Red Storm!

Tian was standing on the balcony of the Sect Building's Eastern quarters. When he saw Little White and Number Six fighting and brawling in the dirt like kids, he immediately yelled to stop them.

Little White and Number Six stopped their fight, when they noticed it was Tian yelling at them, they immediately rushed towards him. Little White quickly climbed onto Tian's shoulder and Number Six grabbed hold of Tian's leg like he was holding onto a pole.

"Young Master, you must help me. This monkey has gobbled down all my precious herbs. He is simply a devil", Number Six went on ranting about Little white as he kept dragging on Tians leg. Little white was also screeching and pointing its fingers at Number six as it jumped on his shoulders.

The loud screeches made his ears ring and Number six was pulling onto his leg so hard, that his pants were coming loose. He took hold of his belt, so that it won't slip. But Number six was concentrating so much on Little white, that he didn't notice Tian's struggle to hold his pants. All this ruckus made Tian's head spin, he was feeling giddy.

"Shut the hell up!", Tian kicked Number six away and threw Little white onto the sofa beside him. Both of them understood that Tian was angry with them, so they obediently stayed quite. Number Six didn't understand why the little monkey was grasping onto his Young master.

Tian calmed down a little bit and stared at them, "This is Little White, he is my partner and lives with me. Also, Little white don't you just go around stealing whatever you see. If you want anything, you can ask me. Don't spoil the herb fields anymore"

Tian always provided many precious herbs to Little White every day, he thought Little White would be having more than enough food. What Tian didn't knew, was that Little white eats thrice the amount he provides every day. The source, of where those additional food comes from, was something only Little White knew.

Tian went inside without bothering them, he wanted to test out the things he made. After Tian left, Number six lifted up his fat body and walked towards Little white with a proud face. He bent down a little and met face to face with Little White.

"Hmph....Did you see that! Young master would punish you if you dare to look at my fields again. Hmph....puny little monkey….hahahaa", Number six smirked and laughed at Little white.

Little White was already irritated that he couldn't eat the delicious food that is in front of his eyes, Number Six's mocking made it even more irritated. It slapped Number Six's face with its little but strong hand. Number Six got angry and returned a slap on Little White's face. Little white didn't wait and returned another slap.

Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!.....Slap!....Slap!....Slap! Slap! Slap!…..

The brawl went on, sometimes slow and sometimes fast. It made Number Six's face round like a water melon, it matched perfectly with his round body. Little whites chins have swelled, it looked like he was having a walnut in his mouth.

Finally Number Six couldn't endure and accepted his defeat, Little white made him bow down to him. It was really a sight to see.

Tian was looking at the items in front of him. Tian made a total of three items. A spirit gun, a storage ring and a Defensive shield, which looked like a Rubik's cube.

At first, Tian thought of making a spirit sword. Spirit swords were the primary weapons, both in his previous world and in this world. But when he thought back to all the sword techniques he needs to learn, he just gave up. He was too lazy to practice and cultivate them.

He learnt about guns that were used in this world, before the cultivation era began, some were using them even now. Tian thought that this was the most perfect weapon suited for him. He used the Innate Lava stone to craft its body. He named the gun Red Storm.

It was hard for him to carry large amount of things. If Tian had the dagger, which he got from the assassin from training grounds, then he might not have suffered much with the 3 experts outside Huang city. Now he can carry an arsenal of weapons with him. He even added weight reduction inscription arrays on the ring. It was as light as a feather and has a storage area of 2 square meters.

Finally, the cube type defensive shield. When used, the cube will unlock and form a semi-transparent defensive shield around Tian. It can even with stand the power of a Primary Earth realm experts full powers. He called it Titan Shield.

Tian aimed at a large boulder at a 500 meter distance from the Rising Chaos sect. He used his spiritual energy to charge the Red storm and fired a shot.


The entire boulder was blasted away, what was left in its trace was only destruction. Even Tian was shocked with the amount of fire power in that shot. But Tian has already lost about 40% of his entire energy. Which means he could only shoot about two shots at a time.

He then placed a flower pot on the ground and activated the defensive shield. He retreated far away from there and shot another shot at the shield.


Dust flew everywhere and it was not clear for Tian, on what happened to the shield. He waited some time and the dust settled. There was a circular excavation on the ground, at the center of the land was perfectly normal. The flower pot didn't even flinch from its place, as the shield kept it safe.

Tian was satisfied with this. He took Red storm and Titan shield into his storage ring and moved inside the main hall. The guards and outer disciples who saw thing were completely dumbfounded. Never in their life did they imagine that such a powerful expert was inside the Sect. They now understood the true power of Rising Chaos sect. Everyone was gossiping and talking about the hidden expert.

When Tian reached the main hall, he called Number Five, who was a cultivation freak. He had already reached 3rd layer of blood refinement realm. Number Five was looking forward to whatever Tian wanted to say. He truly was a loyal fan of his young master.

While Tian was creating his own equipment, he remembered that he had a dagger which he got from the assassin at training grounds. He decided to inscribe some inscriptions to increase the daggers power and also coated it with yin wood. The powers were increased many fold and it was not a powerful and sharp weapon.

Tian was thinking who he should provide this dagger to, then he thought back to Number Five. When Tian gave the dagger to Number Five, he was moved. He clearly felt the power of the dagger, the moment it entered his hands. He swore in his heart that he would use this dagger to protect his Young master and slaughter all his enemies.

When Number Five retreated back beside the six brothers, Number Three instantly came to him and asked if he could borrow the dagger to study the inscriptions laid down on it by young master. Number Five was very reluctant, but finally agreed to lend it to Number Three temporarily.

Just when Tian was about to leave, Number One came forward and kneeled on one leg before Tian and cupped his fists

"Young Master, I need your help!"


Shortie 001 - Grandma & Little White:

Grandma & little Tian were living happily when Tian was out. There was once a time, a burglar came for robery in the middle of the night.

Little white who was sleeping soundly in grandma's embrace, noticed the sounds.

It stealthily came and wrapped its tail around his neck and kept punching his face black and blue. When he was escaping, it threw a kitchen knife at his butt.

Next day, Thief Lian was crying on bed, "My precious butts!!!"