Yearly Banquet

Henry put out the paper in his spatial ring,he took out a rectangular box made up of wood,This box which was in size of palm is none other than the sacred treasure of Pink Parlor Bandits.Henry thought of a way to escape from his current crisis of being accused as criminal well it was not totally wrong,he was criminal but not the criminal that the bandits assume,If the bandits knew that he was the one who stole their sacred treasure and gold they might never trust him again.First Henry wanted to know where he is currently.So he searched the surroundings, he knew that he was standing on Mount Putai but couldn't be able to find a way to go back to fatty's side.Henry began to wander here and there,

"Uncle,uncle you look like the uncle I saw in the poster"

Henry turned right to him and saw a A man who looked to be in his 50s....

"Fuck who the hell are you calling uncle?,I look like your son"

Henry roared as he couldn't tolerate that he,a 17 year kid not even an adult according to his old earth was being called as Uncle by a man who almost reached in his old age.

"Waaaaaaaaa waaaaaaa"

"Bad uncle waaaaa"

The old man began to cry like a 5 year old child.

"Stop,stop don't cry"

Henry said.


The old man cried out more louder than before

Henry touched his forehead with his hand which showed his helplessness

Henry thought for a while,

His wisdom kicked in

"Be a good boy and don't cry if you don't cry then I will treat you chicken"

Hearing it

"Really? "

The old man's eyes lit up and stopped crying


Henry nodded.

"Murray ,Uncle is not bad he is gonna treat me chicken"

The old man voice was old but his words are of a child.

Henry felt creepy for being called as uncle by an old man.

Henry walked and old man followed after walking for awhile Henry found a small hut made of dried up leaves in front of hut two tables were present,on one table two people sat while chatting the other table was empty.Henry reached the empty table and sat on the chair,opposite to Henry the old man sat

"What's your name?"

Henry asked.

"My name is Chotu'

Old man replied

" Chak Chak"

With the jingling of anklets a women who looked to be in her 30s and wore poor torn up clothes

Approached the table

"Customers,what do need?"

She asked in a polite tone

"Do you got chicken?"

Henry asked directly

Hearing the question the woman lost in some thoughts for some time and said

"Ofcourse we do "

"Then bring whatever chicken dish you got"

Henry ordered.

"The woman immediately went into hut and came back with black colored chicken pieces from one look Henry can say that it was burned not cooked,Henry was about to open his mouth to cancel the order

Chotu moved and grabbed the plate from her hands and sat on the table

" gulp,gulp...."

He ate the chicken like hungry beast.

"Uncle,uncle thank you,I haven't eaten for a month "

The old man spoke while tears dropped from his eyes and his face wore smile

"Don't mention it,By the way Chotu how old are you?"

Henry really felt weird when an old man completely behaving as a child,at first Henry thought that old man was acting with ill intention but as he travelled with the old man together Henry saw old man's behavior completely childish and did not contain even a single bit of maturity.So he doubted the age of old man who looked old physically but acted as child.Henry finally decided to question Chotu.

"I am 5 years old..."

Henry:-" "

A single answer from the old man popped up many questions in Henry's brain.

"Chotu,Can you tell me,How come you were alone ?

Henry further enquired

"I live in Slaved sword city,I came here along my parents to give a thing to young patriarch John but we were not only robbed by some bad uncles but also imprisoned then they took me away from father and mother and...."

Chotu's voice stopped while his eyes revealed fear

"It's OK,From now on you can follow me until you find your parents, and don't call me uncle just call me big brother"


Chotu's voice filled with happiness

Meanwhile several thoughts ran through Henry

"How come a child turned to old man?and the bad uncles he mentioned might have been bandits and that young patriarch John must have been John Rafi,Well whatever let's not worry about them for now"

After Chotu completed his meal Henry asked

"You said you saw my poster?where is it?"

Hearing this,The old man pointed towards a rock with forefinger and shouted

"Uncle there"

"Uncle? Did I hear wrong that old man called a brat uncle?"

The people who were eating in the nearby table chatted.

Henry was helpless and looked at Chotu

"Sorry...sorry..I forgot,I will call you big brother not uncle"



Am I dreaming ?

The nearby fellows laughed.

Henry somehow felt that he list face,Henry vision landed on the rock where a pink colored paper attached on which his face was drawn,below his pic there were words

" if you find this person,kidnap him and take him to Rulers Land,you will be awarded by Pink Parlor Bandits "

Henry walked off to the other table

"Seniors I would like to know where Rulers Land is situated?"

