The Imposter

Here I was about to go to sleep. My parents were out of town on a business trip, so me and my sister got to have the house all to ourselves and to a fifteen-year-old boy like me this was simply wonderful. Just as I was about to close my eyes, I heard my sister's scream coming from the end of the hallway. I quickly ran into her room and saw her covered in her bed sheets.

She said, "Lo-look under m-my bed. There's a te-terrifying monster down there. I don't want to get out of my bed or else it might grab me and drag me under."

"Sure." I responded. Knowing that these kinds of fears were common amongst small children like my sister I looked under her bed and saw her little stuffed rabbit. "All there is down there is that stuffed rabbit toy mom bought for you a couple of days ago. There's nothing to be afraid of." I said.

My sister turned to me still shaken and said, "B-but it grabbed me and I could feel its cold hands on one of my legs."

"Are you sure it just wasn't your imagination?" I asked.


"Well, if it wasn't just your imagination, then whatever was under your bed certainly isn't there anymore." As I was leaving my sister's room, a rat came from behind me and scurried out the door. I was curious if the rat was heading towards its family, so I decided to chase after it. When I reached the end of the hallway I lost track of the rat and shortly there after a horrid smell filled my nostrils. The smell was like rotting meat mixed with feces and it seemed to be emanating from the living room. As I went towards the living room I started getting scared and wondered if there was really a monster lurking around the house, but then I remembered that people's worst nightmares rarely ever turn out to be true. I thought to myself "It's definitely just my mind playing tricks on me. I should just relax. This is my 'party hard without my parents around' vacation after all." When I got to the living room I turned the lights on, and was greeted with the hideous sight of my dog laying on its back with his stomach ripped open, blood everywhere. I started to get nauseous which caused my head to sink downwards, and when I did I found myself staring into my dog's cold, black, dead eyes.

Then the lights turned off and I heard a deep, quiet voice say, "You were wrong. I am not just someone's imagination."

Right after the mysterious voice finished talking a clawed hand came out of the shadows and grabbed one of my legs. With great force the hand pulled me, crashing me onto my back and dragging me across across the carpet. I used all of my strength to break free, but it was no use. It was like a boa constrictor was curled around my leg. Just before I was about to be dragged into a wall, I kicked around in the dark and managed to strike whatever was pulling my leg. The hand let go for a split second, and I used this opportunity to bolt out of the room. It was clear that something dangerous was in my house, and I started running to my sister's room to get her. I planned to get her so that the both of us could run away and try to get as far away from whatever killed our dog as possible. Then when it was clear that the both of us were in a safe place, I planned to call the police. There are two paths that lead to my sister's room and I decided to take the one that goes through the kitchen so that I could get a knife and a flashlight. I soon found myself running up the hallway and I was getting close to my sister's room. I went up to my sister's door and twisted the knob, but it was no use: the door was locked. I started knocking on the door but all I was met with was my sister's dreadful scream. I then came to the conclusion that whatever was in the living room must have gotten to my sister's room before I did. I tried opening the door by slamming into it. "1….2….3….BANG!" I slammed into the door over and over again with all of my fifteen-year-old strength. Unfortunately, my efforts proved fruitless, but then I remembered an old trick my mother taught me. The trick was that if I put the tip of a kitchen knife into the keyhole of most of the doors in my house and twist, the door would become unlocked. I put the tip of my kitchen knife into the keyhole of my sister's door, twisted, and the door opened. I put my flashlight on its highest setting and stormed into the room with my knife held high, but all I saw was my sister standing there as if nothing threatening had happened.

She stood there with a big smile and said, "The monster who grabbed me jumped out the window and left when it heard you coming. There's no need to worry. Let's go upstairs and watch T.V. together to calm us down after such a frightening experience."

I turned the lights on and saw that the window in her room was open. As I looked at her with the lights on, something felt off. I don't know if it was her smile or how calm she seemed to be all of a sudden, but something felt off.

She grabbed my arm firmly and said, "Come on, let's go upstairs!" and started tugging on my arm with a significant amount of force.

My head was knocked forward and at that moment my face came close to hers and I saw her pearly green eyes. Thing is, my sister has blue eyes. At that moment I knew this clearly wasn't my sister. I let go, got out my knife, and said "Where's my sister and what have you done to her? Speak up or I'll stab you"

The Imposter started laughing and said, "Ok, you got me."

