Zetsu and End

He froze and began to tremble. I took it in seeing this and asked" How come you trembled ?" He looked at me in anger and said" I am not like before, how do you want me to stay calm ?"

I smiled seeing this and said" I originally wanted to kill you, but seeing how weak you became, it seems you are not a threat anymore. I will go then. I wish you a happy death alone in this cave. But as I was about to exit a black thing appeared in front of me.

I turned to Madara and asked" What is this ugly thing ?" He was still angry and replied" This is a part of me, created from my consciousness." I looked at the thing in front of me and spreed my senses. But I saw a problem and activated Time slow. I then grabbed it and deactivated Time slow. I then turned to Madara who was looking at me strangely.

I said" This is clearly not from you, you and it doesn't have the same essence." The black thing began to struggle once I said that and Madara asked" Zetsu, what are you then ?" Zetsu stopped once it saw it could not do anything and turned toward me. It began to speak in a creepy voice" You with the rinnegan, who are you ?"

I ignored it's question and crushed one of it's arms. I pulled it off and it began to scream madly. Madara asked me" Why did you do that ?" I replied seriously" I want it to answer. If I grabbed it it's because I felt a lot of evil intentions from it, way too much."

It looked at me in hatred and said" I won't ever tell you who I am, idiot." I snorted and grabbed it's head and decapited it with my hand. Madara looked at me in shock and I said" I did not want to bother with it, so I killed him. And I take back what I said, I will kill you."

I did not let him react and unsheathed my sword. I pointed it on him and activated my attractive power. He had no time to react as I had slowed the time. He got impaled on my sword and looked at me in fury. I smiled and said" You think I would let you defend yourself ? Moron." I killed him and departed.

I let the cave as it was as nobody could enter with the illusion still in place. I hurried to Konoha and once there took the Hokage with me to a meeting room. Once there he asked me" When will they arrive ?" I pondered and finally said" In a minute or so. I made my clones arrive at the same time to impress them."

He looked at me and said" You really are tyrannical." I smiled and said" Thanks for the compliment." After that we waited and the four clones entered carrying the four Kages. They looked at us in revolt and asked" What is the meaning of this ?"

I made my clones disappear and said" Sit, we have to talk." They looked at me with anger but still sat. Hiruzen sigh and said" Please forgive the lack of manner of Kyokai, but this matter is of utmost importance. If you are here it is because we decided that the war would end right here and now."

They all stood up hearing this and Onooki replied" Don't think you will kill us with you two only !" Hiruzen shook his head and said" No you misunderstood, we are not killing you, we are making a peace treaty." They looked at us wearily and I smiled. I went out as I knew I would not be of any help there.

I waited and after five long hours I was surprised to see the four Kages coming out smiling. I looked at them suspiciously and went to see Sarutobi. He, too, was smiling like a fool inside the room. I asked him" How did you do that ?"

He replied" Just made some promises." I frowned and said" You did not sold the village right ?" He laughed and said" No, but we made an agreement. They all lost too much so with the benefits offered they accepted. I offered that they would all have access to the Purple flame as long as the peace was maintained. Of course only a little bit of it."

I looked at him in doubt and asked" They agreed with only this ?" Sarutobi smiled mysteriously and said" Maybe someday you will know, but let's go. I need to call our troops back. Do you have any other thing to report ?"

I decided to make my revenge for not being able to know what happened and said" Yeah I met with Madara." He looked at me in shock and said" May you repeat please ? I think I misheard." I smiled and said" No you heard it right, I even killed him." He frowned and said" Do you want me to make a heart attack ? Don't drop stuff like that as if it was nothing !"

After that we went to call the troops back together and organized a huge feast for the next day as we called the troops back in the middle of the night. So the next day a huge feast was made the whole day to celebrate the end of the war. The evening only the important people were present. I got a lot toast and when it ended, I came back to my home with Mikoto.

Once there, as I was about to go to sleep, Mikoto hugged me and said" I hope you did not forget your promise before departing ?" I smiled and took her in my arms. I carried her to the bedroom and fulfilled my duty as a husband.