The Samurai vs The Furies

In such a harsh battlefield it was nothing short of a miracle that the mortal alliance army had rallied and pushed the vampire forces back as well as keep them at bay but the vampire elders were still fighting strong. The most difficult to deal with was the three wives of Raziel, Kali, Karmilla and Ursa. Kali like Raziel unleashed fire on all that faced her, Karmilla summoned black vines from the shadows that would strangle, whip and choke her enemies. Ursa's frost could turn one's blood to ice, the three furies together were a force to be reckoned with.

Yasumori with his brother Kagemori and father Ryoko had struggled to beat them back, Ryoko could challenge their strength if he could separate them but his sons were no help to him. They lacked the skill to match their father, a reality that greatly angered Ryoko, was it not Yasumori who used the twin dragon single handed? Did he not shout to the creed that he would lead the creed to victory? Once again Yasumori had slipped into the dark depths of Ryoko's heart where all he despised dwelled, Yasumori was once again a disgrace to Ryoko.

Ryoko: "how can I gain the upper hand when all I have are two worthless sons to aid me."

Yasumori: "these vampires are stronger than most, we should retreat and regroup, we cannot fight such odds."

Kagemori: "then maybe it's time we take a different approach."

From his pockets Kagemori pulled out three black seeds, the same Ragna had used to defeat Acheron, he figured that he could swallow all three like Ragan did but such an act would surely cost him his life. Ragan only survived such an ordeal because he wasn't human to begin with, even king Titus only dared to use one at a time.

Yasumori: "don't be stupid brother that power is evil, Tharion made that perfectly clear, we don't need to…..."

Ryoko: "silence boy!!! Kagemori do what you must, we all came here ready to sacrifice our very lives to win."

Yasumori: "you can sacrifice your own damn life if you think..."

Yasumori's own father run his sword through his stomach as Kagemori swallowed all three black seeds and went into a berserker state, blue lightning surrounded his body as he attacked the three furies. Kamila's vines were no longer strong enough to hold him back and the heat from Kagemori's lightning protected him from Ursa's frost. With Kali left alone Ryoko focused all his attention on her, the proud samurai showing no concern for his son attacked the queen boldly and without fear.

Ryoko knew very well that Kali's third eye could set all it sees ablaze, the old samurai's instincts where so sharp that he could sense when she would use it but her raw strength was a different story, it completely overwhelmed Ryoko. Kagemori's rage did put a dent or two on Ursa and Karmilla but like his father it wasn't enough. Yasumori watched helplessly as another of his brother under the influence of a dark power charged to his death.

Karmilla and Ursa laughed as they slowly reaped Kagemori apart, mutilating him as the mad warrior roared for creed and honour, Ursa then grabbed him by the throat, kissed him and froze his heart and smashed it to the ground, shattering it into several Pieces.

Ryoko: "worthless, get on your feet Yasumori, just because I let you lead the army don't think it gives you the right to slack off, Rise boy before I ......"

Kali screamed as she looked to her stomach and saw a cursed blade run through her and rot her flesh, she stood in confusion wondering how she didn't see it coming, she looked at Ryoko and realized that the blade went through him as well. Yasumori ran his blade through his father, he killed his father and wounded Kali all at once. He took his father's great silver cursed samurai sword and stood his ground, wielding two great samurai swords against the three furies. Before Ursa, Karmilla and a wounded Kali attacked him, Drago, Anabella, Gilgamesh and Catalina came to his aid.

Drago: "I don't know how the creed would react if they realized that their emperor was killed by his own son."

Yasumori: "he was no emperor, just another old fool who outlived his usefulness, I know you desire the throne and you intend to use the silver hunters to support your claim. Stand with me and the dragon creed is yours through me."

Anabella: "well then it looks like our king has acquired another powerful ally and it appears that you're in luck, whatever Kagemori took has kept him alive. He's a bit of a mess but I should be more than capable of healing him, looks like this ninja is the first man to draw breath without a heart, the creed will be great allies indeed."

Yasumori: "then we are agreed, focus your attention on Kali, she has been weakened, Drago and I will take on Karmilla and Ursa, do all you can for my brother Anabella."

Catalina: "I will take great pleasure in making Raziel a widow."

Yasumori: "that reminds me, Drago, where did you get the red cape?"

Drago: "glad you asked, in case you whores were wondering where your comrade was, Von Drake is dead and you will be joining him soon!!!"

The three furies attacked with great anger, to think that someone like Von Drake was killed by mortals, they unleashed all their power upon them but the battle had moved to Yasumori's favour. Yasumori now wielded both his brother and father's sword, plus his own power meant that he could now unleash the might of a three headed dragon, something that the dragon creed had never seen. Yasumori completely melted any ice Ursa summoned, each cut he inflicted on Ursa turned her flesh into stone which would soon turn to ashes, the cursed blades had never done that before.

Ursa in fear attempted to run from Yasumori, Drago who appeared to be stronger than before trapped the furies in a great ring of fire, Catalina charged towards Karmilla and cut off her legs. This left her vulnerable to Gilgamesh's mighty sword slash that cut the vampire queen in half. Yasumori charged towards Karmilla and repeatedly cut her until there was nothing left of her but crumbled stone.

Ursa: "Kali, teleport us out of here, these bastards have grown stronger than we thought, we'll regroup with Raziel and..."

Before she could finish her suggestion Kali had already abandoned Ursa and fled the battlefield, Ursa was struck by all of Yasumori's allies, bringing the ice queen to her knees. Yasumori walked towards her and cut off her head, Karmilla and Ursa had fallen, the three furies were no more.

Yasumori: "tell me Drago, are you just as irritated seeing that berserk dragon belittle us."

Drago: "berserk? yes, I would say it's about time we dealt with that bastard but we can't beat him in the sky, it's his element and we don't have anything that can match the dragon's strength in the skies."

Yasumori: "then we'll just have to bring him to the ground, his size will be very difficult to contend with but at least we'll have a chance to wound or kill him."

Yasumori carefully lifted up Ursa's stone head looked to the sky and shouted towards Raziel in the sky."

Yasumori: "Raziel!!! King of the damned, I have killed two of your whores and I shall do the same to your last one, if you don't want this to be the fate of all your bitches then you will stop fleeing from us and face me!!!"

Raziel looked to the ground and saw his sweat Ursa's stone head turn to ash and go with the wind, He descended to the ground to face Yasumori, Drago and the silver hunters. Normally fighting Raziel would be suicide but the wrath he unleashed was clear that Raziel wasn't in a clear state of mind. Despite his size and strength, a stupid Raziel is the best chance the mortal alliance would have against him and it's a chance that Yasumori and Drago had to take.