Who are you?

Tian quickly looked into the cooker and he found a black gooey liquid in it. It smelled so bad that he wanted to puke.

This smells horrible. If only i had seven layered fragrance roots with me, this wouldn't have happened. How the h*ll am i going to consume this

He took the liquid in it and quickly went to his room. He sat in a meditative pose and consumed the liquid while holding his nose to avoid the unbearable stench.

As soon as consumed the liquid, he felt like his throat was on fire. His entire body went limp, it was as if thousands of ants were crawling. He moaned in pain and started to roll his body on the floor.

After a while the pain began to subdue and he then sat straight up and began to control the flow of medicine essence in his body. After circulating the essence for three times, his body started to release black sweat from his skin.

It was the impurities that lay within every persons body. It might seem like there isn't any significant changes in his body, but he now possessed the strength of a bull. It was a miracle to see such strength in the body of a 15 year old kid.

"The effects of body strengthening solution seems a bit weak. The low grade herbs seem to have little effect in strengthening the body. Well, my current strength seems ok for now."

When his grandmother came back home and went into the kitchen, she was horrified by what she saw. Everything was a mess and the pressure cookers lid was stuck to the cracked roof. She was terrified and worried about what happened here and quickly went into Tian's room.

When she opened the door and saw the person sitting on the bed, she was shocked.

"Who are you!?"

"What do you mean grandma, its me Tian", he was surprised by what she said.

"What the...what happened to your face and what is this mess in the kitchen."

He was curious and went to look in a mirror. He gasped for breath when he saw his image. His face was painted black and and his hair was standing like a birds nest.

"Its nothing grandma, i was just trying to cook something and the cookers lid suddenly came off, but i didn't get hurt anywhere. I am fine you don't need to worry", he didn't know how else to comfort her old grandma.

She didn't know how to respond to him, finally she heaved a sigh saying, "Okay, but don't do such things again. Your grandma doesn't have a strong heart to see you get hurt. Quickly have a bath and come down, I'll cook something for you"

He quickly went to have a bath and changed his clothes. When he looked into the mirror he found that his complexion has improved and he gained some muscle growth as well as gotten some good looks.

His grandmother thought that he felt a but different but didn't know in what aspect. She was just happy to see him happy and healthy. After her son and daughter-in-law passed away in the car accident, her heart became weak, She wanted to take good care of her grandson and see him have a happy life. That was all she wished for

"I'm going out to play grandma. I'll be back before dinner", he ran off after having his lunch.

Tian went to roam around the village and see if he can find something interesting. He was shocked after learning about the technology of this world. Although this technology could not be compared to the Alchemy or Array formations from his world, it still possessed its own charm.

"The thing called Nuclear bomb might be able to kill experts up to Heavenly sage realm. It might even be able to injure a Low level Heavenly king. But these weapons power would simply be not match for those in High level Heavenly King or those Heavenly Emperors."

After walking around for a while, he saw Song Li coming towards him. He remembered that it was this kid who accidentally killed the previous self. He wanted to teach this kid a lesson.

"Well well, look who it is. Useless idiot, how can you be so dumb to jump into the lake without even knowing how to swim....truly a retard!"

"Don't think i don't remember who pushed me into the lake. You still have to settle some debt with me", he remembered from his memories that Song Li was the one who pushed him into the lake. Although he didn't mean to harm him, but still he had to do something.

Song Li immediately felt fear. He didn't think that Tian would know that he was the one who pushed him into the lake from behind. He truly wanted to run away right now.

"Wha- What are you talking about. Don't you dare blame me for you stupidity or else i will break your bones", Song Li thought that if he threatened this coward he will immediately follow what he said and will keep quite.

"You think i will be scared with your threats. kneel before me and i'll let this matter go, else be ready to face my fury!"

"You dare to talk like that with me, Lets see who'll kneel to whom"

Song Li immediately started to pounce onto Tian but before he could grab him he suddenly disappeared. He felt tinge of fear, when he looked back Tian punched his face fiercely. He felt absolutely terrified. Never in his wildest dreams did he image Tian to be so powerful. Tian kept punching him as if he is a sand bag. Song Li immediately gave up his attitude and immediately kneeled.

"St-Stop.....please..... aiyoo....i beg you, please forgive me....aaahhhhh."

"Now you're listening. hmph, Don't you dare show your haunty side in front of me. Now get out of my sight", Song Li immediately started running away with fear. His bums were radiating pain like waves right now, he didn't dare think anymore and ran away.

Tian started roaming around the village and market. He then went to the nearby fruit plantations and slept under the tree shades. He really enjoyed the view of the forest in front of him. The chirping of birds, with the dancing tree leaves and the breeze of winter felt like heaven for him. He didn't knew when he fell asleep.

When it was about to get dark, he woke up and started to head back home.

"This is the life i desire now, lazing around every day and living a carefree life. Hahaha....i really look like a lazy young master", Tian was really happy. He was never this carefree and happy in his previous life, but now he gets to feel and be a real child.

When he was nearing his home, he heard someone speaking.

"Have you heard about the latest incident. The bandits have once again attacked the merchants that were bringing their goods into the village. Its already the seventh time this month"

"Its all because our small village doesn't even have any enforcing officers, near it or how else do you think they have the guts to do that"