Training Begins

Tian kept cultivating daily and eventually he rose to fifth layer of body refinement realm. During this time he didn't go back to the bandits, but what he didn't know was the havoc they have created in the local under world.

Zhang Tie also cultivated diligently, with the help of Green spirit potion he broke through to second layer of body refinement. It was time for the School trip.

Tian and Zhang Tie went to school and boarded the hover craft along with other students. The hover craft was looking like a spaceship from inside. Seats were placed on either sides. For some students, it was their first time travelling in a hover craft, they started to feel motion sickness and are about to burst any moment.

Finally, after two hours of journey the hover craft has reached its destination. Tian stepped out of the hover craft, he saw several dozens of men in military uniforms moving from one place to another. There were also some construction robots carrying materials on their shoulders.

"Attention Students!!", they heard a loud shout from ahead. It was captain of the army stationed over here. He was wearing a tank top and was looking fierce like a wolf, his body had many scars. All the students rushed over in front of the captain, some tumbled over the others and fell over.

The Captain gave a piercing gaze towards everyone, "From today onwards, till the end of the trip, you will all be under my supervision. All the students will be divided into batches of four and each student will be provided with a GPS tracker device and make sure you don't loose that! Understand!!", the Captain said loudly

"Yes! Sir!", everyone replied enthusiastically

"First round of training will be individual survival, you will be have to hunt the wild beasts inside the forest. Based on the strength of the beast you hunted, you will be allocated point. The GPS device with you will automatically collect data from your battle and store your points"

"There are only body refinement realm beasts inside the forest. For defeating a First Layer body refinement realm beast you will get 10 points, for second level 20 and so on for seventh layer you will get 70 points"

"Remember, no matter how many points you can gain by defeating those beasts. when you cannot defeat it, make sure to run away. You get that!!"

"Yes! Sir!"

"Now go to your allotted tents and start preparing"

Everyone rushed towards the tents, they didn't want to stay one moment in front of the captain. The aura he was emanating was like a beast.

Tian yawned and slowly started to walk towards his tent in a carefree manner with his hands behind his head.

"What are you thinking sir!, Many of them haven't even crossed into third layer and you are pushing them into a forest filled with wild beasts. Who is going to take responsibility if something happened to the kids!!!", Miss Li was very worried with the training. She never expected them to change the training so suddenly. Usually, they would to tag along with other soldiers and the soldiers will train them on survival skills and hunting skills. But this was utterly preposterous.

"Clam down Miss Li. I have no say in this. This was decided by the Enforcement office. They wanted to make the training a bit harder and bring out the battle potential in the kids. I cannot go against my orders. Also, please don't be worried. Each batch will have a soldier monitoring them in secret. These soldiers are all in blood refinement realm and can make sure their lives are safe", Captain explained the whole situation to Miss Li. After hearing that every batch of students will have a soldier monitoring them secretly, she finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Inside the tent, Tian lied down on the table, chewing a grass straw and closed his eyes. The surrounding three other students gave weird glances towards him. Since Tian has messed up with Xiu Li, all the students in the class started ignoring him. Except Zhang Tie, no one else talked with Tian in the class.

"Hey, let's ignore that guy and start preparing ourselves. After we go into the forest lets head towards.....", the three students ignored Tians existence completely and started planning on how to survive in the jungle. Tian also didn't bothered them and slept till the time for training has arrived.

"Listen well kids! I'm repeating this again and again, if you cannot defeat a beast, make sure to retreat. Also, the training period will be two days, no more than that", Captain gave his final words and nodded towards the other soldiers.

After the students left into the forest, the soldiers disappeared from their spots and secretly kept following the students.

'Finally, it's time to hunt', Tian jumped from one tree to another. Like an agile monkey, he kept on moving forward.

The Soldier that was following him, had lost track of him, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry, 'Damn, how is the kid so fast, was he a monkey in his previous life!!'. He used the GPS locator and started chasing after him.

Tian spotted many wild beasts, but all of them were either first layer or second layer. He wanted to find beasts at fourth layer and above. He killed all those low level beasts in one blow and kept moving forward.

Zhang Tie was in another part of the jungle. Like Tian, Zhang Tie was also abandoned by his team mates. Zhang Tie didn't care about it and started hunting for beasts and gaining points. He kept hunting first layer and second layer beasts.

In the cover of the night, there was a person standing above the woods on a tree branch. He was completely covered in a hood, he was wearing a black mask that made him look deadly. He looked ahead into the forest, holding a curved dagger in his hand. He licked his lips like a snake and jumped down into the forest.

No one knew noticed this person entering the forest. No one knew who he was. In the cover of the night, a deadly man was roaming around the forest.

After killing dozens of second and third layer beasts, Tian though that there is still a long time till the completion of the training, he has also noticed the powerful soldier, who was monitoring him all the time. He knew that the soldier will protect him in case of any danger, so he lied on a tree branch, leaning onto the trunk and slept comfortably.

The soldier was completely going mad over tians carelessness, he had never seen someone so recklessly sleeping in the forest filled with wild beasts without any protection.

'Just you wait! I will teach you a lesson after we get back to the camp!', the soldier gritted his teeth and stood monitoring the surroundings.

Just then, he felt a dangerous vibe coming from behind him. He instantly dodged aside and sprang up into the air. But still, there was a little cut on his arm, 'This guy is dangerous...', a chilling thought went down through the soldier.

"Hehe hehe....Looks like i have to clean you first before i get to my target....", the hooded assassin licked the blood off his dagger and laughed sinisterly.