Young Xuanyuan Wentian

In the morning.

Just as the sky lit up, while the whole of Sky Cloud City was still hidden in the darkness before dawn...

Sky Cloud City, Sky Cloud Sect


A young man opened his eyes slowly, his instinct takes over to stretch out his body. He lifted himself up on the bed, yawning with wide open mouth closed by his hand. Throwing off his warm and comfortable covers, jumping up from his bed and put his clothes on. He was done it in less than one breath. All this is a routine thing he does every day while peoples out there are still asleep.

The young man was between thirteen and fourteen years old, with a slim body and a childish face. He has a good-looking face. His special blue eyes are like water on the bottom of the ocean. The color of his eyes is a derived gene from his father who has the same eye color that is clear blue.

"Just a little longer and I will not have to worry anymore about those Core Disciples then, my life can be secure in the sect."

This young man named Xuanyuan Wentian. He came from a small family which only consists of three people - his father, his mother and himself as an only child.

A year ago, his parents registered his son, Xuanyuan Wentian at the Sky Cloud Sect disciples recruitment which was held in the center of Sky Cloud City.

In their little family, small Xuanyuan Wentian showed remarkable talents in the presence of his parents.

The children are allowed to start cultivation at the age of six years. Likewise, Xuanyuan Wentian, he started cultivating at that age. He showed his shocking talent in cultivating when he had just started cultivating.

Unlike other children, Xuanyuan Wentian only needed an instant after starting cultivating to reach the First Stage of Qi Condensation which made his parents shocked and astonished.

As far as people know when the children begin to start cultivation to reach the First Stage of Qi Condensation, usually takes at least one week before cultivators can successfully condense the Qi in nature into core sea after starting to cultivation. Yet, Xuanyuan Wentian requires only one breath to reach the First Stage of Qi Condensation shortly after he has just started stepped into the gateway of cultivation.

Not only that, his cultivation increased rapidly within a week after he reached the First Stage of Qi Condensation, he reached the Second Stage of Qi Condensation from the First Stage of Qi Condensation which making their parents open their mouths and eyes wide. They are shocked by their son's extraordinary talent.

The Xuanyuan Wentian's cultivation speed was so incredible that beyond the normal child's cultivation speed.

At the age of ten, he made it to Peak Ninth Stage of Qi Condensation. At that age as well, Xuanyuan Wentian successfully broke through the First Stage of Foundation Establishment. While his parents are not surprised anymore as if they feel reasonable about their son's extraordinary talent in the cultivation.

Two years later after Xuanyuan Wentian broke through the First Stage of Foundation Establishment, the biggest and most famous Sect on Sky Cloud Territory held regular disciple recruitment once in a year in the central city.

Sky Cloud Sect only recruits the children between twelve and fifteen years old, while the level of cultivation at least Third Stage of Qi Condensation or above.

After his parents registered his son, Xuanyuan Wentian was selected as disciples of Sky Cloud Sect with easily and smoothly without the slightest obstacles. Because during the inspection process of Xuanyuan Wentian, not only did he hide his level of cultivation, but he also conceals his whole level of cultivation into the Fourth Stage of Qi Condensation where the highest level of cultivation level of others candidates children was at the Sixth Stage of Qi Condensation.

Meanwhile, the children who showed the highest level of the Qi Condensation stage put on a prideful look on their face as if they were the most genius among the candidates who were elected as disciples of Sky Cloud Sect. Whereas, Xuanyuan Wentian who hid his cultivation level only shook his head to give a sigh. How childish!

Xuanyuan Wentian was not born from a big and rich family, in fact, he was just a mere child growing up in a small family. Those who show proudly the sixth stage of Qi Condensation are the children who come from big and rich families in Sky Cloud City.

Actually, Xuanyuan Wentian may show his true talent in front of inspectors, but that is not a good idea, it is likely inviting the trouble to his family's doorstep due to the jealousy of the big families in the city towards his poor family. How could a mere small family raise the monstrous talent like him?

