The Cursed Become the Hunted

The legion, creed and brotherhood had made their move on the vampire race, Alaric and his three children, the pale trinity, searched the sewers that remained intact from the explosions.Bale, Hannah and Lora found many passages' but discovered nothing, as the pale trinity made their way out of the sewers they had been reunited with their father Alaric who was at the brink of death. Alaric appeared to have been attacked by wild beasts but what kind of beast could possibly inflict such harm on a vampire as powerful as Alaric?

Bale: "father what happened to you?"

Lora: "we don't have time for such questions Bale."

Hannah: "agreed, first we heel father and then we can find out what happened to him."

Bale: "and what about them?"

Coming out of the shadows were hundreds of mortal slaves that had been missing since the explosion, they were in critical condition and they all appeared to have the same kind of animal attack wounds as Alaric only that theirs seemed less violent. It didn't make sense how mortals could carry simple scratches while a vampire elder was nearly killed, the pale trinity would have left them to die in normal circumstance's but they all had vital information so they brought them to the surface.After the pale trinity brought their father and the wounded slaves to the surface they so to it that Alaric drank his fill of blood to recover and that the injured slaves be sent to the medic, many questions demanded to be answered.

Damian: "in times like these I should be at the king's side but when word spreads of a vampire elder being attacked by an animal and nearly gets killed, it tends to provoke panic, so I will only ask this once, what happened to you?"

Alaric: "it was fast, too fast for me to react, it could perfectly hide in the shadows without being detected, that shouldn't even be possible, all I know is that it was a four legged hairy beast whose bite injected a powerful venom that quickly crippled me. It was faster than any beast I have ever seen and its venom seemed to work too well against me, it definitely wasn't an ordinary animal."

Damian: "and the slaves?"

Alaric: "it did harm them but it seemed more interested in scratching them than actually killing them, believe me Damian I know the difference."

Damian: "the mortal army of Rovahn, the brotherhood and now this mystery beast that seems to enjoy scratching mortals but wishes to kill immortals, what kind of foolishness is this? Slaves have been reported missing, only the brotherhood was known for using the sewers and it's no secret that they are quite gifted with explosives and yet you let those slaves enter the capital? Where are the injured slaves?"

Bale: "they were taken to the dungeon's"

Damian: "the one right beneath the royal capital!!! We must hurry, I fear the brotherhood may have used those slaves as bomb carriers and this beast must be some kind of summoned blasphemy beast."

Alaric: "take my children with you, even after being heeled I can't seem to regain my strength, this venom is more threatening to us than I thought."

Damian: "am stuck in a child's body yet I seem to still possess more sense than you, this is nothing more than a pestilence that I shall eradicate, pale trinity, with me!!!"

The pale trinity and Damian rushed to the dungeons beneath the royal capital were screams welcomed them, in the dungeons were hundreds of giant wolves that were making quick work of the vampires, the ripped their heads off, devoured their bodies and moved in blinding speeds just as Alaric said. Damian and the pale trinity could clearly see these beasts but for whatever reason they just couldn't sense them, it was like they weren't real and yet they were right in front of them.

Damian: "in the name of Raziel, we shall ensure that these monsters don't reach the surface, is that understood?"

Pale trinity: "yes Damian."

Damian had blasted the roof of the door to the dungeons, trapping the vampire elder and the pale trinity with the beasts, Von drake was unsettled by the explosion beneath the capital and rushed to the dungeons which he found sealed by massive boulders. Blasting away at the blocked path would bury the dungeons completely, Von Drake could sense a battle on the other end and he could sense Damian and the pale trinity being wounded but he couldn't sense by what. In fact, one of the members of the pale trinity had completely stopped moving and their life force was quickly fading, Von Drake commanded the vampire soldiers to clear out the debris.

It wasn't until an hour passed were Von Drakes vampires were able to clear the rubble, Von Drake stormed into the Dungeons so as to aid Damian and the pale trinity but what he found was all members of the pale trinity on the ground bloody and beaten to an inch of their lives. The ground littered with dead giant wolves and Damian strangling the last of the creatures, Damian smiled at the beast and broke its neck and then tore its head off with a twisted smile on his face.

Von Drake: "Damian, what is all this?"

Damian: "this is the mortals failed assassination attempt, they must be secret sewer systems that the mortals used to sneak these abominations, they must be desperate to sacrifice their own just to pull this off. I don't know how they altered these wolves but their claws and fangs carried a powerful venom, I can barely stand after having some of it forced in my body."

Von Drake: "Damian, I don't think the mortals made these creatures, look at the dead bodies of the giant wolf creatures."

Damian looked in horror as he saw the giant wolves shrink in size and turn into humans, this sight confused Damian but it completely terrified the vampire elder Von Drake that he dropped his sword, his hands couldn't stop trembling.

Bale: "my lords…. These…. These are the slaves we saved."

Von Drake: "and these slaves were in some way harmed by the beast that nearly killed Alaric."

Damian: "apparently yes, how do you know of this?"

Von Drake: "it wasn't a guess, these bastards have finally crowned a king, you're lucky that these were pups, if these were like the creature that attacked Alaric you would be dead."

Damian: "you know what they are."

Von Drake: "yes, and every vampire must be warned about the creatures the brotherhood has unleashed, I don't know how they can transform while the moon is blocked by the dark cloud but I do know how to kill them with great efficiency."

Damian: "if these were weaklings then the stronger ones could cripple the entire vampire society, Von Drake we must end this immediately."

Von drake: "at the rate these monsters breed that may not be possible, we must meet with the king immediately for the vampire has officially become prey for the Lycan race."

Saber's log: "I wish lord Ragna would have allowed me to kill Alaric but after seeing the vampire's reactions I have seen my king's wisdom, with the heart of the vampire race struck with fear they will attack with great caution. Giving the creed and legion enough time to establish a powerful defence against the vampire's retaliation. We have the psychological advantage and once we figure out how to use the moon stone to keep us in our beast forms longer then vampires won't stand a chance, they don't know this yet but these immortal lands now belong to the Lycan's."