As We Ready For War part 1

After the near death encounter with Raziel, the five, Threant and Dracula have returned to Rovahn, Hotaru suffered brutal injuries but with the aid of the creeds medics he was back on his feet. Every hero of Rovahn has been spending their personal time preparing for the battle to come. Even though Raziel has no knowledge of the creeds, brotherhood and legions plans the fact remains that he knows that a storm of battle fast approaches, the cursed kings calm in such a situation made many of our heroes uneasy and with Ragna's allegiance in question it only worsened the situation, especially for the silver hunters.

In the silver caves the silver hunter's strength had been restored for their ancient enemy had awakened, many were pleased to regain their power and finally aid the legion whilst others simply enjoyed their renewed youth.

Gilgamesh: "your mother hasn't stopped looking at the mirror since her youth was restored, as if not too long ago she was condemning our faith."

Bellarabi: "don't be so pretentious, as if you're not happy to regain your strength or your beautiful wife."

Catalina: "am glad to see that my eldest son understands what his mother has been missing all these centuries, Kiva I heard that you actually met Von Drake, I was just a child when he was mortal, I always did wonder what he was like, is he as tall as the ancient texts described him."

Kiva: "he was very intimidating, happy?"

Catalina: "what's your problem?"

Gilgamesh: "Ragna."

Catalina: "so you did love that boy, how depressing, your life is turning out to be a damn romance story, a tale of love and tragedy."

Bellarabi: "now you're just being cruel mother."

Catalina: "I have lost many children because of the vampire race, Sonya being the most recent, I can't afford to drown in tragedy little ones, mommy just wouldn't be able to cope."

Gilgamesh: "but the situation is still hard on her, to think that the brave Ragna we had all come to respect would turn out to be the ancient beasts that our ancestors battled, we must be careful with such an ally. The world may be trading one monster for another, my daughter I know it maybe harsh to hear but..."

Kiva: "I am not a child father, I know our purpose, when the time comes I will reap Ragna's still beating heart from his chest, in the name of the silver hunters I swear this."

Back at the royal capital, Threant and Killshot have worked tirelessly with the legions magi in figuring out the vampire relics, Dracula and Dante have been spending an uneasy amount of time together, Dracula insisted that one member of the legion or Dragon creed be made his second. No one wanted to entertain such a thing but Dracula's encyclopaedic knowledge of the cursed lands made him very valuable. The demon fist clan where the outcast of the legion and many of them held animosity towards the legion, their dark magic made them feared by their fellow man, it was from this clan where a young woman and man approached Dracula with Dante present to accept Dracula's as their master.

Dracula: "I only requested one but to think that you would bring me two is just beautiful."

Dante: "I take no pleasure in this, if it wasn't for the kings command I would have killed you long ago and I fail to see why you need a second."

Dracula: "when the other vampires see me as a superior to Raziel they will rally to me but they are Raziel's vampires, I need vampires that I can trust, vampires that belong to me by blood, the first of my children."

Dante: "I think am going to be sick, let's just get this over with, the man's name is Vergil and the woman's name is Rosset, they insisted on joining you and honestly I don't know why but I assume you do."

Dracula: "whatever gave you that idea?"

Dante: "I am not a simpleton vampire, in the immortal lands I learned of a family that escaped from the cursed lands to escape the wrath of the caber brotherhood, they were making their way to the south, as magic users and mortals they would have easily got past the wall, they would also have easily joined the demon fist clan, I assume you two are descendants of that family."

Vergil: "yes we are, we are grateful for all the demon fist clan has given us but our loyalty has always been to the vampires."

Rosset: "we killed them with a heavy heart but we did so anyway because we swore loyalty to the clan but our family carried a high position in the cursed lands. It was our destiny to become vampires, we just can't let this opportunity slip our hands."

Dante: "then why not side with Raziel? Why would you turn on the vampire king you admire?"

Dracula: "I to wish to know this."

Vergil: "when the caber brotherhood came for us our king did not come to our aid, if lord Dracula wishes to dethrone the traitor king then we are with you."

Dante: "the legion will never forgive you for this nor will they ever accept your decision, they will be great consequences for your actions."

Dracula: "don't worry boy, once I am king a new era between man and vampire shall flourish and..."

Dante: "silence!!! I have endured the king's decisions for long enough, we will stand together for the coming battles but when the battle passes I swear I will do what Ragna couldn't, I will end you and this cursed rule."

Dracula: "well if I didn't know any better I would think that you were planning on dethroning your king."

Dante: "... I think it's time for me to take my leave, whatever you two do from now on is entirely up to you."

Dracula: "well, well, well, something tells me that next couple of years are going to be quite interesting."

In the royal capital kill-shot, after hours of work, managed to reunite with Thomas. Thomas has committed all his time on the super armour, the navy blue battle suite fared well against vampires but with all its evolutions and modifications it would surely play a big role in the coming battle. The most frightening thing about this battle was that the faces that survived the great wall battle may not survive the coming battle nor may the survive the events that fellow after.

