Cursed Offspring

I am Labunka and I tell you now that all true historians know that it is not proper for me to speak of my own history but instead I shall tell you of the history of the three that sleep beneath Raziel's tomb, the cursed children. Raziel thought the idea of having children was impossible due to his curse but in time three vampires that he turned had somehow preserved their fertility and where able to give our king his children.

But do not be fooled, this ability did not bring the beauty of child birth, despite our power we are still cursed beings, they were married to him but they offered our king his children in a very unpredictable manner. Kali being his youngest wife was the first to have her belly swell with pregnancy, the king neglected his other two wives and focused on Kali who at that time was the most precious thing to Raziel but when she finally gave birth, the kings joy turned to horror.

Her children were creatures, tiny little creatures that poured out of her the same way a serpent would, three of these creature's grew quite large and become to be known as the shoguns that tormented the humans, the rest of these creature did carry vampire features but where ugly and monstrous. Kali went mad with shame and did not face Raziel for years and as for her children, apart from the shoguns the other children where hidden by Kali herself, she desired more than anything for her shame to be forgotten and washed off of her.

Karmilla had also fallen pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful girl not long after, her daughter was a constant reminder of Kali's shame and as if that wasn't enough, the girl was naturally gifted in magic. Karmilla had named the child Hope but once the child had gained the ability to speak she slowly started to reject the name and demanded that she be called by another name, when Raziel permitted Hope to choose her own name she stood with pride and named herself, Lilith. Lilith was a force to be reckoned with, she begun to wield a magic that was god like, its source was apparently from a dark realm that Raziel couldn't see through, she was his pride, for a time at least.

Lilith slowly grew more violent towards humans, she despised them to such a degree that she eventually stopped drinking blood from them, she considered them filth that carried the harshest scent, she wanted to see them wiped out of existence. Now understand that all vampires have their reasons for despising man but all vampires also understood that man is our sustenance, we cannot survive without them so obviously Lilith's hatred begun to concern us all. The legions rise to power proved to be a useful distraction but it was made clear that Lilith's hatred would lead the vampire race to ruin and when she begun to consume on her fellow vampires Raziel knew that he had to put a stop to her madness.

One fateful night Raziel made his way to Lilith's room and attempted to alter her mind through compulsion, an ability that only our king could execute on other vampires but when he entered her mind dwelling in it were a thousand souls and an even darker soul that struck fear in the heart of our king. After that our king took great measures to contain his daughter, controlling her was a difficult task for Raziel but he managed to amplify her love for Raziel, this made her greatly obedient to him. In her mind she was the jewel of Raziel, his most precious vampire but in reality she was a caged animal that he only unleashed when absolutely necessary, many fear the day she breaks from her illusion and unleashes her wrath on the world, a mighty wrath that would destroy all that breathed on earth.

The children of Ursa were the final nail on an already sealed tight coffin, the ice queen had fallen pregnant like the two queens before her, she then gave birth to triplets, pale skinned like their mother with the grey hair of their father, they were perfect. As they aged Raziel, s fears had turned to mist and distance for his three new borns had grown to be the perfect heirs to our king's throne, it was on their seventh day of birth that Raziel had named the three. Their names were Drayce the wise, Naga the true flame and Luna the mighty, these were the children Raziel had waited for, he was no longer the only Dragonforge, his bloodline would live on, that should have been the end of it but happiness was never promised to the cursed.

Knowledge of this should have been realized sooner, despite our kings might he is still a cursed being, the power he possesses was forged by his shire force of will, all that comes from him is doomed for all that comes from him is cursed. We all carry that curse and we have all learned to endure it but can you imagine being born with such a curse, to enter this world a vile thing and Raziel's newest children would be no exception. The changes with the triplets started on the 50th name day, Luna begun to grow a great hunger for blood, she could consume thousands of human slaves but no amount of blood could satisfy her. She begun to drink the blood of man, vampire and even beast, her hunger knew no end, the elder feared her because of her deep hunger for all that held blood, her strength was has great as her fathers. She couldn't summon magic but she was an unstoppable warrior, if she wasn't stopped her strength and hunger could doom the vampire race so Raziel was forced to imprison his daughter in a tomb and bury it beneath the pool where our vampire king rests.

Naga on his 50th name day had gained the ability to summon dragon fire, an ability that only Raziel and Damian could use. Naga continued to develop his abilities with the dragon fire but as time passed Raziel and the vampire elders begun to notice that Naga had grown a sick pleasure with burning flesh. The smell of burning flesh and the gruesome sight of the flames consuming every inch of his victims brought him great pleasure. Vampire, Man, it didn't matter to him, he just wanted to burn all that breaths and bleeds, he had even begun to talk to the flames, a sickness of the mind had conquered him, something that Von Drake had insisted the king to take seriously. Raziel hesitated at first but when Naga had attempted to burn the capital Raziel had once again sealed one of his children in a tomb and buried underneath his resting pool, Naga had been imprisoned right next to his sibling Lunar.

Raziel payed close attention to the third child Drayce, experience had forced Raziel to fear all that he spawned, he devoured his desire for children and waited for the next abomination from his last child. Drayce was a calm and highly intelligent being, his intelligence led him to creating many great weapons and artefact's that the vampire race could use against their enemies. Raziel searched for a wrong in his son but none ever appeared, in fact, Drayce yearned to be beside his father, he soon became his father's advisor and for a time had replaced Damian, an accomplishment that many thought impossible. We all believed that Raziel had finally been gifted the son he had always wanted but we had all underestimated Drayce's intelligence as well as his desire's. Drayce desired all his father had, his wealth, his power, might and even his wives, that included his own mother, Ursa. He attempted to sleep with his mother many times but of course Ursa refused him, she tried to help her only surviving son but his desires only grew and grew until he finally attempted to claim his father's throne by force.

Drayce had found the hidden children of Kali and found that they had greatly populated and grew violent and fierce, their minds where simple so they were easy to control. Drayce armoured and armed them and unleashed them on the capital, while the elders and Raziel where occupied with Drayce's army, the last son of Raziel had captured our kings three brides and forced himself on them. Drayce was so assured of his victory that he didn't even bother fighting in his own rebellion, instead he chose to claim his fathers most cherished prize, he rapped Kali and Karmilla using a golden bracelet that would shoot tiny pieces of its own metal into one's flesh and control them, resisting the metals would break one's bones and even turn the very marrow of their bones into acid, the queens were powerless. Drayce was ready to turn on his mother when Raziel had stormed into the room and reaped his sons heart, with it the king had gained control of all that Drayce had created, including his rebel army. Pulling out Drayce's heart wouldn't kill him but obviously the king couldn't let him roam free so he imprisoned him and his army within a single tomb using magic, this tomb would torture Drayce to no end, leaving him to suffer for all eternity. His tomb was buried underneath Raziel's resting pool right next to his two siblings, Naga and Lunar.

To ensure that he would never experience such shame and heartache again Raziel had reaped open the belly of his three brides and devoured their wombs so that no dark spawn could ever be birthed again. It was an unpleasant sight but it was the only way to ensure that the three queens could never have children again. I have risked a lot telling you these things but it is a part of our history but for your own safety I suggest you travel with this knowledge in silence, the king's wrath is a violent and merciless thing and seeing as how you're a vampire, you can endure that wrath for an eternity.