Might of the Mortal Alliance

The mortal forces had received a heavy blow by an unknown object off tremendous power that has split the great dragon in half but the dragon creed had managed to organise their forces. The mortal forces where still very capable of holding the beach and the several lands they conquered but with the great dragon gone a dark realisation dawned on our heroes, that if the worst was to come then millions of warriors will have to be abandoned and left to die. The mortal forces horror only worsened when the vampire army had finally arrived, it was a mighty force carrying vampire elders, lords and new borns. Labunka, Alaric, the pale trinity, Emrick, Ashling, Von Drake, Karmilla, Kali, Ursa, Bane and the king of vampires Raziel leading the largest army the mortal forces had ever seen had come to end their rebellion.

Dante: "well they have definitely responded to our bold attacks, I see many of our men shaking in terror, it seems not all of our warriors were truly ready to face this."

Boian: "you plan on running boy?"

Dante: "not a chance in hell, for whatever desolation that we face this is the battle that shall show the legion that I am worthy of the throne, Drago cannot rule over us."

Boian: "maybe you should focus on the battle at hand."

Dante: "my focus is on the present and beyond, Drago has made dark alliances all in the name of solidifying his rule, and the king only speaks of death and glory. It is up to me to ascend my people, now watch Boian, witness the might of the demon fist clan."

Dante had shot a black mist emitting from his steel hand to the sky unleashing a mighty storm overflowing with blasphemy magic, similar to what the pirate queen used. The skies took the form of a giant lion head that was absorbing power from the dark cloud, a trick he had learned from the creed but that wasn't all the mortal forces had readied for war.

Drago: "I don't think I remember Dante ever doing something like that."

Anabella: "he is challenging your strength; he wishes to show the legion that his strength is second to king Titus."

Catalina: "he is a deluded fool; the silver hunters have been studying blasphemy magic since the birth of our clan."

Drago: "Anabella, it is time to put my cousin in his place."

Anabella using the silver hunter's relic, she summoned a giant silver dragon serpent that towered above the battlefield and in front of it was the silver army, a sight that the vampires had never witnessed. Bellarabi alongside Amelia and the stampede valley riders stood ready to lead the front lines and who better to lead this force than Drago, Anabella, Catalina and the proud lord Gilgamesh.

Titus: "well those two have certainly found strength at our greatest time of need, humanity without doubt has been promised mighty rulers."

Tharion: "it's all your fault, you have given them the idea that this place will be your grave."

Titus: "I have made many hard decisions to take humanity this far, including giving my body to darkness that watches from the shadows."

Tharion: "what the hell is that supposed to mean…...Titus, you didn't?"

Titus: "the time for regret shall not come, for the sacrifices made today will grant us victory, we shall not surrender, we shall not retreat and we shall not fail, so says the king of the Phoenix's legion. Hear me brave brothers of the mortal alliance, we shall rise from the darkness, we shall strike at the very pillars of vampire society and see that it crumbles to the ground as the heavens are echoed with the cry of freedom, for legion!!!"

King Titus Roared to the heavens and unleashed the falling heavens ability that had fused with Dante's blasphemy storm and the dragon creed had flooded the sky with thousands of soldiers being led by Hunterand standing by Titus side was Ryoko the giant samurai. At the right hand of Ryoko was his son Yasumori and his second Gunslinger as well as Yaeko and Nakano, it was the greatest sight the vampires had witnessed from the mortals they ruled over. Behind this great force the oceans had turned red and begun to rise and turn to ice, the red ocean would rise and rise until it completely walled the mortal forces, the legion, creed and silver hunters where trapped, there was no escape.

Standing on top of this red wall was Raziel, how did the cursed king get up there? Titus looked at what he and all thought was Raziel leading the vampire army but they soon saw the mighty figure turn into a boy, it was Damian.

Ryoko: "the child? Is the boy vampire that dangerous that Raziel would let him lead his army?"

Yasumori: "we must be cautious father, from what Killshot shared with us that boy may very well be the first vampire that Raziel had turned."

Ryoko: "Tharion, exactly how long must we fight this madness? How long does that team need?"

Tharion: "until we see the Dark cloud vanish."

Ryoko: "in that case, proud samurai of the dragon creed, today is the day we fight for death and glory, hold nothing back and push forward, to whatever end destiny has waiting for us!!!"

