Flesh and Feeling

I was surprised at this, I already saw that one of the anbu was way weaker than the others but I never thought that she was the Hokage's wife. But that is not that stupid as she would not be safer anywhere other than next to her husband.

The five mercenaries were about to jump on us when Wolf shooted to them"You really are fools to think that you would be able to kill the Hokage, you lowly mercenaries." This seemed to really piss them off as one of them pounced at Wolf.

But I was faster than him. With the time still slowed around me, I unsheathed my sword and went in front of wolf. I blocked the blow and sent him flying. The five mercenaries looked at me in shock and delight. I turned to look at my team and the other anbus. I coldly said"Go back, you will only burden me."

But even if I said that they did not move. I took out my anbu mask and looked at them. Then I ordered"I am your superior as Red Sword and thus order you to retreat. I will not repeat myself !" They all looked at me in shock. Fish took his mask off and said" Kyokai, stop this ! You won't be able to fight them alone !"

I only coldly said"Move !" He looked at me and lowered his head. All of them kneeled in front of me then departed. I turned to look at the mercenaries. They were already in formation. I closed my eyes and deactivated my Time slow. I opened them again and the Susanno appeared. It had even upgraded because of the training I did and also because of the intense hatred I am feeling.

My Susanno now was clothed, had two arms, in which was one giant sword. I slashed at them but they dodged it. They then began to attack but they could not destroy my Susanno. This surprised them and allowed me to grasp one in my palm. I crushed him in my hand and when I opened it, only meat paste was left.

This made them angry and more reserved in their attacks. They now were evading as soon as they attacked. That made me unable to touch them. Seeing that this was not working, I tried something else. I raised my sword as high as I could and striked at the ground. This sent a shockwave in the ground.

The earth exploded and spilt apart. That sent rocks flying everywhere. But they still were able to evade all the rocks sent at them. After that I tried to slash them again but they again dodged me. Now my Susanno was about to be destroyed as my eyes were seeing less and less. I now knew that whatever happen, I would go blind after this fight.

I looked back and could still saw my team and the others because they could not really flee. They were just far enough to not be attracted in this fight. I decided to go all out now that my outcome would not really change. If I do not use that technique then I will lose my vision and be killed, the others too. If I use it then I go blind but I will have a chance at killing them.

I activated my eye power and time slowed around me. If I never used it in Susanoo is because I would lose sight incredebly faster if I use it on huge target like the Susanoo than on my body alone. I smiled as I saw I made a breakthrough in my power as now time was slowed down by 2,5.

I rushed next to the closest ennemy and he could do nothing against me. I destroyed him on the spot. I turned toward another one and went after him. He tried to evade but I was too fast and he died too. I looked at the two last remaining enemies. They ran in different directions to try to evade my strike. I slashed at one and killed him, but as I was about to chase after the other one, my Susanno disapeared, and time went back to normal.

I now could not see a thing. I became blind. But there still was one enemy. I heard him stop and he began running toward me after saying" So this is the price for that powerful technique of yours, blindness ? Well that sure is a heavy price." I knew that I would need to surprise him so I coated myself with earth and my sword with lightning.

He was just in front of me. I could "feel" him. It was strange. I did not knew he was in front of me because of my hearing. I hear him like he is some meters in front of me while I sense him less than a meter away.

I don't know why but I decided to follow that kind of instinct and moved my body a little as that instinct told me that a sword was coming toward my heart. I pierced my sword instantly to where the enemy head was and jumped forward.

The instinct was real as I sensed something enter my body, but because I jumped forward I also sensed my sword going throught the head of my enemy. I knew it was his head because I already pierced so many bodies that I was able to sense it.

I felt a pull on the sword that was impaled in me, but it did not move. I then heard a noise, the one made by the fall of the enemy corpse on the ground. I searched for the handle of the sword and pulled the sword out of my body. I heard lots of people running toward me. I began to fall but someone caught me before I hit the ground.

I heard Dan say crying"Please hold on, medic will soon come, the outside fence has already been destroyed and a signal has already been sent…"