After finishing my anime i just felt bored, this world has nothing to offer me anymore i have money,cars,houses by the beach i even have a useless horny tiger that just roars and moans but the only joy i have in this life is my anime,i have issues i admit that but it's not my fault i was born ocd if i see dirt on my shoes i have to come home sit down and scrub it for 20 minutes and if a person tries to touch me or shakes my hand my body respond as if it's being threatened and i mistakenly break their entire arm, unless i have a very close relation ship with a person i can't have human contact and even if we were close i would have to wash my hands at least 10 times afterward because humans are filthy well except me of course but i have learned to keep it hidden by focusing it all in my house and work once i leave my house i am just the scary cleaner.

No one knows my secrets because if they did i would be dead , you see in my line of work toughness and dependability are things you should not lack and a die hard otaku and neat freak doesn't exactly strike fear and respect into your gun wielding colleagues does it, so i keep it a secret and they take the fact that i don't shake their hand as an act of arrogance but that only increases their fear for me because a guy who doesn't even shake the hand of the yakuza boss must either not fear death or has capabilities to take down the yakuza.

I actually don't both fear death because i have nothing that ties me down to life and i can take down the yakuza because i always keep some evidence from every job i do as a fail safe in case i die so i have the ability to take down every criminal organization in the city if i felt like it and of course i don't feel like it but there are times like right now when i watch anime and see the protagonist fighting for justice and i get up feeling my blood boiling and shouting that i should also fight for justice so i just ran out of the house looked for the nearest criminal looking person i can find and started beating him to death then when i come back down to reality i started to yell at my self for my stupidity seriously what was i thinking killing the son of the Russian mob boss.

Why does this keep happening i have already killed the sons of the Irish and Italian bosses seriously why do they send their kids around her at night it's very dangerous so as always i cleaned up the evidence and then framed one of the generals of the Mexican drug cartel after which i headed home and decide to punish my self by watching my favorite episode of my favorite anime so after that brutal torture i ate my dinner and went tho sleep but what i didn't know was that at a hidden corner of the street some poor beggar saw everything and decided to sell this information cause what has he got lose, so after little hesitation he went near the body and sat down waiting for the guys parents.

What this bastard did't know was that this kids dad was the Russian mob boss and after finding out that this mere beggar not only just watched as his son got beat to death but also wants to sell the information on the one that killed his son he tortured that bastard till he got the information he wanted and after which he gave the poor beggar a bullet to the head sadly it was at his death that the poor beggar realized he had a lot to lose, that fake gold he found on the street when he was 34 which is his 3rd most prized possession he has till this day because he had heard a legend that you can turn fake gold into real if you make a prayer and pee on it 10 years he had only a year left to test if his experiment had worked also the comfy cardboard bed he made when he was 30 which is 2nd prized possession and his 1994 special edition porno magazine he found when he was 20 which is his 1st and most treasured possession because it has stuck with him in those lonely days and warmed him up in those cold nights even though now you can't even see the pictures anymore he found out just holding it brings out memories and some times more so as regrets kept flashing across his face he died a sad and angering death.

So after finding out who killed his son the man went crazy and kept yelling "not even god will save that goddamn cleaner from my hands and i will use his own hands to beat him to death" and so he ordered his entire forces to gather up cause their going hunting for the cleaner and he told them to capture him alive and bring him there so he could torture and kill him with his own hands but his adviser almost jumped out out of his skin when he heard that and told the boss how terrifying the cleaner was only then did the boss remember who they were dealing with and had a troubled face but the adviser came up to his ear and whispered some thing which made his eyes sparkle and started laughing like a maniac and started yelling "good good good now all will come to fear us once this was over and they will know not to mess with the Russians " and he got up from his seat.

Every one was shocked, was their boss really coming with them because although their boss was cruel and scary in this office he is actually a scared bitch on the inside, they once saw him crying and yelling at a corner of his bedroom saying enemy attack and to bring their weapons which surprised them because they new the entire room was reinforced with thick steel and it doesn't even have a window even though they they didn't dare to make him wait and once they arrived he took one of his men's gun and started shooting and yelling at the corner of the wall and after finishing his ammo he squinted and looked at area he shot at and after confirming something he yelled and ran out of his bed room leaving his men stunned after which they cautiously approached the area their boss shot at only to find a tiny spider sitting their perfectly healthy but the area around had bullet dents and now this wimpy bitch wants to help them take down one of the most dangerous people around some thing about this is fishy.