Song of War

The battle of the Rovahn walls continues to rage on with the sound of canon fire, swords and screams roaring from every direction. Whilst the civilians hide in complete terror hearing nothing but the ever escalating chaos, the legion warriors have stood their ground and faced the immortal forces head on. To the legions amazement, the southern legion forces had successfully defended the southern lands.

Thanks to the aid of Drago and his army, the vampires had been overwhelmed by the power of Dante's and Madmar's power and with the aid of Drago, Ashling had been forced to retreat as the lone survivor of the vampire fleet that attacked the southern wall. Ashling didn't have any spectacular powers nor could she transform or summon monsters and she wasn't that great of a warrior but her speed was something that few beings on earth could match. The large magi force from Dante proved to have been of great help with dealing with Ashling's speed but the legions victory to the south was not easily gained, the southern wall was completely destroyed and over 70% of the southern army was killed.

The same had happened to the east where Acheron had been spotted, the report still remains unclear but from what was gathered it appeared as though Orfeo had been killed by Kill-shot but the brave captain had been defeated and taken by Acheron, no one knows where. Despite Kill-shots disappearance the fact that the captain managed to kill the leader of the vampire army attacking the east shocked the vampires, the immortals where left without leadership and where soon forced to retreat. The east had triumphed and from what was reported, it seems that the dragon creed has killed the third and final shogun breeder but like the south, the eastern wall was destroyed and over 84% of the eastern forces had been lost as well as 60% of the aquatic forces met the same fate. The dragon creed however only suffered a loss of 30%, the eastern forces had also triumphed but the western and northern battles continued and it wouldn't be possible for the east and south to aid them, there only hope would be the royal fleet that Ragna was leading.

The battle at the royal capital, to the vampire's surprise, had proven to be a fierce one. King Titus wasn't a warrior who possessed great speed, in fact he was quite grounded but the strength of his attacks as well as his resilience to pain were beyond human. Threant's physical strength over the years had greatly diminished but his skills with magic were greater than any magi alive, only Dante could match it. Using his own special ability, the divine white flames, he held off the entire vampire army being led by Kali but the battle to the north was an entirely different story.

Thomas had used every bit of power that the super armour could unleash, with each attack the armour continued to change form almost as if it was being moulded by the battlefield. Thomas Noble managed to defeat two of the three giant beast that Emrick summoned but it took a great toll on Thomas's body, the armour was truly powerful but Thomas was still just a man in a god like armour. Amelia and Vanessa's valiant charge did force the vampire army to the northern walls but the casualties suffered were morale breaking. Vanessa's humanoid version of the road demon was a great success in battle but its power did have a limit and when Vanessa was forced to leave the road demon because of those limits it ultimately left her brutally beaten. Vanessa, on the floor wounded and armed with a shotgun looked in despair, Hunter was still able to carry on the battle with Emrick because of the aid of his sister Amelia but Emrick was to powerful and stubborn to allow two humans to defeat him. The two commanders were occupied and Thomas could no longer carry on with the northern battle, no one could aid Vanessa and considering that the third summoned beast was approaching her, she desperately needed it. She figured that this was the end of her fight against the immortal army so she used whatever strength she had left to get on her feet and face the beast as a true soldier would.

The beast charged at a wounded Vanessa with killer intent, Vanessa without fear stood proud as her death charged towards her. From out of nowhere a vicious roar that unleashed what appeared to be a typhoon blew the giant beast away and actually fractured some of its bones, it could no longer stand. When Vanessa looked back she saw a face that she had not seen for two years, it was Ragna who appeared to be surrounded by a golden mist that kept trying to take the form of some kind of four legged beast. Ragna looked completely different, his hair was short and had actually grown a bit of facial hair but his greatest transformation was his eyes, they were golden and piercing like that of a beast. When the giant beast attempted to stand Ragna pointed at the giant beast and the golden mist surrounding him released another roar which tore the giant beast to pieces, Vanessa was speechless.

Ragna: "we really need to improve on our reunions, I mean did we really need a war to bring us back together."

Vanessa: "what the hell is that mist?"

