Death of the King

Raziel has roamed the sky in his dragon form, raining down fire on all that breathed, Drago, Yasumori, Tharion and Titus joined forces to face humanities greatest foe. The king and Tharion had reappeared in the battlefield, they had been with the healers who hide them so that they would re-enter the battle in full strength. Amelia had joined Gunslinger so as to maintain the strong holds the mortal alliance had gained for they were all that kept the armies from falling by the hands of Labunka.

Titus: "we have done all we can to bring him down but the dragons armour is to great and to think that my armour is made from the very scales of a dragon."

Tharion: "we have to keep at it, that mad beast can't roam the skies forever, and with respect, your armour was made from the scales of a dragon long dead."

Yasumori: "that's easy for you to say, you just got here, my blades can't even turn him to stone and my lighting at best just irritates the dragon."

Titus: "your father's aid would be greatly appreciated."

Drago: "Ryoko has fallen but our aid is just as strong if not stronger."

Whilst the mighty warriors battled Raziel in his dragon form Anabella had been charging the relic she used to alter the silver rose, she was going to flood Raziel with curse seals that would wipe out an entire army. She aimed true and without a moment's hesitation attacked Raziel, the cursed dragon was engulfed in black flames that carried the screams of a hundred widows. The dragon fell to the ground and shattered the land, Drago and Yasumori run towards Raziel and struck him repeatedly with their cursed blades. They then pulled back so that Titus and Tharion would unleash the full might of their power on the vampire king, a great explosion shook the earth and covered the air in a thick dust cloud.

As the dust cleared all could see the dragon standing all menacing and calm, the dragon turned into a giant scaled egg of red and gold, the egg became smaller and smaller until it was the size of a man. The egg cracked and shattered, and from it emerged Raziel in a human form wearing an ancient dragon armour that was scaled, silky and black. The dragons might had been compressed and honed, the vampire king's presence was beyond overwhelming, he merely gazed upon his enemies and vicious winds blew them away.

Raziel: "finally, I have regained control, now we have come to the end of our game cousin, now you pay for what you did to me and our family."

Titus: "you'll have to go through me."

Tharion: "my king, as a mad beast he was impossible for us to defeat, as he is now we have no hope of...."

As Tharion spoke he noticed Drago looking to the sky, Yasumori was in the exact same state. Tharion looked up and he could not believe what he saw, stars, starts shinning on the clear dark cloud, all on the cursed lands saw the dark cloud vanish. A sight that the people of Rovahn cheered at the sight of, our heroes did the impossible, they walked into the mouth of the beast and broke the hold it had on humanity.

Edward: "the cloud!!! It's gone!!! My fellow nobles look the darkness has been lifted, the mortal alliance has succeeded!!!"

Rovahn soldier: "my lords!!!"

Edward: "yes boy we see it!!!"

Rovahn soldier: "no my lords it's not that, it's the prince, his awoken."

Helios: "that's enough of that, we must call Tessa here at once."

Edward: "my prince she is exhausted from teleporting the silver army and you should rest my lord, you have been in a coma for so long."

Helios: "and in my long sleep I have seen many things including the disgusting desires many of you have had for the throne. I have been shown the great threat that comes for us but now is not the time, the mortal alliance has no means of retreating. Tessa will use my strength to open a portal for our people, bring her here at once, when she opens the portals this time she shall do so with the aid of my strength."

The hellboken crew and their allies looked to the sky in amazement, they couldn't believe the beauty of the night sky, the lycan's felt the cosmic energy flow through them. Giving them the strength to run twice as fast towards the battlefield, now all the mortal alliance needed was for its heroes to find a way to get their armies back home.

As Raziel looked to the sky mesmerized Tharion with the last of his strength summoned a great wall of fire, Raziel enraged charged to Tharion and sent his arm right through Tharion's chest and blasted Titus away.

Raziel: "and now our game ends cousin, I hope it was worth it, freeing Lilith from that tower, she'll unleash calamity on the world."

Tharion: "the wall will keep your vampires back, the mortal alliance will return to Rovahn, humanity will strengthen itself and end you."

Raziel: "that pitiful faith you have for them has been your undoing, their ships are destroyed and I will lay waist to every single one of them."

Titus: "I'll burn your entire city to the ground before ever letting that happen."

Surrounded by flames Titus charged to Raziel and attacked the vampire king with such great force that it scorched everything behind Raziel. As mighty as the attacks were, they were too week to harm Raziel and Titus's flames too frail to burn Raziel, Drago and Yasumori took the opportunity to strike Raziel but their blades broke on impact. Raziel's third form was monstrous, the voice of Raziel deepened and bled the eyes and ears of our heroes, it was more intense than it was in Raziel's dragon form.

