Run away!

Finally, the training was completed. Everyone was exhausted with the training, but were still having glowing faces, knowing that they will be able to go back home.

Tian visited Gong Li, before he left. Tian had left a good expression with Gong Li and the Captain.

After going back home, he introduced his grandma to Little White. Tian's grandma instantly fell in love with it. Little White also didn't act rashly and shown affection to grandma Wang.

Next day, Tian went to the Bandits Cabin. He wanted to know more about the Assassins chip. He thought Number four might know something about it.

The moment he stepped into the cabin, he saw all of the bandits were heavily injured. The Bandits noticed Tian but none of them were able to move except Number Five. He immediately walked towards him.

"What happened...", asked Tian in a heavy tone. He was furious, after seeing them all injured.

"We are extremely sorry young master. After you left two weeks back, we had a discussion. We wanted to something for you, our benefactor. We thought, taking out all other bandits in this area will be good and we will also be able to raise some money for you. Initially we were successful, but just three days before, a powerful cultivator appeared among the Red Wolf Bandits. We weren't able to defend ourselves against him. We had to flee with from there to escape his assault", Number One explained as he looked down.

He knew that no matter what he said, it was them who started all of this and that they didn't even inform anything to the Young master. He awaited Tians response in silence.

Tian didn't know what to do with these guys. Although it was a good idea to take down other bandit groups in the area, he knew that it had its own backlash. He looked at them, 'I'll deal with you guys later', thought Tian.

"Where is the location of Red Wolf Bandits", Tian knew that it was best not to let such powerful bandit roam around in his area. He wanted to get rid of him first.

"Young master!, although you are strong, that person is also very strong. I think its best if we can rest for now", Number Two said to convince Tian.

"I think you didn't hear me. I SAID WHERE IS THEIR LOCATION!"

The bandits got scared when seeing their young master angry. They weren't able to convince him. Number Five, who suffered the least injuries, said "I'll take you there Young master"

Number Five thought that if things get ugly, he'll take young master and instantly flee from there. The rest of them didn't speak. They wanted to go along with Young Master, but were unable to. They gritted their teeth.

Tian followed behind Number Five, they travelled for sometime and finally reached their destination. There were a few wooden houses in that place, it was fenced with wood and a there was a guard at the entrance.

When he saw Number Five he instantly ran inside and called his boss. A Huge man with bulging muscles and long red hair came out while drinking wine from a gourd.

He emptied the gourd and struck the empty gourd on the ground, looking at Number Five.

"Hehehehe.....Looks like you didn't learn your lesson after running for your life once. Where are you other goons. Its sad that they didn't come with you, because I'm going to bury you alive!", the Red haired bandit grinned and took out his large sword.

He dashed towards him and raised swung his sword. But before it could land on Number Five, Tian blocked it with his dagger and was pushed back a few steps.

The Red hair bandit was surprised to find a kid blocking his attack, "Who are you kid! Do you even know who you are facing", he once again jumped up and launched another attack.

Tian deflected the sword with his dagger and kicked the bandit in his stomach. The bandit immediately took a few steps back and stared viciously at Tian.

The bandit released his full energy. He was someone at First Layer of Blood refinement. Tian finally realized the strength of his opponent and he too released his full strength.

The bandit kept hacking at Tian, while he kept dodging it and retreating. Tian was stuck in a tight spot. Just when the bandit was about to slash onto Tians chest, Number five jumped between them.

The bandit slashed Number Five's back. Number five coughed up blood and collapsed on the ground. Tian was covered in Number Five's blood. He was utterly aghast, his eyes began to burn furiously. He started to burn his life essence and started attacking the bandit without care for his wounds.

The Bandit felt that Tian has suddenly grown stronger than him. He started to defend himself but was unable to keep up with Tians speed. He took a chance and pushed his sword with all his might against Tians dagger.

Swishhh....The dagger flew off from Tians hands. The bandit's eyes shone brightly. He raised his sword high to land a final attack at Tians head. But before he could attack, Tian collected all his energy into his fist and roared, "Raging!!! Fist!!!!!!!!!"


Tian punched the bandit's chest with his full power. The bandits ribs broke and he started to fly back at high speed. His body rolled and tumbled on the ground, landing a few meters away from Tian.

The bandit was dead!!!! Everyone else started to flee. If a blood refinement stage cultivator could be killed, then they were nothing for him.

Tian fell on his one knee, he was out of energy. He dragged his body with one leg and reached Number Five. Number Five was still breathing, but he wasn't able to talk.

Tian took out a gourd, he had collected some Monkey wine before he left the giant monkeys cave. He used other herbs to control its strong effects and make it stable.

He poured the wine into Number Five's mouth. The wine immediately started taking effect. Number Five's body began to convulse and he unconsciously groaned in pain. Suddenly, his energy began to grow and surprisingly he broke through to fourth level of body refinement.

Number Five coughed and slowly opened his eyes. He saw Tian completely covered in blood, "Young master! Run! Run away right now! I'll stop him", he furiously yelled at Tian.

Tian was moved, he never imagined that Number Five would be willing to give his life for him. This guy didn't even realize his breakthrough to the fourth layer.

Tian pointed his finger towards the bandit's corpse. When Number Five saw the scene, he was completely shocked. He never imagined that Tian could kill such a strong cultivator.

Tian drank some monkey wine and recovered his energy. He stood up and said, "Let's go.....", both of them started heading back to the Bandits cabin.