Origins(The Vampire Tales)

Origins is a step away from the main saga so as to dive into the genesis of a character or moment within the main saga. This first origins will go into the origins of the vampires that the five shall look into, the story shall be a narration of the very vampire whose origins shall be told. The first of these vampires will be an elder named Von Drake, a legendary blue knight whose world that was once held by honour and duty had been drowned by greed, sorrow and shame.

(Von Drake)

In the beginning of my life I was but a humble young soul who dreamed of the honour that was gained from the battle field, as one born from the silver caves this brought joy to all my kin. My warriors path begun in a small kingdom that had grown mighty through the abandon wealth that slumbered deep beneath the earth but such wealth invited many enemies that wished to claim it. The silver hunters wanted no part in the conflicts to come and they certainly didn't want to have its warriors die just to protect treasures but I thought differently, I knew of our people's strength and I knew that it could be used to aid this small kingdom. I was a boy the day this offer was made to my people so I had to wait for ten years before I could join the battle, for ten years I prayed that the wealthy kingdom would not fall, for ten years I trained for the day I would have the chance to join the fray.

Ten years had passed and the small kingdom stood but barely, the king of the small kingdom had become so desperate for allies that he had even offered his only daughter for marriage, "who would so ever choose to aid my people shall be gifted my daughter", the king said. It was on that day that I had appeared, I was given the kings daughter and in exchange for her I had sworn my loyalty to the small kingdom. For five years I had fought off all the invaders that had come for the king's treasures but all went home empty handed, I had grown a small but powerful army that would have brought the three hundred to shame. After five years of battle all the kingdoms enemies had been defeated and there was no one left to challenge my might, I could finally lay down my sword and live in peace with my beautiful wife and one day become king, I had gained my glory or at least that was what the king had me believe.

With all the king's enemies vanquished one would have thought that the kings mind would be at peace but it wasn't, it was never at peace, long before I had ever met the king his mind was corrupted by a fierce greed that he had learned to shield well. I slave girl who had fallen in love with had told me of how the king would sneak to a secret room with mountains of gold, silver and jewels and hold them for hours breathing heavily and snaring like a wild dog at anything that disturbed him, whether it be a rat or the wind. I told the servant girl to show me this secret room so that I may aid my father in-law, after all who better to help the king but the silver hunters who had centuries of knowledge to offer, surely the kings sickness of the mind could be easily cured. As I approached the secret room with the slave girl we begun to hear the moans of two, a man and a woman, my eyes could not believe the taboo that they had witnessed, it was the king making love to his own daughter who he had dressed as the queen.

Right next to this horrid sight was a hideous crime, it was the queen whose throat had been slit, she desperately held on to life as she watched the king fuck their only child. "The queen had grown old my lord", the servant girl said, "the king only loves what is smooth, shiny and new. At that moment I had realized that the king had only used me to win his wars, he could never be parted from his treasures, his god like greed would never let him. I chose to take the slave girl and flee the kingdom but the king had heard us as we fled the secret room and ordered my soldiers to capture me and the slave girl. He had blamed the queens attack on us and had branded us as traitors, I was beaten like a filthy animal and yet any would have considered me lucky for the slave girl had been repeatedly raped by my own soldiers for days until she begun to beg for death.

When they were done torturing us we were taken to a prison deep underground where we were left chained to one another and left to rot. I had lost track with time but I did all I could to comfort the poor slave girl who had come to finally tell me her name, Julia she was named. The last person I would ever see and so we waited for our bodies to fade, to think that my journey had led me to such a horrid end. Julia was no longer conscious and my eyes had finally begun to shut until I heard a violent rumbling from the surface, it was the sounds of canons, it was the sound of war. A bright light had shone on me and Julia, a young man with long grey hair, eyes and red as the blood that covered my body and the most beautiful armour I had ever seen had approached us. "The girl still lingers to this world but she is of no interest to me but you may save her yet", the stranger said. The stranger called himself Raziel Dragonforge and he was looking to build an army that would reclaim his kingdom and he wanted me to be a part of that army. He said that he would turn me into something beyond human, that if I fought for him I may take these lands as my own and rule it as I see fit, I could even have Julia by my side.

I did not care whether he was lying or not, I only wanted to get Julia out of the dungeons and back to the surface, I wanted freedom, I wanted vengeance. Raziel had turned me into a creature like he was and showed me how to do the same to Julia, our wounds had healed and our bodies restored but our hunger had grown fierce. Raziel had led me and Julia to the surface where a sight of blood and corpses awaited us, as we continued on we found that the king and princess had been brought to their knees by a child, I child who I later grew to fear called Damien. It was this child who single handed, managed to defeat the king and his forces, the child had offered my former bride to me and the king to Julia, before I could ask why Julia had grabbed the king like a doll, bit into his neck and begun to drink his blood. I looked to my once treasured wife and saw something desirable beneath her flesh, I leaned forward and gently tilted her head and bit into her neck and slowly sucked in her blood.

As a young man I had taken part in many pleasures of the flesh but none of them could be compared to the sensation that coursed through my body as I drank the princess's blood. Raziel had left me and Julia to do with the kingdom as we saw fit, he only asked that I find as many humans to turn, he wanted me to aid him in building an army and I gladly excepted. He had become my master and I his loyal servant, he would return to me and I would offer him hundreds of thousands of warriors of our kind with Julia at my side, for we had become vampires of Raziel. In time I had acquired new servants and subjects, the kingdoms wealth made anything possible, I had every piece of the kingdoms history burned and decreed that any mention of its past, even its name would be punishable by death. My past was no more and even my home at the silver caves had vanished, I took Julia as my bride and together we built our masters army, after years of waiting he had returned to us pleased and ready for war.

He came with many who had chosen to join Raziel on his quest to reclaim his home, it was a glorious battle that all vampires of my time remember and there is so much of it that I can tell to you but that is tale that can only be told by the one I call master.