A couple of hour after the conversation with the Hokage. "Naruto this is your new residence." said the hokage while pointing at a building with two floors as he continued.

"This was the house your parents were going to buy after you were born, but sigh.. due those unfortunate circumstances they didn't get around to it but now it's yours it has 3 bed rooms, two bathrooms and one kitchen and a living room plus it's fully furished." after speaking like a professional sells person for a moment he paused and asked.

"so what do you think Naruto? Since you said you wanted a house you could have had if you weren't an orphan, i thought this house would be perfect for you i am sure your parents would be happy that you would be the one living in it."said Sarutobi with a slight smile.

Then Naruto spoke with a touched expression one his face."This means much more to me than you will ever know old man."while on the inside he was thinking.'Finally a place that is at least worth cleaning up.'

"Naruto i have already contacted jiraiya so he will be arriving soon, as for your allowance you can go collect it from the management office every month. So now tell me, who was it that told you this secret? Because although this secret might help you it can also hurt you if it gets into the wrong hands."

"Ok old man a deal is a deal i guess so, the one who told me all this is....."knowing he is about to be told a big secret the Hokage got closer, so Naruto whispered it him in a small voice"Kurama the tailed beast sealed inside me." which scared the Hokage shitless.

He said this because firstly, there is no way of the knowing if he was lying or not and secondly it will act as scare tactic in case some one like Danzo wants to make a move against him.

"Naruto are you saying that you can talk to the nine tailed fox and it told you all these stories itself."sarutobi asked with a serious expression but you can see a trace of fear in his eyes.

"Yep it also said that he can lend me his chakra if i unseal him." Naruto spoke with pride but he was laughing and sneering on the inside.

Sarutobi trembled as he moved to grabbed Naruto by the shoulder, but to Naruto time slowed down, as he watched the Hokages dirty old hands coming towards his shoulder, he was a germaphobe as well as a crazy neat freak and he has already seen what this dirty old man does with those hands, so if he does touches him now he will be having nightmares for weeks so without even thinking he used every single strength in his being to dodge those hands.

While Naruto was overjoyed that he just escaped from the clutches of hell itself Sarutobi was surprised and puzzled as to why Naruto would dodge his grip.

But then he remembered that it was only today that Naruto found out that he has been lied to, and so it was natural for him to feel hurt and not want contact for some time, he was actually taking this all much better than what one might expect, so he calmed down and spoke with the most serious face possible.

"Naruto remember don't ever unseal that fox, it is lying to you, once you release it, it will not only kill you but everyone in this village as well"seeing the serious look on the Hokage's face he new that he had achieved his goal so he said.

"Sure old man you don't need to be so scarred i wouldn't just believe what ever it says, i will only release it under the threat of certain death only."spoke Naruto with a huge smile on his face.

Even though he didn't say it in his words the Hokage understood the meaning behind them it was. 'Don't harm me and i won't send my fox on your asses.'

"Don't worry Naruto as long as i am here no one will ever cause you harm again and what happened to your previous apartment, i heard that some one burned everything in it and it was done by the Fire-ball jutsu."

" Thanks a lot old man i know you will take good care of me from now on, Oh and as for that apartment i don't want to point any fingers but it's probably that... what was his name..hmm oh yea Sasuke, he was the only person i know that knows Fire-style jutsu, but this is just a guess of mine so please investigate before you pursue him."

"Sigh.. we guessed as much, as we asked around and we found out that he has been asking around for your house a couple of hours ago, but don't hold it against him he has been through just as much as you have."said Sarutobi hoping that Naruto doesn't hold a grudge.

"What are you talking about old man that isn't my house anymore and as long as he pays for the expenses i am sure the land lords will find it in their hearts to forgive him, as for me all i want him to do is to personally apologies for his actions."this made Sarutobi sigh in relief, now as long as sasuke apologizes everything will be fine.

Of course it was Naruto, who used transformation jutsu to turn into sasuke and started asking around for directions to his own house, and since he was used to framing those criminal organizations with out any help from jutsu back on earth, he was an expert in that field, now with the transformation jutsu it was as simple as visiting his neighbors.

