Future Plans

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Hidden within a large canopy bed covered in silky white transparent sheets, a young girl could be seen laying on her back, with her limbs spread out in the shape of a star. Her pale white face that was directed towards the ceiling, had a blank expression, making her resemble a recently deceased corpse.

It has been a few hours since Rei has woken up with the realization that she was in a completely different world, within that time Rei was able to calm her mind down a little, allowing her to have a bit of space to think.

Laying comfortably, Rei began to sort through her newly acquired memories.

In order for her to live out a comfortable and unbothered life, she would need to get accustomed to having Rosélia's memories, and be able to accept them as her own. Fortunately, with the help of Rei's good memory, along with this being the second time she's looked through them, Rei was able to memorize a large portion of Rosélia's life throughout her childhood years.

Taking note of every significant event that has occurred throughout the child's life, Rei was able to gather a large amount of information. She felt like she was practically reliving Rosélia's life, which meant she was able to understand a large bit of Rosélia's personality, along with knowing everything and everyone she's met or seen.

Rei, who had a bit of a headache from having two different sets of memories, felt both overwhelmed and relieved. Although it was hard to accept these new memories as her own, she knew she needed to take them for her to be able to live a peaceful life here. It wouldn't help if she got lost or confused somewhere and didn't know how to get back, nor would it help if she didn't know who to trust, especially if that man who had drowned Rosélia before is still walking around unscathed.

Thinking about that man, Rei could only feel disgust, she wasn't ready to think about why he had killed a young girl, so she simply ignored it.

As another hour passed by, Rei was able to relax, with everything basically memorized for future use. She took a couple minutes to rest before moving on to her next problem.

Although she didn't want to think about anything else, she decided that it would be safer if she at least planned out what to do for the rest of her life.

Recalling the plot of Blossoming Heart Attack, Rei remembered that the story would start off around the time that Blaire Gustov is enrolled into some prestigious academy. At that time, Blaire Gustov was 16 years old, the same age as Rosélia. In the academy, Blaire would live out an eventful life full of ups and downs, defeating monsters, finishing quests, conquering hearts, and destroying villainous rivals in love. This, of course, would all come to an end once she turns 18, when she's graduated from the academy, decided on the love of her life and either exiled or killed off Rosélia Heart.

Remembering all that, Rei felt herself die a little inside. This game was one of her worst choices in life.

Anyways, as of right now, Rosélia was 10 years old, Rei figured that the story will begin in six years time, when all the characters involved have grown up a bit, so nothing big should be happening soon.

Six years…. That should be enough time to find a decent escape route, but just in case something happens later on, Rei thought it would be better if she strengthened herself up.

This was a world full of magic and monsters, where anything could happen. She could be eaten by some high leveled beast while going outside for a stroll, kidnapped by some scary people, or even killed by random lighting that strikes down from the sky for no reason.

For a better chance to survive, she needed to find out her strengths and weaknesses.

Adjusting herself into a comfortable sitting position, Rei went into serious thought as she thought back to the mechanics of the game. In the game of Blossoming Heart Attack, although a whole lot of it was focused on capturing love interests, there was a fighting element implemented into it, where the player could roam the country freely and fight monsters in different areas to level themselves up. At the start of the game, the player of the heroine would be able to choose their combat role, their specialized weapon, and their main elemental power. Once the player has decided, these changes will remain permanent.

Within the game, there was 7 basic elements to choose from which were pyro(fire), hydro(water), geo(earth), electro(lightning), cryo(ice), dendro(nature), and anemo(air). For Rei, she had chosen an anemo element, simply because it gave her a bit of speed buff to work with, allowing her to get things done in a shorter amount of time.

It did help out a lot when fighting monsters scattered around by either gathering them up in one place or throwing them into the air, but often times it tended to not do much damage when the player was weak.

Now that she thinks about it, one of the reasons why Rosélia was such a hard character to be beat was because she actually had two of the strongest elements in her arsenal, cryo and pyro, ice and fire. Hand in hand, they were a pretty strong combo.

With the ability to set everything on fire within a 10 meter radius and freeze everything in it as well, Rosélia was a bit hard to take down. For Rei to be able to defeat Rosélia, she needed to max out the favorability of a capture target, and add them into her team, and since every route led to Rosélia, it didn't really matter who it was. Once the team has been established, you can switch between the characters, the heroine and the capture target, and use their special abilities to defeat Rosélia and live happily ever after.

Remembering all the times she's fought Rosélia, Rei couldn't help but feel a little chill go up her spine. Although her elemental powers were strong and dealt a lot of damage to those who came within her radius, Rosélia was also able to use two weapons, a sword and a spear, allowing her to excel in both close combat and long range combat, making it hard for anyone to escape, only leaving them with the choice of fighting her straight on in a storm of ice and fire.

"With everything combined she really was a tough opponent to defeat." Rei thought out loud as she ran a pale hand through her newly acquired cotton candy colored hair.

At the thought of Rosélia's future capabilities, Rei felt a bit relieved. If everything works out, she should be able to inherit those skills. Looking through Rosélia's childhood, Rei did find moments where Rosélia had been taught to control her cryo element by some royal tutor. At that time, both Rosélia and the tutor didn't seem to know anything about her pyro element, which was a little odd since Rosélia was already able to control both elements by the time the heroine entered the academy.

Was there some sort of requirement to activate a second element? Rei didn't know, but for now the cryo element was enough. She was still in the body of ten year old girl, so she had a lot of time to grow and develop.

If that's decided, for now it would be best to take at least a month off to rest and collect herself and get used to everything. Once the month has passed, she will need to start relearning how to master her cryo element, along with starting up her training with both the sword and spear, which will require her to talk to that weird old man Elmore Graelles and other people along the way.

Thinking about having to communicate with a bunch of random people, Rei felt a bit out of it, but quickly pushed the awkward feeling away. It was necessary for her to be acquainted with the people who she would be seeing a lot of in the future. She'll need their help for later even if she didn't want to talk with any of them, whether they were real or not.

Sighing, Rei could only tuck herself back in bed after deciding the course of her six year plan. It'll be a lot of work, but she was used to working around the clock, and was determined to live a quiet and unbothered life. She was sure that no matter what happened, she wouldn't give up on living life the way she wants, even in another world.

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