Ragna: "am not sure but that technique I just used on the other hand is a little something I call the song of war."

Vanessa: "song of war? You expect me to believe a farm boy like you came up with that?"

Ragna: "fine! I may have had some help with the name from Drago."

Vanessa: "it's good to see you again Ragna, Drago actually turned you into a man and with that golden mist you don't need to rely on your weird sword plus you finally have a long ranged weapon that doesn't require the use of a weapon. Now why don't you start making yourself useful and help Hunter and Amelia kill that annoying vampire."

Mysterious voice: "oh I don't think he'll have the time to do such a thing."

One would think that with Ragna arriving with a royal army at his back and the aquatic fleet from the east arriving that the north was finally going to see the northern battle end but instead what arrived was more battle. The aquatic fleet was taken over by vampires and the human soldiers were wiped out. From the sky a calm Acheron with a wounded and unconscious Kill-shot in his grasp descended to face Ragna, reinforcements had arrived for both the legion and vampire army.

Ragna: "I will only say this once, put Kill-shot down and run away with your monsters while you still can."

Acheron: "put him down? This mortal was more grief then I expected, would you believe me if I told that he actually managed to kill Orfeo. The bold fucker actually managed to take Orfeo's ring and use it against him, he almost killed me with it, I was so impressed that I figured he deserved the ring more than Orfeo, honestly boy I have grown a bit of an attachment to him. Honestly I don't think the legion deserves such a valiant soldier, so I figured I would just take him with me back home and have him turned, right after am done dealing with you."

Ragna: "over my dead body!!!"

Acheron: "that little beast can be well arranged!!!"

The rematch between Ragna and Acheron had finally begun, all the rage and shame within Acheron's soul was going to be unleashed. In his time of captivity, when Threant had ended his experiments and Acheron was left alone with his thoughts he would constantly re-play the fight with Ragna over and over again, it had become an obsession of his. A piece of Acheron simply wouldn't move forward until he killed Ragna and it only worsened when he saw the calm and confident smile on Ragna's face. He summoned the ascending rain and charged after Ragna, the green spikes from Acheron's ascending rain launched at Ragna but the golden mist around Ragna blocked each of the spikes.

Ragna and Acheron finally collided, Acheron was amazed at the strength of Ragna but his skills with a sword wasn't as intimidating, Ragna was relying on brute strength whilst Acheron relied on his experience with sword fighting.

Acheron: "I guess any human would have given their bodies in exchange for power, enjoy it while it last's boy."

Ragna: "ow, so you know about Michael and his miracle seeds, well he did confront me again, he said I could have all that power again and that I could pursue my dream to save humanity. I almost excepted his offer until this golden mist appeared out of know where, it doesn't speak and yet I could feel it talking to me."

Acheron: "you felt it talk to you? Do you have any idea how foolish that sounds mortal?"

Ragna: "call it whatever you want but am telling you this thing speaks to me, it's like the manifestation of everything I trust, it's the one thing that doesn't deceive me. It told me that the power I unleashed was not from the seeds but from my own soul, my body had completely rejected them. The mist took the form of a four legged beast and roared at Michael, it was the first time I had witnessed the song of war and its power, all that was left of Michael was a blood pool full of snakes. After so many long hours of training I was able to use the song of war at will and with the shogun reaper added to that power I can easily do this."

Ragna used the song of war on Acheron and it completely destroyed Acheron's ascending rain and blew him off the ground, as the vampire lord was in mid-air he noticed that Ragna had moved from where he was standing and somehow managed to get behind Acheron. Acheron saw the shogun reaper blade waiting to meet his chest, Ragna had not just grown in strength but he had also grown in speed and summoning magic, Acheron was completely outclassed.

The shogun reaper blade had stabbed his chest and only slightly missed his heart, Ragna looked into Acheron's eyes with this cold and cruel expression on his face, Acheron smiled at the sight of this.

Acheron: "you actually got the right eyes for war, and you even gained a very unusual power but you still clearly have a lot to learn, you completely missed my heart."

Ragna: "completely missed? Now you know that's not true, I slightly missed your heart so that I could teach you your last lesson."