It's good if peoples who witnessed it can still think positively. What if they think that his family has a rare treasure in order to raise their son into a monstrous talent? It was not fortune, but a calamity for him and both of his parents.

In this world, the strong eat the weak. Only the strong can conquer the weak, while the weak can only crawl under the strong's legs.

Human is a greedy creature. From ancient times until now, most people only value gold than life. They will use any means to be able to get honey in the honeycomb.

Therefore, in order to maintain the peace of his family's life, both of his parents asked Xuanyuan Wentian to keep the low profile. More importantly, Xuanyuan Wentian doesn't really like to be the center of many people's attention, so it is truly troublesome for him if there is many problems come to him due to his extraordinary talent.


After leaving his family, Xuanyuan Wentian did not show much enthusiasm on his face like other children, he was willing to go to Sky Cloud Sect because of the wishes of his parents, he did not want to become an unfilial child for his parents.

He knows his parents are doing this all for himself to gain experience in order not to be a frog at the bottom of a well...

In the world of cultivation, experts are innumerable like a cloud. He understands some things from his parents that the Foundation Establishment is not the peak of the cultivation level. Above Foundation Establishment is Core formation and above it again is Nascent Soul which according to information that he knows the Sovereign of Sky Cloud Sect itself has reached the stage of Nascent Soul.

Nascent Soul is the highest cultivation stage in entire of Sky Cloud City. The person who made it to the stage of Nascent Soul in this Sky Cloud City can only be counted in one hand, one of which is Sovereign of Sky Cloud Sect...

After entering Sky Cloud Sect, as Xuanyuan Wentian become Outer Disciples. He realized that the highest cultivation among the Outer Disciples was the Ninth Stage of Qi Condensation. It can be said, If the disciples successfully broke through into the Foundation Establishment from Qi Condensation then it can become Inner Disciples of Sky Cloud Sect.

However, Xuanyuan Wentian who has managed to break through the Foundation Establishment stage even before he gets into Sky Cloud Sect does not directly enter into Inner Sect.

As if he remained a low profile, he did not want peoples to notice him as an Inner Disciple shortly after he entered the Outer Sect. It will draw a lot of attention to others disciples who have been long stuck in the Outer Sect. He neither want to offend his senior nor accept the challenge of his senior because it will be really inconvenient for him living in this Sect with grudge everywhere.

Xuanyuan Wentian only wants to practice safely and peacefully in this sect without having many enemies because of his rashness.

A year later, Xuanyuan Wentian succeeded in becoming an Inner Disciple along with disciples who had stuck a long time in an Outer Sect a year ago. Not many succeeded in breaking through the Foundation Establishment stage among their seniors in Outer Disciples, only ten peoples managed to break through and become an Inner Disciple of which a third of them are Zhao Feng, Ying Yue, and Xuanyuan Wentian as new disciples who entered a year ago.

Zhao Feng and Ying Yue were two black horses that advanced to the Inner Sect. They were the new geniuses who joined the Outer Sect, after a year they were finally able to break through the First Stage of the Establishment Foundation and advance into the Inner Disciple.

Likewise, Xuanyuan Wentian did not stay too long to be an Outer Disciple because the resources he received on the Outer Sect were so limited and unsatisfactory. So, two months after Zhao Feng and Ying Yue ascend to Inner Sect, he decided to register as an Inner Disciple.

His cultivation has also skyrocketed since entering Sky Cloud Sect. A year ago when Xuanyuan Wentian participated in the disciple's recruitment of Sky Cloud Sect he was in the Third Stage of the Foundation Establishment, yet now he is stepping into the Seventh Stage of the Foundation Establishment, thanks to the resources that sect provides.

However, his success in being an Inner Student did not bring too much attention as he remained a low profile among the Outer Disciples, many people in the sect do not really know him.

As he was trying his best to keep a low profile, he suppressed his cultivation during an Inner Disciple inspection that originally he was in the Seventh Stage Foundation of the Establishment into the First Stage of the Foundation Establishment.