Path Of The Black Flag

Threant had done all he could to enhance the vampire stones that the dragon creed had made and left the rest to the legion, with all that done he took Ragna and headed for the black ocean. Threant had been very careful with how much information he gave to Ragna, fearing of how such knowledge would affect his change in behaviour, they reached the black ocean and began their journey on a small boat that could barely fit the two of them.

Ragna: "listen Threant, since we met you have done nothing but take blood from me and I never complained about that because you said that it was for research purposes. I haven't even asked about this secret mission that only requires you and I but why in the hell are we taking this journey on this tiny thing you call a boat."

Threant: "have no fear Ragna, I have no intention of taking this boat to the land of vampires."

As Ragna looked at Threant in complete shock he soon noticed a large ship approaching them. It was a large dark brown metal ship with a huge black flag with a skull on it, the flag of the pirates. Threant and Ragna reached the boat and were brought aboard by the strangest group of people that Ragna had ever seen, they were unclean, bruised and violent looking. Ragna looked at them with horror but Threant looked at them with a warm smile on his face. From the crowed a beautiful woman approached Ragna and Threant, from how the men cleared the way it appeared as though she was their captain, the woman grabbed Threant by his clothes and kissed him passionately, the pirates began to shout and scream with joy at the sight of this, the captains name was Monica, the queen of pirates.

Monica: "even with your grey hair and wrinkles you're still as handsome as ever, just what you would expect from one with the Dragon-forge blood coursing through his veins, and who is this young man?"

Ragna: "my name is Ragna and did you just say Dragon-forge?"

Threant: "it has been a long time since I heard that old name, leave it to lady Monica to remind me of my family name."

Ragna: "family name? so I'll take it that you two have known each other for a very long time but then… Well…. Lady Monica, how old are you exactly?"

Monica: "has no one ever told you that its rude to ask a lady her age?"

Threant: "well if you must know she happens to be an old friend of mine who has been cheating death since I was an immortal being, she will take us to the land of the immortals and hopefully help us with our task."

Monica: "I think that you're a fool for going back but you were always a stubborn man, eat, rest and when you're ready we will meet in my private quarters, we have much to discuss."

Threant and Ragnar were hosted to the strangest gathering, the pirates sang, drank and ate simultaneously, Ragna who spent so much time with royalty was disgusted by this but Threant acted as if he was a pirate his whole life, a stranger wouldn't be able to differentiate Threant from the pirates at all. They all gathered in a large room in the ship and slept, there was no privacy and hardly any room to move freely, the men would easily find themselves on top of one another, Ragna couldn't stand it but again Threant laid on the ground happily embracing the pirates and slept soundly.

As morning broke Ragna and Threant made their way to Monica's private quarters, for some reason they were forced to wait three hours before she finally invited them in. She welcomed them in, wearing the most revealing knight dress, Ragna's cheeks had completely gone red and as for Threant, he smiled at her with a look that a man gives when he looks at something that he has not seen for many years. With fruit and wine ready the three sat together, for a while Threant and Monica flirted with one, they paid no mind to Ragna's presence and simply enjoyed each other's another company. Satisfied with their personal conversation they both turned to Ragna and finally began to speak about the purpose of their journey to the vampire lands.

Monica: "Ragna, what do you know about the saber brotherhood?"

Ragna: "saber brotherhood?"

Monica: "completely clueless huh, well that makes things a little difficult but I guess you wouldn't have bothered looking for me if the situation wasn't challenging."

Threant: "Monica what can you tell me about this brotherhood."

Monica: "well outside of what you know they used to be a peaceful group but as their religious power weakened they become more violent and their methods in combat have no restrictions, they will literally do whatever it takes to win. One has never been captured alive and even if you did find one they would never speak, their loyalty to their beliefs are absolute."

Threant: "if they were introduced to someone I believed to be their king would they be reasoned with?"

Monica: "is that who you think this boy is? His too young and not really much to look at as far as physical intimidation goes. Their king was huge and not the type of being you would want to confront in battle, at least from how the brotherhood describes him. Well at least he has the golden eyes, when a member of the brotherhood used their beast gauntlet's their eyes would become golden and piercing, plus they would start to behave like wild beasts, growling and snaring."

Threant: "it's a long shot but if everything the legion is planning comes to fruition then humanity may need the aid of this brotherhood."