After he said good bye to the Hokage he rushed inside his house to take a shower, because he felt if he stayed a second longer in these sweaty clothes he was going to loose it.

And as soon as he looked at his own naked body he was horrified to find out he was sweating and there were dirt marks all over his body he couldn't imagine how the previous Naruto could possibly get this much dirt through his clothes but he didn't let that mystery stop him from jumping into the bathtub.

As he was relishing the smell of soap and water his system spoke.

[Host it is suggested that you tame your spirit beast right away, as it will serve not only as an extra layer of protection to host in this dangerous world but also help in updating and unlocking the rest of the system functions.]

"WHAT!!!!system i can't tame that thing right now, and why do you need me to tame the beast to update anyway"

[Answering host, the seal placed on host's body uses a sliver of soul energy to maintain itself and because of that, although host has fully integrated with this world, host yet to fully integrate with the system, as for the beast host has already consumed the Soul strengthening pill so host can just pressure the beast into submission.]

"Oh yea, i had completely forgotten about that since i was busy all day, ok then system how do i get to where Kurama is?"

[Host just need to concentrate on the seal.]

As he did that he came into a dark hallway and as he walked further in, he appeared in front of a huge cage with a paper seal in front of it, as he was staring at the cage with approval suddenly bright red eyes started shining from with in and he heard a cold voice saying."Do you want power?"

Naruto new what it wanted to do so he didn't play along as he spoke."Kurama you weak little bitch i can't believe that you think you can give me power when you were played by one weak human into slaughtering innocents so shut the fuck up and listen."

"I didn't come here to set you free, i came here to do the exact opposite, i am here to tame you."

"WHAT!DID!YOU!SAY!? you puny human, how dare you insult me the greatest of all tailed beast the nine tailed fox Kurama, and you say you wanna tame me hahahahahahaha i might be sealed but i will be free one day and when that day comes i will kill you for your insolence."

"Ok my little pet i think it's time to teach you, not to pee on your owners leg."and as soon as Naruto finished he focused his entire soul energy onto Kurama which made the beast scream, as if he had dropped a soap in prison for the first time and had left his ass wide open for his fellow inmates.

After one hour of that torture Kurama finally agreed as he wondered when someone so strong appeared in this world.

[Ding!!! congratulations to host for taming your first spirit beast host has received a gift package.]

As the system spoke, the word 'KING' appeared in gold on Kurama's forehead and the cage disappeared along with the seal on his body, then he started to feel a connection with Kurama as well as his massive and pure chakra it's as if he can control the beast as well as it's powers.

[Ding!!! host system requests an update please stabilize soul.]

When he heard the system he exited the realm and relaxed, then he began to hear the systems voice.

[Updating in progress ..1%....25%...50%.....100%.]

[System finished updating, host please prepare, system will start to making modifications to host's body in ten seconds 10..9..8...4...3...1, starting modifications.]

"Wait, wha.."

Before he could ask what the system meant, Naruto started to feel his body heating up, then, came an indescribable pain, it felt as if every inch of his body was getting melted and reforged over and over again and it didn't stop for next two hours, then he started getting mind spiting headaches so strong that he almost passed out, but he endured it by clenching his teeth and stayed awake this took another two hours after that he got a notification.

[Congratulations host for competing the body modification successfully.]

[Host has gained

The King's body: can adapt to contain any power host gains from this universe without any harm or side effects to the hosts body, host also gets stronger by completing quests and killing stronger beasts or humans.

The Kings gift: gives host gifts in ever increase in rank that will not only make host stronger, but also makes host look more awe inspiring.

The King's aura: gives host the aura of a leader which comforts and attracts your allies, but scares and pressures your enemies, this also increases host's charisma.

Ruler's-mind: helps host think calmly in any distressing situation so as to make better decisions.]

"What was that system?' he asked while panting and recovering from the hell he just went through.

[Answering host, host's body has been modified to contain powers from other worlds otherwise host's body would explode.]

[Ding!!!,host has unlocked Anime store, Inventory and Quest panel]

[Host status panel has been upgraded please check]