Spirit Bomb

Tian sent Zhang Tie off first, saying that he had some things to do in Huang city and he'll catch up to after some time. Zhang Tie felt that something was off but didn't knew what, he accepted Tians words and went off in a hover bus.

After sending Zhang Tie home, he started to walk out of the Huang city by foot. After he exited the city, he directly went towards the forest area, the hidden cultivators also followed him stealthily jumping from one tree to another, without giving away their presence.

Tian suddenly halted and abruptly threw a stone towards one of the hidden experts with his full energy. The stone directly him one of the 7th layer blood refinement stage expert and he fell off from the tree with a injury on his chest, he instantly went unconscious. The other two experts were alarmed by this and came out from their hiding and started attacking Tian.

Tian skillfully dodged their attacks and grabbed the other 7th layer Blood refinement expert by his throat and struck him down on the ground. The black robed Primary Energy Advancement stage expert was shocked by this, he realized that Tian was not any weaker than him. So he instantly started to retreat.

The moment he turned back, Tian dashed towards and started attacking with his fists. The black robed expert got heavily injured with TIan's fist attacks, he never thought that he would be forced into a corner like this.

'Damn it! The information said that he was just a 5th Layer Blood refinement expert, how the hell did he turn into a Primary Energy Refinement Stage cultivator and that too so powerful.'

He took out an item from his robe and threw it at Tian. Tian was a bit careless and stood near the black robed expert, he wasn't able to react quickly when the guy threw some item at him. He quickly tried to dodge but the item already him the ground near him and it exploded with very bright light.


The item was actually a low grade spirit bomb. It had spirit particles infused in it and were made in such a way that, whenever it was used the spirit particles will become highly unstable and start generating enormous energy which leads to a explosion. It was hard even for those in Energy Advancement realm to survive this attack.

A huge crater was formed at the place where the bomb exploded. The blacked robed guy was not able to survive the blast, what remained of him was just the charred black corpse.

The 7th Layer Blood refinement expert, who was still conscious, looked at the scene with a bitter expression. He never imagined that a Primary Energy Advancement expert had to use such means, just to eliminate a single kid.

He looked at his other subordinate who was unconscious, he wanted to leave from here after waking his subordinate along with the charred corpse. What he didn't realize was, a few meters from the crater, there was a body lying on the floor. It was Tian!

When Tian realized he was in danger, he utilized all his spiritual energy in his meridians and formed a layer of Qi on his entire body. When the bomb exploded, the force from it hit so hard that he flew away and directly hit a tree. Thankfully, the layer of qi surrounding his body protected him from most of the injuries.

Although Tian escaped from the blast, he was still a bit injured and his spiritual energy also got depleted. He took out a spirit recovery potion and drank it.

When the Blood Refinement stage expert was about to wake up his unconscious subordinate, Tian instantly dashed towards him and kicked the Blood Refinement expert on his shoulders. His shoulder bone gave a cracking sound, as he fell on the ground, coughing up blood. He clutched onto his crushed shoulder and glared at Tian.

"Why were you three following me? You better tell me who sent you and what your motives are, else I'll make you beg for death!", Tian said fiercely. He nearly lost his life today, he wouldn't be satisfied until he gets some answers.

Before Tian could say or do anything, the Blood refinement expert bit onto something and blood started to flow from all his crevices, "cough cough....You wouldn't be able to find out anything from us. Cough cough...You will die sooner or later hahahaaa.....cough", he kept on coughing blood and died as he collapsed on to the ground with his eyes open.

Tian was aghast, he never imagined him to have poison capsules in his mouth. The Energy refinement experts suicide blasting and this Blood refinement experts poison suicide, these were completely out of his mind. Just how much will power is needed for someone to be willing to die instead of saying out the truth?

Tian looked at the unconscious expert, he quickly went to him and removed all the weapons from his body, and he also checked his mouth and found a poison capsule in between his teeth. He removed it and also tied him to a tree, so that he wouldn't be able to do any crazy stunts like the other two guys.

Tian woke him up, when the Blood refinement expert woke up he instantly realized that he was tied down. He tried to struggle free but was unable to, his cultivation was already wasted by Tian. He only has the strength of an average human now. He noticed Tian and immediately tried to bite onto the capsule, but to his shock it was not there.

"Now, Listen to me. You won't be able to leave from here, until you tell me who you are and why you are after me. The choice is in your hands", Tian said calmly, He has realized that these people were dare to die fighters, so its no use threatening to kill them.

"No matter what you do or how you torture me, I won't tell you a damn thing! Kill me if you want to!!", the expert was looking ferociously towards Tian, it was as if he wanted to strangle him to death.

Tian didn't knew what he can do with this guy. He was not really with torturing people or extracting information from them. He thought back of the six brothers, maybe they could get some info from this guy. Tian decided on it firmly, so he knocked the expert unconscious.

Before leaving, he took care of the bodies of both the experts and left for the Rising Chaos sect with the unconscious expert on his shoulders.

When Tian reached the sect, he was again surprised by the sheer amount of changes that has occurred to this place. He didn't have much time, so he quickly went into the main hall. The six brothers greeted him, they were a little surprised to find their young master carrying a person on his shoulders. They also noticed that TIan had bruises on many places and his clothes were torn.

"Young master, What happened to you!"