Ragnar: "ok my head has gone completely blank, Threant I demand some answers!!!! I have been patient long enough but no more!!! What the hell are you trying to get me into?!!!"

Monica: "easy handsome, there's no need to get upset."

Threant: "to be honest his temper has been getting worse by the day, as his power grows so does his anger and he has started to change in speech and has grown a hunger for violence, this is why I want to limit the burdens on his mind."

Ragna: "what!!!... listen it has been hard dealing with Vanessa's death and with the horrors unleashed from the great wall battle but that doesn't mean am not trust worthy."

Threant: "Ragna as far as you know, the culture and origins of your people remains unknown to you."

Ragna: "my family kept to themselves, I was the only social person in the house. My mother was always in the house and my father was usually busy working on the farm, there isn't much to tell about my family."

Threant: "Ragna think, your father was the head of your village, when you spoke of him you mentioned how people respected his authority, how could he outcast himself from your people?"

Ragna: "well…. He… we never talked about that."

Threant: "Ragna everything about you simply isn't normal, you became an army slayer so quickly, it would take an ordinary man ten years to accomplish such a thing. That sword of yours is unlike any weapon I have ever seen and that golden mist you summon is just freaking crazy, how can you possess such power?"

Ragna: "Kill-shot said I was gifted."

Monica: "Ragna, your beyond gifted and maybe, by some slim chance could be tied to the brotherhood, and since were on the subject, how old are you?"

Threant: "Monica!!!"

Ragnar: "am… I should be twenty…. Am not sure."

Threant: "wait, what do you mean you're not sure?"

Ragnar: "I should be in my late twenties but recently I have started to doubt that, when I think of my age something inside me keeps telling me that its wrong, it's hard to explain."

Monica: "I heard that your golden mist can speak to you, is that true?"

Ragnar: "something like that, since we're digging in to me so much how about you tell me what you are."

Monica: "excuse me?"

Ragnar: "you don't smell human, you might look and talk like one but your clearly not human, in fact I think you're a lot smaller than you appear."

Threant: "how in the hell did you do that?"

Monica: "I can see why Threant fears your abilities, so you found me out with that nose of yours, that's an interesting talent you have. Threant is the only person alive that knows this now but you see Ragna I am a worm, well a witch that turned herself into a worm, I jump from body to body in order to keep on living."

Ragnar: "so this isn't your real face?"

Monica: "it is, once I claim a body it takes my human form and before you think me evil I only take the bodies of people that brand themselves my enemies, I have hundreds of bodies I can choose from."

Ragnar: "so you're a parasite, I can see why Threant would keep you hidden, the legion would kill you."

Monica: "once upon a time they did try but none could ever catch me, I am the queen of pirates after all."

Threant: "I am sorry for the secrets Ragna but understand that your change in attitude as well as the threat that this brotherhood has forced me to deal with the matter with the utmost care but don't you ever believe for a second that I don't trust you."

Monica: "I know what will make you feel better, how about I tell you an embarrassing secret about Threant."

Threant: "Monica, he isn't a child who…."

Ragna: "I think that would be a great idea, that might just be the lesson you deserve for dragging me down here with so many secrets."

Monica: "well the story starts with me, Threant, a bar full of thugs and a sack of lemons, you see we…..."

Before Monica could start her story she had heard one of the men outside shout vampire scout ship, the simple mention of the word vampire triggered Ragna's rage. He grabbed his sword and readied himself for battle but before he could walk outside and face the vampires he was distracted by the sound of Monica's laughter.

Monica: "and just what do you plan on doing with that sword?"

Ragna: " what kind of stupid question is that? Am going to use it to kill the vampires!!!"

Monica: "you mean start a full on battle on my ship? I don't think so, you and your legion, creed or whatever may be lovers of combat but you don't become the queen of pirates by being stupid."

Monica had clothed herself and made her way to the front of the ship, she cut her hands and let her blood touch the deck of the ship. The blood turned to ink and the ink then jumped of the deck and flew to the sky, as the ink flew the wind suddenly grew more violent and out of nowhere a storm had been unleashed. The vampire ship spotted the pirates but it was unable to chase after them, the storm was so violent that the vampire ship was forced to retreat but the violent storm would not allow this. Giant waves and lightning bolts continuously struck the vampire ship and the tides pulled in so many directions that it tore the ship apart, Ragna watched as the vampire ship and all aboard it got swallowed whole by the ocean.

