When Lin Feng returned to Suna with the Daimyo's approval order, basically something made by Kaguya as she was the one really in charge, he found it in an uproar with all the ninja at the condition of high alert.
When he landed near the central pagoda, Chiyo body flickered to his side and reported the situation.
Apparently, Rasa had defected from Suna and carried away his clan members and the members of the Tetsu clan.
All in all, a total of three hundred ninja. There were three jonin, five special jonin, twenty-eight chunin and the rest except for the newly born children were genin.
Quite considerable for only two clans.
Their properties had been seized and searched and except for weapons, heirlooms and technique scrolls, everything else was left behind. Including a book detailing Rasa's unsavoury activity. The book revealed a lot of dirt on the council members, showing how corrupt they were.
Lin Feng smiled at his gesture.
The man was ambitious and clever. He wasn't resigned to be second best, so he defected.
Lin Feng didn't doubt that in a few days some country or the other would change ownerships.
Rasa was also loyal to Suna, so he left a parting present in the form of that book. Lin Feng was having a headache as to how he would deal with the corrupt elders. He had even prepared to subdue them via a show of force after his newfound resolution. Now, he just had to use the evidence to depose them.
He ordered:
"Declare Rasa a missing-nin with only 10 ryo [Narutoverse currency… basically a very small amount] as bounty. That will confuse our enemies and show good will to Rasa. If he takes over a nation, show neutrality outwardly and support them secretly.
"Also, I want all the elders with their names in that book out of office by tonight. Seeing that they have contributed to Suna for so long, don't detain them, just depose them.
"Also, divide 40… no 30% of the properties vacated by Rasa to the people who lost a lot of money during the rebuild… take over the rest as public property.
"Prepare to make peace with Iwagakure and Kirigakure and jointly attack Konoha. We will be going to war soon. And assign someone to find out the location of a Jashin cultist called Hidan who is a missing-nin from the village hidden in the waterfalls.
"Finally, find someone with a nice handwriting and make copies of the Daimyo's edict appointing me Kazekage and spread them all over Suna as fliers."
Meanwhile, Kaguya was sitting behind Pakura and helping her with her soul cultivation as per the contract.
"Now concentrate on your Yang chakra and try to use it as you would your Yin chakra for Genjutsu and I'll use my technique to transform it."
Pakura followed her instructions but it was difficult as Yang chakra was more exuberant and wild, unsuited to delicate applications like Genjutsu.
Kaguya yelled, "Yin-Yang Reversal Technique."
Pakura felt like all the strength in her muscles had been screened away, leaving them feeling like soggy noodles. Yet her mind was exceptionally clear as an excess of Yin chakra flowed in her body.
"Let loose your mind," ordered Kaguya and she complied and suddenly, she found herself as a formless mass of yin chakra in her mindscape.
There were mountains as far as she could see and she felt inexplicably happy, almost giddy. She noticed that her yin chakra was being drained at an alarming rate.
Suddenly, formless ripples spread out from her and the draining stopped as Enthusiasm Fire burnt on her, protecting her.
Kaguya's soul form appeared in front of her.
"My soul cultivation technique uses the concept of the Seven Emotions and Six Sensory Pleasures. My interpretation was to have the Seven emotions of anger, sorrow, love, hate, joy, fear and worry form six realms, each of which would have a different characteristic representing how those emotions affected the six senses."
She waved her hand and the suction on Pakura's chakra intensified and the Enthusiasm Fire responded by burning brighter.
She said, "This mountainous realm represents the peaks of my mood, that is, the emotions of love and joy. It makes any enemy I bring here feel joyful and absorbs more of their chakra the more intense their emotion. By resisting against the realm's pressure, your Enthusiasm Fire which is basically a mix of all emotions will segregate out and also, your soul form will stabilize."
After some time, the reddish-pink Enthusiasm Fire shrank to 5/7 th of its previous size and two small wisps of flame, violet and indigo in colour circled around Pakura's soul form which had started to fuzzily take shape.
Kaguya waved her hand again and the scenery shifted to an endless sea of acid. Pakura screamed soundlessly as the acid sizzled against her soul form until once again, the Enthusiasm fire kept it off.
"This realm is formed of my hatred… my vitriol. It dissolves all who fall into it."
Soon, a green wisp joined the two other circling wisps of flame while the fire shrank again.
With another hand wave, they were in an endless desert. Pakura's soul form which had become more defined seemed to wither in the dry heat until the Fire covered her like a second skin, protecting her.
Kaguya said, "This realm is representing fear… or more appropriately desperation."
A yellow wisp was formed and Pakura's soul became more defined. Now, instead of a blob of chakra, she looked like a faceless mannequin.
The next realm was one filled with volcanoes and magma. It represented anger and a red wisp was formed here. Pakura's soul now had a nose and a mouth.
The next realm was an endless stretch of glaciers, representing sorrow. Pakura formed her blue wisp and her eyes formed.
The final one was an endless plain with knee high pyramids all over the place and an extremely high gravity. It was the realm representing the emotion of worry. Here, the orange wisp was formed and all the Enthusiasm Fire was used up while by contending with the gravity, the soul form tended towards looking completely like Pakura, finalizing into her nascent divinity.
Kaguya said, "Now that you have grasped the seven emotions, it's time for you to weave them into six structures representing the six senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, touch and instinct. This will conclude your soul sutra."
She continued, "This part is totally dependent on your interpretation… So, tell me what it will be."