6 years later

6 years later, a handsome blonde young boy sitting in room cross-legged. An aura of strength and vitality is around him.

"Ha finally I can start my cultivation journey, I am finally getting out of this mansion today!"

After being reborn Alex noticed that the world he knew had no longer existed. He got to know that since his death 10000 years had passed, and the world had changed a lot.

Technology had made get progress, humans no longer used candles in the darkness but used new things called lightbulbs. Transportation was also improved a lot for the mortals instead of horse carts, they now use cars, but the most shocking thing for him was the mobile phone, it could connect anywhere in the universe as long as one had their number and they were insufficient range from the signal tower. It was astonishing. The other thing was the TV, cameras and the most important of all of them which made them all possible was the computer. The fuel for the devices was spiritual energy. The federation generates usable spiritual energy from natural spiritual energy in the air and transports it through veins like structures called cables, it was astonishing. He was so excited today because since his birth Alex had never really gotten out of his home because during this 6 years he had to go through etiquette training and also learn the new language of the universe. Approximately 6000 years ago it was approved that the whole universe must have a unified language so as to avoid miscommunication, the new language was developed by the computers and was universally spread. The transmission crystals for the common people had been provided by the federations of each galaxy. Thus a universe using a common language was developed, commerce and intergalactic relationships flourished till the current prosperity. He had gone out occasionally with his mother and father but it was always to other noble's homes or other cultivator homes.

He could not start body refinement as it will raise suspicions, so until he starts going to cultivation school he will not completely start his body refining. But in these 6 years he had slowly made a little progress in body refinement but it was only 3% of the required amount to be a body refinement cultivator.

Today was finally the day he goes to gold mouse galaxy's federation's top school for cultivators.

"Honey take care of yourself, don't forget to eat properly, did they pack all your clothes well?" asked his mom.

"Mom, It's alright you know about how much I care about my body, and about food you should remember when I ate the whole turkey during the last festival I think I will eat as much as that every day, and what about clothes if there aren't any I can always buy them", said Alex

"yes, you know our son is intelligent, you don't need to worry about, When he was born your wish was for to become a great man and surpass us, well this is his chance, let him go otherwise he will worry about you "encouraged and consoled his father.

"Bye mom and dad, I will come to visit you regularly," said Alex and while boarding the plane he turned and said

"Mom and Dad I think you have not noticed but I think you both have broken through the spirit formation realm in your soul, you should try to make a breakthrough into spirit formation realm as soon as possible" and ran into the plane.

Both mother and father are standing there dumbfounded and quickly checks themselves and notices it is true.

"This rascal how can he see soul realms? "Asked Trenton

"Seems like our son already has secrets, "Emilia says smilingly and they both burst out laughing.

On the plane," ah finally I can start body refinement 6 years without any progress, sure makes one itching for cultivation" says Alex while looking through the window and seeing his parents departing.

He sits cross-legged and starts practicing his body refinement technique. When an old man with a beard comes over.

Alex notices the old man and opens his eyes and asks "can I help you, mister?"

The old man smiles and says "young man you are sitting in my seat"

Alex hears this suddenly checks his ticket, and passenger seat he notices his actually not the window seat but the side seat, he stands up bows to old man to apologize "sorry mister mine is this beside seat, But this is my first time flying can I exchange seats with you so I can see the outside"

The old man sees this young man apologizing for smiles and nods and sits in Alex seat.

Alex also sees this and the plane starts to take off.

After taking off a few minutes later while in the air the old man asks "young man where are you going?"

Alex hears the question and turns toward the old man smiles and says, "Wherever this plane is going"

The old man is shocked by the young man's reply and bursts out laughing. He says "young man no need to be vigilant about me, I am going to the capital planet, and I live there, I came here actually to meet friend about something, he entrusted me with"

Alex turns and says with a smile "it is better to be safe than sorry until I meet someone trustworthy I cannot be safe around anyone as my personal strength is not enough to protect myself".

The old man is astonished by these words and asks "Young man, how much is your age?"

Alex replies casually"6 years"

The old man is amused and says "For a child of 6 years you certainly have great wisdom, you must be going to cultivator school then?"

Alex smiles and does not reply, turns head away and watches the sky

The old man smiles and says "My name is Harry Wilson and I am the principal of the school you are going to and the friend I met was actually your dad Trenton"

Alex hears this is somewhat astonished but still says" what if some people, want to kidnap me, thus uses the identity of Harry Wilson? I will only believe anything after I am on the grounds of the school"

The old man bursts out laughing and the rest of the journey Alex cultivates and the old man sits in silence.