Following Bandits to Their Homes

As the distance between Xuanyuan Wentian and the five bandits was not too far apart, of course, he heard clearly about their entire conversation during all the way to their base

"What a lovely brotherhood!" Xuanyuan Wentian showed a paint of disdain toward the five brothers.

Apparently, even vicious bandits like them have a brotherhood system. Even so, their brotherhood seems to be not going well due to the interesting relationship between the oldest and youngest.

So be it, at least he already got the thought of a plan to save the woman.

Although Xuanyuan Wentian did not know the woman, he felt indebted to the woman and the man who had died because they had unintentionally shown the way to the Purple Order Grass to him. Xuanyuan Wentian did not have time to save the man, at least he had the opportunity to save the woman.

Moreover, the Crimson Bandit was also one of the goals he came to Mount Purple Swan.

Xuanyuan Wentian doing this kind of action isn't because he wanted to show the acts of heroism and justice before the world.

He was not the Son of Saint. Therefore, he only did this for his own benefit.

The Crimson Bandit is a well-known bandit in the Sky Cloud Territory.

Along with their fame recently rising dramatically, it can be assumed that the victims they have consumed recently have been quite a lot, not only that, among their victims are from large factions.

Broadly speaking, they sure have an abundance of wealth at the current time. So, Xuanyuan Wentian thought it was really pitiable if they spent that amount of wealth all alone.

Moreover, it was not too good if the Crimson Bandit could roam freely too long. They will only become tumors of chaos in the Sky Clouds Territory.

As their appearance has created a sense of restlessness among the Sky Cloud Territory community.

Originally, Xuanyuan Wentian was able to guess that the establishment of Crimson Bandit had not been too long since they were built. As they doing that kind of cruel things and deliberately use the victims' head as a sign of their actions to increase their popularity in the Sky Cloud Territory.

Later on, with all the rising of fame, abundant wealth and a growing number of members, they are finally ready to coordinate their members to make their Crimson Bandit have a steady and solid position in the Sky Cloud Territory.

Summing up about their way of thinking, Xuanyuan Wentian only gave a ridicule grin. A position built by hatred, misery, and despair will never last long.


In unknown times passed...

After all the time Xuanyuan Wentian followed them in secret without being discovered.

Xuanyuan Wentian furrowed his brows at the Five Brothers who stopped suddenly amid their journey.

They stopped and stood in front of thick bushes, tall trees rooted firmly between the ground overgrown with bushes. The empty plain area behind the trees was only filled with a few other small trees, the soil overgrown with dry grass, small twigs and wilting leaves scattered on the ground.

This site does not describe any idiosyncrasy at all. Xuanyuan Wentian did not even feel the peculiarity of the scene.

So why did they stop?

Xuanyuan Wentian frowned as he watching intensely what they would do next.

Meanwhile, The five brothers turning their heads side to side to make sure that no one sees them.

After they were really sure no one was watching them. They looked at each other and nodded their heads as the Oldest one pulled out a token from his pocket space and then showed it to the air.

After displaying the token up in the air, suddenly there was like an invisible wall glittering in a flash and the glitter disappeared again in the blink of an eye.

Afterward, the oldest one took back the token, then the five brothers stepped into the bushes in front of them as they were walking forward, and gradually their bodies disappeared completely from their original spot including the unconscious woman they were holding.

Whereas, Xuanyuan Wentian who was watching their every move until they finally disappeared couldn't help lift up his both clear blue eyes as his mind he realized something urgently.

"Not good! This is Concealment Array!" Xuanyuan Wentian's realization was almost late.

He hurriedly followed every step of the five brothers in the bush where they set foot and walked forward. And then Xuanyuan Wentian also disappeared like the five brothers only leaving the "X" sign on the ground where he disappeared.


At somewhere place...

A dignified middle-aged man and two an awe-inspiring old man standing behind him.

The two old man feeling heavy pressure like being pressed by a huge mountain. They lowered their heads, not daring to see what was in front of them.

As their Patriarch's aura increased and sharpened, they knew this time their Patriarch was really furious after seeing the scene in front of him.

Thining about the scene in front of them, their face and back couldn't help break out in a cold sweat.

Meanwhile, the dignified middle-aged man who stood before them looked up his head with a tremendous killing intent across in both of his eyes.

The two old man behind him shuddered involuntarily as their Patriarch exuding very heavy killing intent from his body.

Suddenly a tight and heavy atmosphere broke out as their Patriarch opened his mouth,

"The Crimson Bandit!" A dignified middle-aged man gritted his teeth as his heart overflowed with an immense anger.

"Why did Dao'er appear in the Purple Swan Mountain?" he turned his head and asked intensely toward the two trembling old man behind him.

"Patriarch, according to the information we get that the Young Master came to Purple Mountain to help find Spiritual Medicine for Young Master's woman".