Fight Him Again

" again," I said after recognize who seize my bouquet. He turn his head to me. His brow furrowed.

"Who are you?" He asked me. I look at his face. His face seem annoyed.

"We had a fight at the inn," I said. But, he doesn't care my words. He walked over Xiaoying. Pulled her hand.

"Release my hand, please!" Xiaoying said and pulled her hand back. That man seem annoyed.

"You know who I am, but still refuse my order? I know if you do performing dance deliberately. Just to avoid my order to accompany me. Xiaoying are you crazy?" He asked to Xiaoying. But, Xiaoying looks calm. There was no fear in her face.

"I don't know who you are. For me, you just Home Springs visitor. Just like other people in here. Release my hand!" Xiaoying said with a bulging glance.

"No! You must stay with me. Do not you remember that I am your," The man spoke but his words were cut off by Xiaoying.

"Young master, please follow me!" Xiaoying pulled my hand. She ignored that arrogant man. My body shiver because afraid that Xiaoying still forced to accompany me. Since that arrogant man come, I hope Xiaoying will leave me and obey him. But, Xiaoying still refuse him.

"No. Xiaoying you must accompany me," that arrogant man asked her. He pulled Xiaoying hand again. I look at Xiaoying. She seems to want to cry. Her eyes looks red. Make me feel pitty to her.

"Sir, she doesn't want to follow you. Leave her, please!" I said. My hand release Xiaoying hand from him. Actually I want to avoid Xiaoling and convince her to follow him. But seeing her sad makes me unbearable. I am a woman like her. Don't like being forced.

"Don't interfere me! You don't know who I am," that arrogant man said with a loud voice. Threatening me. I feel annoyed because of his attitude. I can't control myself anymore. See him with a bulging eye.

"I know who are you. You are the one who has been defeated by me," I said with calm voice to talk to him.

He looked suprise to hear my words. His face turn red. He try to hit me. But, I can avoid his blow. He paused for an moment then continued trying to hit me. I kept dodging his punches. No one seemed to want to stop the fight. Zhang Shuyi and Ma Hongqi just watching.

I know that I can not make a fuss. Fights will make me get punishment from the selection officer. But I have no other choice. He kept attacking me. After thinking a while, I decided to turn the defences into an attack. I againts him.

He tried to kick my face. I avoid his kick with my hand. I know that his martial arts is great. I can't be reckless against him. I am waiting for him to be careless. And same like before, after I get a chance, I kick his legs. Make him fell to the floor.

"Master," a man came close to help him. He seems to be his guardian.

"I beat you again, Sir. So please leave her alone," I said to that arrogant man. The man stood up and looked at me with a sharp look.

"Master, we must leave him. If anyone knows that you are fighting to win a prostitute, you will get into trouble," said his attendant. That arrogant man nodded. He looked at me and Xiaoying.

"I will never give up to take you, Xiaoying!" he said to woman who give me flower bouquet.

"This is not the end. I will take revenge!" He said to me and looked at me with a threatening gaze. Look at his face make me feel the danger will come. I don't know why I feel like that. I wish if we did not meet again.

That arrogant man leave Home Springs Brothel with his attendant. Xiaoying sighed with relief. She look at me with a smile. Pick up the flower bouquet from the floor. She walked up to me and give me that bouquet.

"Young Mister, I will accompany you tonight. Please follow me!" Xiaoying said to me. I had to follow her. She brought me to a room in brothel.

"Xiaoying, I am sorry. I can not stay with you tonight. I must leave," I said carefully in room. I refused to sat on chair.

"Do not you like me? Do you hate me because that man?" she asked me. I shook my head.

"I don't hate you. But, I can not accompany you. I had a reason to that. Actually, I came to here because I forced by my friends," I answer her slowly. She smiled.

"I will make you feel comfrotable," She said and walked over to me.

"Sorry. Actually, I am a woman," I talked accidently. She laughed.

"Why?" I asked. I am surprised to see him laugh.

"I know you are a woman. With your face and voice, I can recognized it. Sometime I disguise myself as man. When you had a fight with that arrogant man, I know that fact," She said calmly.

"I hope you will keep this secret. I am following selection of Royal Militer Academy. If they know that I am woman, they will eliminate me," I begged to her. Xiaoying nodded.

"I will keep this secret. You have helped me. So I will help you too," She said. I feel relief.

"Xiaoying, do you know the real identity of that man? He said that you know who he is," I asked her. She smilled. Her face looked sad again.

"I am sorry. I don't want to make you sad. If you want to keep that for yourself. I understand," I said but in my hearth, I feel curious.

"Actually we are childhood sweetheart. But, something happened to my family. Got me here. After several years, he came to take me away from here," she said and make me feel suprise.

"So he want to take you away from this brothel?" I asked her with curious. She nodded.

"Why are you refused him? He love you. If I know that, I wouldn't against him," I said with regret.

"If I follow him, his reputation will broken. I don't want that happen to him. Because I love him," she said. She shed tears. I feel sorry for them.