiraya said" We got separated of our team, and they encountered strong ennemies."

I understood that they were killed without Jiraya saying it. I asked"What are you going to do ?" Jiraya replied"Now that Minato is strong enough to promote, and the others are gone, I will stop mentoring genin." I nodded and turned to Minato"So, are you promoting to chunin ?" Minato nodded and told me"Yes, not like you to promote directly to jonin, I'm not strong enough…"

He got cut off by Jiraya"Stop already, you are strong enough to become one, but that would not be wise. You want to be ambushed by an army like that brat ? And it is not your fault if they died. It was not your mission to protect them." I saw that Minato nodded still a bit sad. I tried to cheer him up"If your team disbended, why don't you come to my team ? It will be better to be together, there is my father, my brother, his three genin and me."

I seem to have succeeded as he beamed up. We said goodbye to Jiraya and went to my team. Once there, I made the resentation."Everyone, this is Minato. Dan, you know him. You three, he is a soon to be promoted chunnin. He is a great friend of mine. I will ask our team leader for Minato joining. Anyone got a problem with that. The genin shook their head and Dan did not bother to respond. We talked and made Minato forget a bit about what happened. Ten minutes later, father came back. But there seem to be a problem as he had a grave face.

As soon as he arrived, he greeted Minato heartedly and said looking at us"Come, we need to speak about something first."I took the opportunity and asked him" Father, can Minato join our squad ?" He looked at me curiously but still nodded"Yes if it does not cause any probles with his team. Now, all of you come."