Early next morning.
Naruto was woken up by the sudden banging on his door, yawning and stretching he went to open his door.
As he opened his door he was surprised to find the great Sasuke Uchiha standing there like a proud and majestic little chicken.
He had his hands in his pockets and was staring at Naruto with a desire in his eyes.
"GIVE IT TO ME." Yelled Sasuke with the desire in his eyes getting stronger.
Upon hearing him Naruto didn't waste a moment in giving him a good old fist to face, which sent Sasuke flying across the street stunned.
"Sasuke listen, I know you are a teen now and you have some raging hormones but keep me out of this, go and try lee he wears tights so might swing that way." After saying his piece Naruto slammed the door.
Sasuke was feeling wronged, all he asked was for Naruto to give him strength. Yesterday when he saw Naruto defeating Kakashi he knew that Naruto had gained some secret which is helping him get stronger fast so he decided to swallow his pride and ask for help.
And although he asked aggressively, it was still considered weakness for him to ask others for help yet he was rejected.
Unable to swallow failure he knocked on the door.
And it opened quickly this time.
"Naruto I need the secrets to your strength, give it to me." He asked although better still it had some aggressiveness to it.
When Naruto heard this he started laughing like crazy, he had been confused since Sasuke had never shown any feeling towards men and he had thought that maybe he had awakened something inside of him because of his new good looks but it seems he was overthinking it now.
He invited Sasuke in to his house and shut the door.
"You better take you shoes of or I will take your foot off with it." Said Naruto in a menacing tone as the entire house was suddenly engulfed with eerie aura.
Sasuke was stunned but he soon recovered and took his shoes off and as soon as he placed them neatly beside the door the aura just vanished like it never existed.
After Sasuke sat down at the table Naruto bought two bowls of ramen from the system and gave one to Sasuke.
Sasuke didn't know where and how Naruto brought the ramen from but he still didn't mind it and accepted the bowl with two hands.
After trying the ramen he was shocked he had never tasted something this good in his entire life and was about to complement it when he remembered who it was from, so he recovered his cool and said in an aloof manner.
"This is not bad although it isn't as good as what I usually eat, but since I didn't eat anything before coming here it is still decent enough for now."
As heard his comment Naruto didn't reply with words as he simply took the ramen away and dumped it all in the garbage bowl include.
"Since you don't like it then I shouldn't force you to eat this trash anymore."
When Sasuke heard this he felt like crying, why doesn't Naruto have any form of basic decency he had told him that he hadn't had breakfast so why did he throw his ramen away without even asking his opinion about it.
Naruto was laughing in his heart, he knew that the ramen bought from the system was incredible. But since Sasuke wanted to act tough by bragging that what he usually ate was better he decided he would let him act tough with an empty stomach.
"So you want strength huh, and why may I ask do you need that strength?" Naruto asked already knowing the answer, but he did it to make small talk.
"My brother, Itachi Uchiha, he murdered our parents and slaughtered everyone from the Uchiha clan, and he told me I don't have enough hate, but he is wrong all I have is hate, hate for him for killing our parent, hate for my self for being to weak and hate for the village for not protecting them, you see I need strength to get revenge and not just any type of strength I need overwhelming strength that can destroy Itachi completely and make him regret what he has done after that I ca....."
Naruto was stunned right now, now he new why Sasuke spoke very little in the anime it was because once he started there won't be any time for the other characters.
"The shorter version is I need this strength to kill a certain some one." Said Sasuke with his arms crossed and trying to stare into the distance but failing to because of the wall.
Seeing this idiot still trying to act cool he was amused, and decide he should help him so,
"You want to know the secret to my amazing power, fine whatever listen up, first what is important is you make sure to stick to this intense training regiment.
Sasuke:'Training, not a sectet jutsu or a forbidden jutsu but training, it must be one powerful training regiment if it gave him strength so fast.'
"Listen Sasuke you have to keep doing it no matter how difficult it gets it took me a full 3 days to get this strong." But before he said what he would say next he first opened his second tail gate which made all his muscles under his shirt bulge as he said.
"And of course make sure you have three meals daily, just a banana in the morning is fine, in the beginning you will wish you were dead, you might start thinking what's the harm of taking a day off."
"But for me in order to be a strong shinobi even if I was spiting blood I never stopped I toughed it out and endured the pain. I did squat even when my legs felt like they couldn't move, even when my arms kept making weird clicking noises I kept doing push ups,"
"Yesterday I started to notice a difference, I had grown taller, looked more handsome and had gotten stronger so in other words you have to train like hell to the point you look as good as me to get this strong." Said Naruto trying his best to maintain his serious expression.