Ragna: "that was amazing! No wonder the legion couldn't catch you, your storm ability is amazing but it's starting to get a bit dangerous, I think it's about time you put the storm to sleep."

Monica: "what do I look like to you, a god? I can't get rid of the storm I can only summon it"

Ragna: "am sorry what?"

Monica: "its powerful elemental magic, like nature it is wild and unpredictable, it cannot be tamed, it can only be summoned, it's really the perfect tool when dealing with powerful enemies."

Ragna: "well that was a very interesting lesson but how in the hell do we stop this storm from killing us!!? I mean am a pretty good swimmer but there is no land for miles, I can't breathe under water!!!!"

Monica: "the storm cannot be stopped but it does have a soft spot we can exploit, her eye."

Ragna: "her eye?"

Pirate: "the storm is a goddess boy, the fiercest that has ever lived and without a doubt the most beautiful, only the hardest of men get the honour to marvel at her beauty, those that make it to her eye that is."

Monica: "it is an old tale known to all pirates, the storm is a one eyed titan that sleeps under the sea and the sky. When she wakes her very presence unleashes the full might of the elements, destruction is not her purpose, she simply can't see those harmed by her. With her second eye gone her vision is weakened and most mortal men are blinded to her but if we can reach her good eye she shall tame the elements wrath and shield us from harm."

Pirate: "prepare to wrestle the storm men, this land lover is about to shit out what he ate for breakfast."

The pirate ship under the leadership of its captain Monica, sailed through the great storm. The men used every bit of strength they had but eventually they made their way to the eye of the storm, it was unbelievable how the water was so steady and calm. Ragna noticed that the pirates had begun opening bottles of ram and watching the violent storm from afar, when one was in the eye of the storm it gifted them the honour of watching the storms wrath witch was the most beautiful display of the elements power, it was a sight Ragna would never forget. The storm had passed and the men had begun repairing the damage that the storm had inflicted, whilst the men worked Threant and Monica left to share a room and Ragna went to his quarters to think about all the things the day had brought. The storm gave Ragnar a clear perspective on why Threant acted the way he did, Ragna was like the storm that couldn't be controlled and Threant's careful planning was him trying to take Ragna to a calm place. Ragna knew that his temper was getting worse and he had realised that he had harsh thoughts towards Threant, thoughts that he was glad he didn't give voice to.

Ragna's log: "I have had trouble controlling my rage and uneasiness to the point that I nearly took it out on Threant, a man who has proven his trust in me as Kill-shot has. Looking at his perspective of things there was a lot that could have gone wrong had this information fallen on the wrong ears but Threant's honesty with me has renewed my trust in his words and..."

Acheron: "so you believe that man to be honest do you?"

Ragna: "Acheron!!!?"

Ragna recognized the voice but he could neither see nor sense its owner but the voice was undoubtedly the voice of the vampire lord that the shogun reaper had devoured.

Ragna: "where are you bastard, are you a curse that I am forever forced to endure!!!?"

Acheron: "your true speech returns to you my prince but there is much you must still learn, grip your blade my prince and free me and I shall tell you all that troubles your mind."

Ragna did as Acheron said and he truly did begin to feel Acheron's presence as if he was standing right next to him as he touched the shogun reaper. The shogun reaper didn't consume Acheron, it imprisoned him and the only one who could free him was the blades owner. Ragna focused his mind and slowly a black mist had poured out of the blade and made its way to Ragna's bed and soon the mist began to take a human form and there he was, Acheron, the river of sorrow. He appeared different, he had facial hair and his red eyes had a piercing thin layer of gold but it was still the same

dark haired, well-groomed and smug vampire that Ragna had defeated.

Acheron: "a soft bed touches my laboured back once more."

Ragna: "how are you still here? how come you appear so different? And why did you call me prince?"

Acheron: "your journey to blood drain is a long one, plenty of time for me to tell you all you wish to know plus it will give me the chance to test the new abilities you have given me but I would kindly ask you to stop calling me Acheron. I would prefer you addressed me by the name I carried when I stood with the saber brotherhood, the name that once struck fear into the hearts of all men that dared to challenge the faith, my lord, you may call me Dracula."

Ragna: "very well, tale me everything you know, Dracula."

Dracula: "as you wish my lord and seeing as how I interrupted your log allow me to finish it for you, Dracula of the saber brotherhood signing out."