All fell but Titus stood tall and strong and continued to attack Raziel but the vampire king stood calmly as not one of Titus's attacks harmed him, Titus with his last breath struck with all his might and pride. The final blow actually forced Raziel's face sideways, a sinister smile came upon Raziel, he clapped at the king's bravery, he then grabbed the mortal king and lifted him above his head. Right in front of Drago Raziel split the great king of the phoenix's legion in half, he laughed and threw the top part of Titus towards Drago. Drago grabbed his father with his trembling arms as Yasumori stood frozen in fear for what good was it to end the long darkness if they would be no one left to utilize it, no one was strong enough to face Raziel.

Raziel: "your father fought bravely, for that I will allow you to comfort your father's final moment as I finish off the last of your mortal alliance, then I will come back and kill you two last. Humanity will then learn that the only law that shall stand is mine for I am Raziel, the king of vampire's and this world and all that breaths on its surface belongs to...."

Raziel in the middle of his royal declaration saw Damian charge towards him in his adult form, Raziel grabbed Damian whilst in mid-air and gently held him. In Raziel's arms a beaten Damian returned to his young from.

Raziel: "who on earth could have done this to you in that form?"

Damian: "the beast, a monster that slept in the black orb in secret."

Raziel looked ahead of him and saw the tall humanoid tiger beast standing over him and right behind it was Dante, Boian, Hunter and Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh: "it wasn't easy but we actually managed to lead that beast here."

Dante: "it was greatly focused on Damian, all we needed to do was push Damian to where we wanted him to be without pissing the big guy off."

Boian: "now we can finally get our hands on Raziel but the army will need aid, Gunslinger and Yasumori's sisters won't be enough to hold that great vampire force for very long."

Gilgamesh: "then this is where I take my leave, my hunter's aren't too far from here, I will support the army but without a way out of here I can't say we'll be leaving this place alive."

Dante: "as long as we're alive we still have hope, do all you can Gilgamesh, I pray we meet each other after this."

Gilgamesh: "as do I Dante."

Gilgamesh took off to aid the mortal alliance's army while the others stayed to face Raziel, they all wore faces of killer intent but in the depth of their souls was sorrow for they saw the state Titus and Tharion we're in. The legions greatest heroes had fallen, they did well to keep that information from leaking out. As far as the alliance was concerned the main objective was achieved and they had something to get back to, the commanders couldn't let that hope die for it was all that kept the army standing.

Raziel: "I don't know what this creature is but it changes nothing, I'll kill this exotic giant and put this rebellion to an end, today the phoenix's legion, the dragon creed and everything else that aided this disobedience dies in the palm of my hands."

The army holds Labunka and the vampire forces back, the lycan's and hellboken crew converge to Raziel and the mystery hulk stands against Raziel after being victorious against Damian. None of our heroes know what this creature is but with the death of Tharion and Titus, the only hope humanity has is the unknown beast that holds a great vendetta against all Vampires.

Titus's final log: "I ruled with an iron fist and raised two sons with great pride, I know the decision Drago made to join the silver hunters was a difficult one but such is the life of a king. When I looked into your eyes I did not see a traitor or disobedient son, I saw the heir that I always wished you to be.

My time as king has ended and I have left the world with many mistakes but I believe that you my son will redeem my name, you will make humanity mighty and strong again. my greatest regret is not seeing my youngest son one last time but Helios my son, I know you will return to your brother, you always do, now it is time for me to join your mother.

When this body returns it will be as a monster, one fuelled by the shadows but I do not fear such a fate, for my sons and the legion are the light and the light will always prevail, my sons will prevail, King Titus of the phoenix's legion signing out."

Tharion's final log: "I desired nothing but true freedom for humanity but in my haste I had made a terrible mistake, I unleashed monsters upon the earth. I have devoted my life to seeing that humanity became masters of their world once more, I turned on my family and lost the love of my cousin Raziel but all is as fate desired it to be.

My heart is heavy with guilt Raziel and I wished I had the power to take it all back but I didn't and so I committed to the path I chose. My son still lives and so humanity still has a grand elder, I know my son will reclaim the path he had turned away from and take my place as advisor to the king of Rovahn. I know I never raised you nor showed you the love your deserved but you are a dragon, a precious thing that needed to stay hidden, reclaim your name and lead my son.

You're a better man than I was and I am proud to be your father, now I die beside the king of Rovahn and my time in this world has ended. Like my king I too used the dark seed to keep my aging body from weakening me but as leaders of humanity we did what we did for the greater good. Forgive us for our short comings and strive to be greater than us, you are the hope humanity prayed for and you my son will free humanity. I should have told you this a thousand times but I hope the one time I say it will be of value to you, I love you my son, with all my heart and soul I love you, Tharion of the phoenix's legion signing out."