Thomas: "well I never thought you were a true immortal, I always figured that you were just an experienced soldier."

Kill-shot: "really?"

Thomas: "ok maybe you were a little too good to be just a soldier, I mean you actually killed a vampire lord, that's not an easy task for a soldier."

Kill-shot: "I didn't want to be so secretive but my bloodline would just attract the wrong kind of attention."

Thomas: "well there is a good chance that I may die in the coming battle so how's about you just finally tell someone about your past life, and who better to tell than me."

Kill-shot: "my immortal blood made me age slowly, Threant didn't want to make my existence public so he left me to grow up in a small hunting village, it was there where I trained as a mercenary soldier. The village was constantly being attacked by shoguns but at some point in my life I realized that I could make legion warriors like my father so I..."

Thomas: "wait just a minute, you said that your half immortal but Threant sacrificed it to make the curse that destroyed the immortal family, how old are you?"

Kill-shot: "well I guess I have lived in the birth of the legion as well as the establishment of Rovahn."

Thomas: "and here I thought that I was the oldest member of hellboken crew."

Kill-shot: "I didn't want to bruise your old man ego."

Thomas: "so you established the legion mercenaries, still not seeing how that led you to being so secretive, everyone knows about your mercenary reputation."

Kill-shot: "but few know about my greatest shame, I wasn't affected by my father's spell because I was only half immortal, the mortal half of me was shielded from the curse."

Thomas: "still failing to see the shameful side of this story."

In the moment Kill-shot removed his eyepatch and showed Thomas his secret weapon, what many believed to be a scar being hidden from sight was actually a dragon's eye of great power.

Kill-shot: "this eye allows me to summon an ancient weapon from the cosmic flow, it is somehow linked to the Dragonforge family."

Thomas: "what kind of weapon?"

Kill-shot: "a bow and arrow which turns my arms into gold, the youngsters saw me use it once and it kind of stuck with..."

Thomas: "still having trouble saying their names?"

Kill-shot: "yeah, my abilities are powerful and wild by nature, all the discipline in the world can't control it, I wiped out my entire village using that power, all because I got a little angry because dad was never around."

Thomas: "that's why you committed to your training, you didn't want to ever have a reason to use it again but something tells me that's what you used to kill Orfeo."

Kill-shot: "yes."

Thomas: "seems we both had special gifts that we hid from everyone."

Kill-shot: "well not everyone, it's a pretty big rock Thomas it was hard to miss."

Thomas: "well I guess we can only pray that our hidden talents will be enough to destroy that dark cloud but what about Ragan, what will we do if he chose to become our enemy."

Kill-shot: ".... One battle at a time Thomas, one battle at a time."

In the royal palace Drago and King Titus managed to gain a moment alone with a still unconscious Helios, a warrior who many from the legion and creed hoped would join the battle, with the difficulties fast approaching the young prince's absence has been greatly felt by all, and none more so than his brother and father.

Titus: "for as long as I can remember Helios had always wanted to be a great hero, he fought of bullies and charged head first into great danger with little regard for his own life, he was just like me when I was of that age. I always prayed that wisdom would grip him and that he would finally become calm and still, keep himself away from harm but no, he just grew wilder and bolder than ever and now, I like at that wild child, helpless, wandering if I will ever see him wake."

Drago: "he is too stubborn to stay in that bed forever."

Titus: "my son there is something that I wish to discuss with you."

Drago: "go on."

Titus: "you and your brother can not lead the legion as king, I trust that is something that you have come to accept."

Drago: "yes father."

Titus: "the only logical choice would be Dante but because of his clan many will reject this decision, I am asking you to support his claim to the throne and protect and council him."

Drago: "my service is to the king but why do you speak this way?"

Titus: "do you remember how I was always able to tell that it was going to rain."

Drago: "the chill going down your spine, yes father I remember it well."

Titus: "I feel it yet again but this time it carries not just a warning for rain but for death as well, my battle at the cursed lands will undoubtedly be my last, I shall lead the front line one last time."

Drago: "father do like speak in such a way, your people…."

Titus: "my people have served me loyally in my best and worst moments, now the time fast approaches for a new king to take my place, I am ready to join your mother, she is waiting for me."

Drago: "father I still need you I still…..."

Titus: "even with your compulsion you have served, your strength shall never be questioned my son, you should have been the one to lead our people, you I the leader that Rovahn deserves, stand tall my son for if there is anyone who I truly believe will live to see past this darkness, it is you."

The king left Drago with much to contemplate, he had never seen his father in such a state, a stranger would think that he had sunk into despair but Drago saw it as clear as water, the burning desire for war, if it was truly going to be the kings last battle it was going to be his greatest battle, the one he would be remembered for.