The red mist from Ragna's sword began to emit and it inflicted a great deal of pain to Acheron, so much pain that it forced him to scream in complete agony, the screams where heard by every vampire and legion warrior. They all witnessed as Acheron was slowly consumed by the mist from the shogun reaper blade, the sight of this scared the vampires to such a degree that they all fled back to the black ocean. Emrick attempted to rally the vampires when suddenly Kali had jumped out of one of her portals severely burnt and bloody.

Kali: "we need to retreat Emrick, before that monster of a king kills us all!!!"

Emrick: "my queen we can beat them!!!"

Kali: "not the soldiers you fool the flames above us, he can still unleash them, he no longer needs his brothers aid to summon it."

Emrick: "summon what my queen?"

Kali: "God wrath."

The great flames that burned above the battlefield began to rain fire on every single vampire on Rovahn. The west had triumphed and the vampires had retreated. The sight of fire raining from the heavens was a sight that was beyond belief, the king proved that he was by far the strongest warrior of the phoenix's legion.

Ragna had rushed to Vanessa and gently held her, her voice was weak, her flesh was getting cold and her heart was slowly giving out, Vanessa was dying. Ragan cried out hoping that someone could save her but the battle had taken its toll, the legion had no one to save her, help would not come.

Vanessa: "Ragna, am sorry about all that I said about you, I was wrong Ragna, you can achieve your dream Ragna, you can save humanity I can truly see it now, promise me you'll carry on, promise me you'll continue on even without me."

Ragna: "I promise Vanessa, I swear it now just hold on a little longer Vanessa, we can still see that dream a reality together, me, you, Kill-shot, Thomas and kiva, just don't leave us."

Vanessa: "not all of us can take a beating like you, the only reason me and my brother could keep up was because we excepted a deal from a hooded man, I know he is waiting for me, I had hoped to see the sun just once before I died but at least I got to see you… Rag…na…"

Vanessa died in the hands of her hellboken comrade and soon after Thomas had descended from the sky and saw his friend dead in Ragna's arm, Kill-shot had finally come to and slowly made his way to a tearful Ragna and Thomas.

Ragna: "I was too late, I gained the power I needed and I still failed, what was it all for if I still can't even save one person."

Thomas: "look at her Ragna, she's smiling, the angry girl who hardly found a reason to smile died in piece, so much piece that she actually cracked a smile."

Kill-shot: "it's because of you Ragnar, it's because of all of us, Vanessa witnessed something that many thought impossible, for the first time she felt hope."

Hunter: "am afraid we sacrificed a lot to achieve this victory, even Bellarabi to the south has been forced to say goodbye to his sister."

Kill-shot: "commander?"

Hunter: "the report had just come in, Bellarabi was found holding Sonya's lifeless body on one hand and the head of Lorcan on the other. The battle took its toll on Kiva as well, she was last seen fleeing to the silver caves with her sister's spear."

Thomas: "was it all worth it? We defeated the vampire army but we lost the greatest wall the human race had ever built, we have lost so many men and comrades. If the vampires chose to retaliate we wouldn't stand a chance, was it all truly worth it?"

King Titus's log: "the phoenix's legion had stayed true to its king's command and valiantly defended Rovahn, their sacrifice will be remembered forever. We may not have the resources to attempt another defence like this, it would take us another century to rebuild the Rovahn walls, my people cannot endure such a hardship. The legion must make a bold move to ensure that this victory was not in vain and with the return of the dragon creed it may just be possible but all this depends on how much success Threant had with his secret experiments.

Now that I think of it, they are a good number of mysteries that I must finally get to the bottom of, the kidnapping of the oracle Rose, her message to Ragna as well as the strange disappearance of her protector, Boremont. The strange stone on Thomas's chest is another case to pursue, including the armour he was able to design, how could one man produce such technology beyond the phoenix's legion's science division? And finally the origins of Ragna must finally be uncovered, who and what is he and what is the strange power that he has achieved and what is the history behind the shogun reaper blade? I have tolerated these questions and mysteries long enough, the legion will recover and I will have these questions answered, King Titus of the phoenix's legion signing out."