Kid and New technique

After having put a part of the fire where it was going to be kept, I went to the training ground as Mikoto said she would wait me there. But as I was going toard the training grounds I passed next to the Uchiha grounds so I decided to go pay a little visit to my parents.

I knocked on the door and after a few seconds my mother opened to me. She smiled and hugged me saying"When did you return ?" I replied after separating" I came came just half an hour ago, anyone inside ?"

She nodded her head and said" Dan is inside guarding Shisui while his mother is on a mission. Your father is doing his job. He will come home around 6 p.m or maybe a little later. You want to come in ?"

I nodded but said" I will come but not stay long as I need to go to the training grounds later." She turned and led the way inside. In the living room there was Dan with Shisui in his arms. He smiled and said" How are you brother ?"

I replied " Still fine, no trouble with Shisui ?" He shook his head and said" He is just like you when you were his age. He is so calm, he is not as exhausting as the other kids." My mother chirped in and said" And you Kyokai, when are you and Mikoto giving a grandchild to spoil too ?"

I cough a bit and said" Mom I am only 18, I do not plan to have a kid this soon." She replied" 18 but married." I rolled my eyes and said" Well it was good to see the two of you, now I will go. Maybe I will go see dad at work later."

With that I got out and went toward the training grounds. As expected once there I saw that Mikoto was with Kushina and Minato. This time I did not made a grand entrance and just came normally. I arrived near there and they heard me walking behind.

The two looked at me angrily, I was confused at this so I said" What's up ?" Kushina screamed" What was that way of coming back ? Coming in a giant and almost destroying a part of the village !" Minato added" Do you know how much you scarred the inhabitants ? Even with the Hokage and anbu reassuring them everyone still thinks we are under attack !"

I shrugged and said" Well we are not. If I wanted to attack the village it would have already been destroyed…" Seeing their face I stopped teasing them and said"I am kidding, I just came like that because we were far away. And I controlled it so there was no risk."

After I said that they were still angry, so I said" Minato, the last time I saw you you said that you would fight me when you mastered your techique. Are you done are what ?" All anger seemed to have faded away to be replaced by proudness. He said"Yes let's spare a little. I will show you my new powers. Just know that I have improved a lot over this year, so don't underestimate me."

I grinned and we went toward the training grounds. Once there, just before we began to fight I activated Time slow as I could only follow inato with it. The fight began and he dashed toward me. I waited for him and just when he was in front of me I punched toward him.

Of course he was not just dashing toward me doing nothing. I could see his chakra fluctuate but I could not see what he did. When my fist was about to touch him he ducked his head and took out a kunai. He tried to slash my side but he put himself in danger himself. My punch did not connect but was now just behind him so if I made an elbow strike then I would at least knock him out.

I made an elbow strike as planed but I stayed wary as he was not that stupid. Just as he was about to touch my side and me his head, he disapeared. I was surprised but expected something that would allow him to escape my blow. He was now in front of me and had his kunai going for my throat.

I smiled and activated my lightning coat. I jumped backward and escaped the blow. I took out my sword and placed it vertically in front of me. He now appeared on my side but as soon as he appeared he had my sword touching his throat.

He raised his hand in surrender and I sheathed my sword. He looked at me nervous and said" How did you know that I would appear here ?" I made a poker face and said" My sharingan makes me able to see the futur." He rolled his eyes and said" Stop with that lame excuse of yours."

Getting caught, I replied" I saw those seals you hid on the ground. If it was against someone who do not have the sharingan then he certainly would not have seen it but I did." I sigued and said" How powerful are your eyes..."I smiled and said" Any good sensor would have felt it too."

He looked dejected and said" Any advice ?" I looked around and said" If I understand the jutsu is about you putting seals and you can teleport using them. And either it consumes chakra to create a seal or it cost chakra to activate the teleportation."

He replied" I need chakra to teleport only. But I cannot create a seal in the middle of a fight yet." I nodded and said" The biggest disavantage is that you need to set the battlefield before fighting and thus lack mobility.

So until you are able to create seals in the middle of a fight you should place seals on a throwing object. Then you throw them and teleport when you want to." He seemed enlightened and said" I should put them on kunai as they can stick on an area."

I though about it and said" I don't think that will work, I saw your seals and there is not enough place to place them on it."