A whirl Of activity

My aunt led my step-cousin and me to a long, black limo that was parked in front of our apartment building. I looked to my empty apartment building's door. A single tear trickled down my cheek and fell on my dress.

"By the way, my name is Lincoln Koranic." My step-cousin opened the door to the limo.

"Princess, please enter the limo now." My aunt entered the limo before me, and I touched the roof of it before looking back at the apartment. My father stood in the entryway. For a solid five seconds, I stared at his unmoving face before bending down to slide into the limo. If I could have chosen to redo this last day, I would. Even if I were to hug him and wish him goodbye would have been better than the way that I left him. Who would know if I would ever see him again?

The ride was long and boring. The city's skyscrapers turned into fields and fields of different crops before we arrived in another city.

The paperwork at the embassy was uneventful; it was more of a formality than true work.

The worst part was that I didn't even realize it was my birthday tomorrow. I wish I could turn back time to this morning. I wish I would have chosen differently. Alas, I did not, so here we are. I'm getting ahead of myself as I record these events.

Training to become a queen is unbelievably difficult for someone as scientific as I am. I wish Ajax were here. He was the one who was highly versed in etiquette. He would always correct me when he got the chance. The only thing they didn't hound me to learn was dancing and table etiquette- two subjects that I am well versed.