From the summit of the red wall echoed the voice of Raziel, the cursed king and ruler of the immortal lands who stood mighty and proud as he challenged the mortal alliance beneath him.

Raziel: "well cousin I am impressed by this force you have put together and for that I shall stand up here and give you 3 days before I join this battle, 3 days before I destroy your army like I did your prized ship."

Gunslinger: "wait, don't tell me that he did that single handed, what the hell did I get myself into?"

Yasumori: "the mission isn't to win but to distract the vampire army, our goal is to survive."

Raziel: "with that being said, vampires of the immortal lands, sons and daughters of Blooddrain, loyal children of Raziel, onward!!! To the battlefield!!!"

Damian: "he just had to turn this into a circus, everything to him is nothing more than a work of theatre and he just loves to work on its great stage."

Ursa: "Kali, I thought you would be the most eager to fight."

Kali: "where is he?"

Emrick: "my queen you will have your chance but first..."

Kali: "silence!!! Where the hell is that animal? Where is Ragna?!!!"

Far away from the main battle a small group of warriors carefully made their way to the nightmare tower at the vampire capital, Ragna, Thomas Noble, Killshot, Kiva, Dracula, Vergil, Rosset and two Saber's of the brotherhood. This small group would camouflage themselves using the main battlefield as cover. While the mortal forces occupied the vampire army this group would reach the capital to complete the main objective and what better way to get to the capital than with the mighty hellboken that begun our tale.

Ragna: "after all this time this thing still appears the same, its nostalgic but you could have at least cleaned the damn thing."

Kiva: "they said you started to talk different but I didn't think you would have changed this this much but I actually like the long hair."

Ragna: "a king cannot afford to speak to his subjects with a commoner's speech and I am glad to see you again."

Dracula: "oh, I think you just swelled the girls heart, although you could at the very least tell the poor thing that you love her as well."

Killshot: "shut up Acheron, the Hellboken has history Ragna, I wouldn't want it changed in any way."

Ragna: "well Dracula I must say that you appear different, you even turned vampires of your own."

Dracula: "so you noticed that did you, well after our last encounter I had to prepare for any unpleasant interactions."

Saber1: "I am no longer saber, my king has named me Ayah, you should be grateful that this alliance shields you from harm but when all this is over we will have to change that."

Dracula: "Ayah? And what about the other saber? Does he have a name too or is it just too difficult to name all your dogs."

Saber2: "I have been named war fang, and I suggest you not provoke me in my current state, I must reserve all the power my kings stone has given me."

Kiva: "what stone?"

Thomas: "well for what it's worth am glad to have my crew back together."

Killshot: "your crew?"

Thomas: "yes, my Hellboken, my crew."

Ragna: "I have missed you all, especially you Kiva, there is much we should talk about after this."

Ayah: "with that silver armour and eyes, I don't think so."

Ragna: "that does remind me, how did your eyes get like that, I noticed that all the silver hunters possessed silver weapons, armours and eyes."

Dracula: "I guess you haven't learned everything about your people, have you Ragna? Or maybe you do know and you wish to use.... My, my you have grown."

War fang: "learn to hold your tongue in my king's presence your cursed..."

Killshot: "enough!!! In case you all forgot we have a lot on our plate too, Lilith guards and fuels the dark tower, not to mention the vampire hordes that defend the capital. Whatever hatred you have for each other it's time to bury it and focus on the mission or none of you will have a world to fight over. I don't know how many of you I will get to see an after this or if any of us will survive this but victory must be achieved. The future of all our races depends on this, now do you want to keep fighting like kids or are we going to kill that dark bitch and the dark cloud once and for all."

Ragna: "I missed seeing you work, well I say we get this party started, my Lycan's are in position."

Dracula: "as is my vampire army."

Thomas: "then it's time to park our baby and head to the sewers, Killshot."

Killshot: "Hellboken crew, move out!!!"

Lilith's log: "I hear them master, blood suckers that are not of my father's house but were birthed from the essence of my siblings. I sense dogs that walk hidden within the flesh of men, dogs that carry the fangs and claws that slayed gods. Let them come, for the black serpent's grip has strengthened and it stands ready to claim what was denied."