Hearing the question


The man who is drinking some juice split it out,

"Kid,are you joking?,You should not ask about it"

Other man said


Henry put a question marked face

"Because it is not the place for Commoners rather bandits,The rulers land is a part of Bloody Hell desert where several bandits group lies besides top bandits there were also territories of small-scale bandits"

The man replied

"Oh I see,then can you tell how to reach the rulers land?"

Henry directly asked


The man put up an expression of confusion

Henry walked towards a rock and grabbed the poster and came back to the table and threw it in the man's hand

"You can take the rewards"

Henry said.

"Kid,what type arts of rewards?this paper?"

The man stood up with expression of anger and while he faced Henry he held the paper up with his hand straight to the sight of Henry


But when the man saw Henry's picture on the poster his words dropped

There was calmness remained for a while

"Kid,Why do you want to go there?even after knowing that they clearly hunting you?"

The man asked

"It's none of your business, just tell me you want the rewards or not ?if you don't then I will seek others"

Henry's voice was rash

"I want "

The man nodded then he moved towards the other man and whispered in his ear then both stood up

The man who spoken to Henry before approached Henry

"We will accept your proposal,follow us we will take you to Rulers Land",one of the men moved and brought two horses,In one horse Henry and Chotu sat while on the other one two of them sat,These horses were normal horses.They began their journey towards Rulers Land.

In the Bloody Hell Desert,In a place where the temperature was not high and surroundings were closed with muddy ground and hardly anything can be seen.

There was a big palace which lit up with lights,The palace was too big,it has several inner homes,prisons and a hall attached to an arena.

In the arena there were many people gathered today,There were about 4 to 5 groups and each group wore same dress clearly depicting their identity,They are none other than Snake Shine Bandits,Snow Silk Bandits, Dark Moon Bandits ,Pink Parlor Bandits and some insignificant figures.

They had all gathered here in Dark Moon bandit's underground territory to celebrate banquet.

" That damn imposter did not come here till now"

A man who stood in front if a group of people who wore black shirts and pants and silver cape.

Uttered the words.

"Mr.Crooked Nut mind your language you are the one took initiative to kill him before confirming his crime"

Sweet sound of female was heard.

"Miss Charline, I couldn't control myself as I saw you lying dress less in his arms,

"Well,it was all done by that thief ZEE,I will cut him into pieces "

Crooked Nut spoke while his eyes showed a sense of fear.

Henry who followed the two men concentrated on the path and was trying to remember each and every direction they turned,The horses stopped.

"We have arrived"

Henry looked around and saw that this land scape was no different than the rest of landscape of deserts except he can sense that the QI here is little denser and the rest atmosphere was hot and sand was present as usual

"So this is Rulers Land and

Where is pink parlor's territory ?"

Henry questioned.

"About it we don't know either"

The horses moved slowly,After some time Henry saw a group of people who were riding horses and headed towards them,From his experience Henry knew that they were bandits.

"Be prepared Bandits are coming"

Henry warned.


The two men panicked.

"Neigh "


The bandits approached but they didn't stop instead bypassed them

Henry shocked for a moment then he immediately grabbed a bandit from one of horse

"Tell me where are you going?"

Henry asked.

"Brat, how dare of you?"

The bandit tried to struggle but he couldn't as Henry's grip overpowered him, he realized that the kid who grabbed him is a martial artist while he was just mortal.

"I will tell you...release me"

Henry released the neck of Bandit

"We are going to watch the yearly banquet"

The bandit replied.

"Yearly Banquet?"

Henry's thoughts ran then he immediately said lead us there


The bandit sat on the horse of Henry,the horse now carried 3 people Chotu,The bandit and Henry,The bandit showed the way and the two men followed

The group stopped after reached a sand where the land seemed to be little shallow.

A group if bandits and few other people from other organization gathered here.

"The Dark Moon's territory is present in the underground here "

The bandit said.

"Then how can we enter it?"

Henry asked.

"There is only one way,that's to wait until the gate-keeper from the underground opens passage to spectator's seating and all bandits can't enter it either only the invited one"

The bandit said.

" looks like you came here with invitation,don't you?"

Henry looked at bandit

The bandit gritted his teeth before taking out two invitation cards.

Henry took both of them and turned towards the men duo who came along with him and said

"If possible I would bring you inside but there were only two cards and I don't to cause ruckus here,so you wait outside,I will get you your rewards"

Henry said as he was the person who always repays his debt no matter what he does not like to take favor from others if he took then he will repay it,The men helped him little so it is his duty to repay them"


With the sound the land below began to shake Henry moved out from the shaking position and landed near then he saw a man who wore the uniform of Dark moon bandits appear from the hole created along the sound.

