Danger and Nobles

Of the four there seems to be only one female. She was Wolf. We decided with Fish that the order for the assassinations would be random because all targets were at equal distance. Now the order was Bear, Mouse, Eagle and Wolf. We now were hidden next to a little village where the first target was. The informations on the targets had already been given to each members. Bear nodded to me and body flickered inside the village.

I saw that he went inside the corner of a house and hide in a shadow. I could not see him but I could sense him. He waited until he saw his target and did a body transformation jutsu. He was now like any other villager. He followed the target to his house and came back ten seconds later. He did not even got detected by the chunnin hidden in the village. That showed me that he was strong even amongst the chunnin rank. But he did not seem ready to be a jonin yet.

I was pleased as the two next missions went good too. I seem to have a good team. The three had approximetedly the same strenght. It only left Wolf to be tested. We went on a road and hide in a tree near as there was a forest there. We waited for the target who was a weapon merchant. There was another good point about the team, they are silent, at least in anbu.

Then we saw the target in the distance. But there was four Kumo's jonin with him. I found it strange as he was only a weapon merchant. He was either extremely rich or was something else than a weapon merchant. I looked at the three and told them" The four of you will cooperate to kill the target. Fish will help you if needed."

The four trembled a little but still nodded in the end. I decided I would intervene if they really are in danger as they were a good team. Even with an order like this they still accepted. The target was coming nearer and nearer until he was only a few meters from us. The ennemy walked on a trap and that set many explosives notes under them. One of the jonin took the target with him and jumped back.

But that was only to be ambushed by the four fresh blood. Even if he was a jonin, he could not save the target as the three other jonin were too far from him to help, and there was something else, Wolf. Even I was surprised as she had the stage three sharingan and had the strenght of a mid tier jonin.

This made them able to kill the target and the jonin as the four worked well together. They then reatreated. The four were now in front of only three jonin but they would not be able to kill them alone as one of them seemed to be quite strong.

Fish appeared behind them and killed the two weaker. That only leaves one. He seems to be a mid tier B rank. Fish vanished and the four began to fight against him. They did it with difficulty but they killed the ninja in the end. They had some injuries but were okay in the end. We came back with the bodies in the end. We handed them once in the anbu base and separated. Before that I told them"You will have to fight tomorrow on the front, so be ready. We meet here at the same time."

Once that said I was gone. I changed myself and went back to my tent. As I was coming out of the base I saw Mikoto near and guessed immediatedly who Wolf was. But I did not want her to know who I am so I quickly departed.

Because I did nothing today I was quite energetic so I went to Konoha's Uchiha training ground to be alone. I coated myself with earth and began body training. Since I had the regenerative powers of the earth coating my physical training was half the effort for twice the result. But I would still grow exhausted in the end.

I woke up the next morning and directly went to the anbu base. There I went to see what our mission would be and as expected, it was to protect someone and to kill another one on the battlefront. I decided to take Fish with me to the protect our target, and made the four others for the assassination. Nothing unexpected happened and the two missions got done. For the next month no mission got failed. It was exceptionnaly good.

We now were the next year. I went to see Minato and Kushina for Minato's birthday. It was very fun and we had fun. The next day I learned something that made me so angry that my mangekyou activated itself. It was that Kushina got abducted by Kumo ninjas, that the village did not see them enter and leave the village.

Fortunetly Minato was there and saved her. The problem is here : He fought and killed three JONIN alone but got punished by the village for going out alone. They almost banned and killed him for deserting. Fortunetly he came back quickly with her. But he still got punished. All that has been made by the civilian concil and the Damio.

If Hiruzen had not been there, Minato would have been killed. So I went to see Sarutobi in his tent. As soon as I entered, I did not let him speak and coldly said"Next time these bastards do something like that, I will kill them even if that makes me become a missingnin !" Only after saying this I saw that he was not alone, there was father next to him. The two looked at me in shock.

I calmed down a little and said to the Hokage"I am grateful to you for saving Minato, but I just can't accept what they did." Sarutobi shook his head and said"Please do not say something like that ever, you can't. More importantly in war. What do you think the village would do without you ? Do you realise who you are ? Maybe you do not understand it yet, but you are one of the strongest in the village."