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At the edge of a glistening blue lake, two figures could be seen standing side by side.

As the smaller of the two admired the enchanting lake before them, the other reached out an unsuspecting hand.

In the next moment, a startled scream could be heard escaping from rosy pink lips, as a young girl fell into a lake, sending out large waves of water in every direction.

Within the water the girl's pale face could be seen surrounded by bubbles, her eyes were wide open as she held onto her throat with one hand and tried to push her small body up with the other.

The girl didn't know how to swim.

With her air decreasing every second she remained underwater, the girl forced herself to calm down and used every ounce of strength left in her to push herself to the surface.

Kicking and thrashing, the girl successfully made her way out of the lake, her pale face emerging out of the lake water as she let out a loud gasp, immediately taking in a breath of air.

Occupied with keeping herself afloat the young girl failed to notice the man who had somehow made his way to her side.

So, before the girl could take in another breath, a pair of arms forced her head underwater once again, easily locking her in place.

The girl who hadn't noticed the man before it was too late let out a desperate cry underwater as she struggled to free herself from the man's grip.

She clawed and scratched at his arms to the point that a small portion of the lake was stained with blood, but the man did not seem to mind the pain as he only tightened his hold.

. . .

Minutes passed.

The little girl grew weaker.

Her heart beat, fainter.

Gradually, her struggling lessened.

The bubbles faded.

Her pale blue eyes, teared up one last time.

Then they closed.

One last bubble swam up to the the surface of the lake before fading away.

The girl had taken her last breath.

. . .

A mocking laugh could be heard, followed by the thought of accomplishment.

Blood stained hands relaxed their grip.

A tired cough followed by retreating footsteps.

His job was done.

All that was left was to receive his reward.

. . .

Within a spacious clearing, where a crystal blue lake could be seen existing peacefully, with a gorgeous array of pink flowers to keep it company, a stunning young girl, with beauty that rivaled that of cherry blossoms, floated above the lake's clear blue surface.

Her long silky pink hair, wrapped elegantly around her pale and lifeless body.

Hidden perfectly within the sea of fallen flower petals.

. . .



The silence was interrupted.

A strange flash of golden light emanated itself from the corpse of the young girl.

As time went on, the strange golden light faded into her body, as if it was being absorbed.

Slowly the rosy complexion of the young girl returned.

. . .



The heart that had ceased, slowly began to make a rhythmic melody within her chest.

The fragile body that was weak, grew stronger.

Then the pale blue eyes that were shut tight, abruptly opened wide.

Followed closely by the opening of a rosy pink mouth.

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The echoing silence of the lake was interrupted by the sudden vomiting of water.

Then a sharp intake of air.

The child had somehow survived, but her soul had been replaced with anothers.

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