"All of you have gathered here to witness the yearly banquet those with invitations may proceed and those who don't,stay here or leave"

The Dark moon bandit's voice was loud

The bandits who were nearer showed their cards and entered into the hole in the ground.

Henry and Chotu moved forward

"Brats,show me your cards"

The Dark moon bandit said.

Henry took out two cards and waved it

"You may proceed"

The bandit said

"Boss,boss this is bad"

With the voice another dark moon bandit rushed at the gate-keeper

"What happened?"

The gate-keeper questioned

"The seating area was half destroyed"

The bandit spoke while breathing heavily


Gate-keeper expression turned bad as the seating area was personally managed by him,it took 2 years to build it.

"It was pink parlor bandit's queen and snake shine bandit's leader,both fought"

Hearing it gate-keeper

"F**k them"

"Tell me how many seats are available ?".

The bandit replied "Two".

The people who were eagerly waiting for their turn naturally heard all of it and their eyes landed on Henry and Chotu

" Big brother...I am afraid "

Chotu said while he found himself being stared by countless eyes

"Don't worry"

Henry's wisdom kicked in

Henry took out a sword.

Seeing the sword,

"Brat,do you plan on killing us?"

They roared

"No,I am not but I don't need this sword,You can naturally see this sword is not like the garbage swords you use don't you ?"

Henry shouted.

"So what of it?"

The bandits said while their eyes focused on the sword

"I will throw this sword whoever catches it,The sword will be theirs"

Henry threw the sword unto slim looking guy,

"The sword...the sword mine"

The thin looking bandit was feeling happiness but it was short-lived

"Hand over it to me tummy "

Another bandit pulled the sword from his hand.

"The sword will be mine"


"You are not qualified"

The crowd began to fight.

Meanwhile Henry and Chotu entered the hole

"The sword looked alike familiar"

The gate-keeper thought but he couldn't recall it.

Henry and Chotu after passing through the hole landed in a room made of ground mud and there were two seats made up of mud were empty and some seats were broken into pieces

Henry and Chotu sat on these seats when they looked downwards they saw a big arena in which all great bandits gathered

Henry looked around and saw a fat silhouette wore pink dress but her face was beautiful,she had long hairs and had pink lipstick

Henry couldn't believe that this female looking fat beauty is none other than Fatty and his vision moved then it stopped again when it landed on Crooked Nut and Charline for while then it moved again and stopped on a person whose muscles can be seen even though he wore dress,Henry's eyes turned red when he saw this guy,he is none other than Khilja.Henry took back his vision and turned around and saw Chotu trembling beside him in fear

"Chotu,chotu what happened?"

Henry asked

"Bad uncle,bad uncle..."

"Where is bad uncle?"

Henry asked.

But Chotu continued to say "Bad uncle,Bad uncle...."

Henry understood Chotu was in trauma

So he did not continue to ask and looked at arena

Tak * Tak * Tak

Long poles descended from the above ground

By using the poles Dark moon bandits made their entrance

In the crowd of Dark moon bandits

"Ladies and Gentle man today you all here gathered to celebrate yearly banquet with us"

A man stood while his one leg placed on the solder of one bandit while the other on another bandit

"Bloody Moon"

"Bloody Moon"

His appearance stirred the crowd

"Cut the crap and begin the banquet"

Crooked nut was loud

"I see,some of you can't wait to begin the banquet.Assuming everyone has arrived I will declare the yearly banquet to begin"

Bloody Moon said while looking at Crooked Nut

"Wait "

With the sound a man descended to arena from spectating seats

"Who are you?"

Bloody moon roared as he did not expect someone to stop him

Henry who saw all of this also left in awe

"I never thought that there would be someone who dares to ask Bloody Moon to wait in this desert "

Henry spoke to himself as Bloody Moon was the recognized number one strong person in the desert

The man wore light brown colored coat and his face was half visible since he wore monkey cap,To the question of Bloody Moon the man smiled and said

"You are wrong everyone has not arrived".

" who are you talking about?"

The voice of Bloody moon was loud

The man just smiled then




The crowd looks up

Cats fell from upside like rain,All of then had brown colored paint on their tails except a cat which has brown colored ears

After landing the cats made way for brown eared car like soldiers making path for commander

The brown colored cat walked from the patch and stood beside fatty along the leaders of other bandits


Henry's mouth was wide open when he saw this scene

"Mr.Bloody Moon my intention was not to disrespect you but now you can can begin the banquet"

The man said while he moved towards brown colored ear cat

Bloody moon was in rage but he could not further delay and announced

"The yearly banquet begins"