The Cursed Dragon Ascend's

The fight between Raziel and Titus was no even contest, the cursed king beat Titus to such a degree that it brought tears into Tharion's eyes. Despite being outmatched and slowly dying Titus fought on until Raziel dealt the final blow that knocked Titus back to the ground, Raziel hovered in the air with a boastful and proud stance. As he slowly descended to the ground Raziel felt a fear come over him, he looked to the ground and saw Ashling flying towards him. She wasn't flying because of some ability or technology humans made, the sword she was wielding was summoning such power that it was strong enough to lift her up into the sky, the sight brought a degree of fear into Raziel's soul. The technique was similar to the one the horse men of the stampede valley uses but with a more intense power poured into the attack the horse turns to ash but not before launching the rider to the chosen target.

Raziel could have easily just moved out of the way, Amelia wasn't near fast enough to hit the vampire king but then a white flame surrounded him and took Raziel's ability to move. The more he resisted the stronger the flames grip became, he recognised the magic, it was the same magic that ruined his perfect immortal life, it was his cousin's magic, Tharion. In that moment of realisation of Tharion's action Raziel, in a state of rage broke the magic barrier but as the vampire king released himself he was struck in the heart by Amelia's cursed weapon, the armies on the surface were shocked at the sight of this.

Amelia and Raziel fell to the surface of what was left of the ice wall, Raziel could feel the blade slowly rotting the flesh of his heart and turning his blood into a deep black poison. Raziel was dying and Amelia laughed at the sight of this, she had solidified her fame by being the one who ended the great vampire king Raziel.

Amelia: "you probably didn't notice me cutting you with my knife while you slowly slipped away, I just had to taste the blood of the monster that birthed this disgusting vampire race. You thought you were eternal, you thought that all your power shielded you from harm, you thought you were a god but you are no god, your just another monster."

Tharion: "what I did to our family was wrong cousin, I only wished to weaken us and instead I turned them into monsters, I turned you into a monster. I hope that somewhere in the cosmic flow you will find it in your heart to forgive me. The vampire race is too violent to exist among humans, I have come to give you your peace and the rest I owe you, your immortal suffering is over Raziel."

Tharion charged a white ball of fire and blasted Raziel off the ice wall and sent him to the bottom of the black ocean, the vampires could feel their king's life slipping away, the red armoured warrior Amelia just killed the king of vampires. Amelia shouted to the heavens looked down upon the vampire armies and shouted the death of their king, she branded them a doomed race for she swore that every blood sucker would meet the same end but her boast was cut short.

Raziel: "is that what think, in the deepest depths of your soul you actually believe that, pity."

The voice of Raziel echoed all around Amelia and the battlefield, the ground shook and as it shook the sinister laughter of Raziel grew and grew. Tharion could still feel Raziel's heart dying, his body should be weakening but it was getting stronger, it was getting bigger. The vampire king's laughter turned into a violent roar, that of a beast that no man had ever heard before. The armies could see behind the red ice wall, the shadow of a giant beast rising from the see. The beast was nearly as tall as the ice wall, the beast looked to the sky and blasted the sky with fire. Fire so large it was as if the sky knew no cloud but fire, the beast turned its attention to the wall and unleashed its fire upon it. One blast of fire and the ice wall was completely destroyed; this time the fire was so close to the battlefield that all could feel the heat of it. The mortal warriors are known for using fire but this fire was unlike anything they had ever felt before.

The beast behind the wall was now clear for all to see, it was a dragon, no living human had seen a true dragon, the summoned creatures the mortal armies used paled in comparison. Raziel in his dragon form took flight and turned his attention to the entire battlefield, paying no mind to what fate Tharion and Amelia had met after destroying the wall. Raziel burned the summoned creatures, the tanks, the defence lines. Anything that challenged his vampire army, he killed and destroyed every invader and invaders ship that he could see.

Tharion: "Ragan you're not going to believe this but a damn dragon just entered the battlefield, the soldiers aren't sure where it came from but from what the report gathered it seems to be Raziel, we didn't know he could take different forms. I don't know what your going through boy but if there was ever a time for a miracle now would be it, you and your comrades need to destroy the dark cloud for I fear the mortal alliance won't be able to hold this distraction for much longer."

The sight of Raziel in his dragon form was a sight to behold, he was so large that he would cast a shadow upon the entire battlefield as he hovered over it. The mighty dragon flew all around his great kingdom, even flying past the great vampire capital, the heroes fighting within the dark tower simply couldn't believe what they had just seen.

Ragna: "I didn't know Raziel could turn into such a monster, it's the largest creature I have ever seen."

Lilith: "neither did I, the story goes that only his mother and father were turned into true dragons but I didn't think he could turn into one himself, father and his secrets."

Kiva: "the mortal alliance wasn't prepared to face a dragon."

Ragan: "I guess at the rate were going we won't put a scratch on this witch, I hope this leaves an impression on you for your father isn't the only one with the ability to change form."

Ragna howled to the sky and every member of the brotherhood heard it, their bones broke and their flesh begun to be covered with hair, they took the forms of wolves and yet grew into the size of bears, the Lycan's had awakened. Vampires, humans and Lycan's shed blood on the ground and the great true dragon burns all that is beneath the might of his wings that flap hurricanes to the surface. The battle on the immortal lands has truly become a gruesome sight and yet it is only the beginning for the pain being inflicted on Dante is slowly angering another unknown creature that sleeps deep within one of Raziel's treasures, a creature of brute strength and Rage.