The Imposter then expelled some kind of of green slime out of from its eyes and smoke out of its mouth, which soon surrounded it. After the smoke cleared I saw the Imposter in its true form. It was a monster that most resembled a rabbit. It stood upright. It was covered in greasy fur. Its body was almost completely round, so much so that it looked like if you were to put it on a hill, it would roll. The monster had rabbit feet with claws that were twice the size of my index finger. The monster had long furry skinny arms. The monster's entire body had stitches going all around it like a stuffed animal. Its hands were humanoid, bare of fur, and were tipped with enormous claws. In one hand the the monster was holding a steel spiked mallet. It had a long black snout which protruded from its face. Its eyes were cold black snail-like eyes that popped out of its eye sockets. Its mouth had two big yellow buck teeth that looked like they could easily cut through a human. I saw all of this in an instant however, and as I was distracted by the horror of the monster's appearance, the monster lunged at me and hit me in the stomach with its mallet. I fell to the floor with my head facing towards my sister's bed, which mysteriously didn't have the stuffed rabbit under it. I then saw the monster open the closet door and take out my sister who was tied up with rope and had a strip duct tape over her mouth. Then the monster picked her up, and carried her out of the room. I picked up my knife and charged after the monster. As I was chasing the monster, I was baffled by its ridiculous speed. I saw the monster run upstairs and go into my parent's bedroom. When I got there I saw my sister laid down on the floor with the monster standing beside her. The monster picked up its mallet and swung at my sister's stomach. Right before the mallet hit her I lunged forward with my knife held high and managed to stab one of the monster's eyes. The monster squealed with blood pouring out of one of its eyes and it stood there stunned, coving its bloody eye with its hands. Using this opportunity, I grabbed my sister and tried to run away. Shortly after I started running the monster spit rats out its mouth and one of its rats bit my left leg which caused me to fall over. The monster then stopped covering its bloody eye and ran towards me with its mallet. When I got back up I realised I didn't stand a chance in escaping this encounter considering the monster's incredible speed, so I started running toward the monster in an attempt to kill it in the resulting clash. I was so nervous and scared I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest and what felt like several hundred beads of sweat dripping down my forehead. Right before the monster and I clashed, I fell on the ground, completely paralysed. Right after I fell the monster started walking towards to my sister. As my sister watched the monster slowly walk towards her with its mallet held high she started crying, and her face soon became drenched with tears. She squirmed, trying to get away from the monster, but the monster caught up to her and put its foot on her legs to keep her from moving. The monster then took off the duct tape that was over my sister's mouth. The monster then swung its mallet and hit my sister's stomach. The moment the mallet made contact with my sister, a loud crunching sound could be heard and an enormous amount blood spurted out of my sister's stomach. The monster swung again and again with my sister letting out a blood curdling scream every time and after about ten seconds the screaming stopped. It was obvious what grim fate had met my sister. I wanted to vomit, but my paralysis wouldn't let me.

The monster spoke in a deep scratchy voice,"How are you liking the paralysis my rats gave you? Oh, and before you meet the same fate as your sister I just want you to know I could have easily killed you when we met in the living room, but decided not to just to toy with you. I wanted you to slowly experience true horror. The kind horror a bug feels when it's caught in a spider's web and the bug can do nothing but watch as it sees the spider slowly creep up to it."

After hearing the monster's speech I'm sure that it ran back and forth from the living room to my sister's room and back. Me and the monster never crossed paths when it didn't want me to because the monster used different routes throughout the house, its shapeshifting powers to turn itself into a rat, and its incredible speed to pass me. And it went through all of this trouble just to toy with me. Sadly, these are likely to be the last thoughts that will ever pass through my head.

And here I am now in the present having accepted the grim fate that awaits me. I see the monster walking towards me. When it gets within striking distance, it starts to lift up its mallet and as it sends it crashing downard I hear a loud beeping noise. As the mallet gets closer and closer the beeping intensifies. Everything suddenly goes black and…. And …. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! I find myself waking up out of bed with my alarm clock going off beside me. It seems like I have just been through a terrible nightmare. All of a suddenly I hear my sister's scream coming from the end of the hallway. I quickly run into her room and see her covered in her bed sheets.

She says, "Lo-look under m-my bed. There's a te-terrifying monster down there. I don't want to get out of my bed or else it might grab me and drag me under."

Like in my dream I look under her bed but this time I see the mangled corpse of my sister. I quickly look up and a green-eyed smile consumes my vision.

I jumped back immediately.

"What's wrong?" My sister asked.

"You're not my sister," I responded. I ran as fast as I could to get away. I noticed my sister shape-shift into the rabbit monster again. Then it caught up to me. It grabbed my leg and pulled me down onto the ground. Fortunately I grabbed a knife and cut at its hand and It screamed. This gave me time to run out the door and make an escape.

As I ran through the neighborhood I screamed, "Someone's chasing me! Someone's chasing me!" I went through alleyways, and jumped over twigs and leaves, and found a police car right in front of me. I opened the door and hopped in. "Drive!" I yelled to the officer. The officer put the pedal to the medel and we got on out of there.

A police officer stood in front of me at the police station, "So what happened?" He asked.

"You won't believe me but…" I quickly came to the realization that if I told the officer a monster had been following me he would put me in a straight jacket. "There was a murderer running after me."

The officer looked in shock, "We'll be sure to notify your parents. We'll conduct an investigation and you'll wait in a cell in this station to be safe. In the meantime I have some questions to ask you…"

From there I answered questions from the officer. How asked how the murderer looked like, weapon, that kind of stuff. I simply said that I couldn't see his features. The only thing that I said that was in line with what I saw was that he emitted a horrid stench.

So I got in my holding cell and nightfall soon came in the police station. Luckily I had my phone so I wasn't too bored. I got done watching some Youtube videos and I was about to go to sleep when I noticed a shadow flickering in the darkness. I opened my eyes when I saw two eye sockets peaking in. I panicked immediately. I got up and started to run screaming that there was an intruder. But an arm came out of the walls and grabbed my ankles. I kicked whatever it was looming in the shadows and it undid its grip. I just barely grabbed the key and undid the cell. As I ran down the hallway I saw a police officer. "Finally! Someone to save me", I thought. But when I got closer I realized it. The police officer was dead. Eyes closed. Blood dripped out of his mouth. I felt my stomach churn looking at the sight. I nearly puked. I then looked around to notice more bodies. And they were all police officers who got killed. Heads with cuts, scars everywhere. I became sick. But I couldn't stay there long. The monster clawed through bars and nearly made its way to me. I picked up a pipe and struck the monster in the eyes. It squealed as I ran and got out of the police station. I became a hitchhiker and flagged down a nearby car and got on out of there.

The next morning it was on the news about the mass killings of all inside the police station. I got interviewed of course and I told them it was indeed a monster who attacked me. They wouldn't have believed me if it wasn't for the fact that on a corrupted video camera there was something strange people noticed. After enhancing the video and slowing it down the world caught its first glimpse of something it couldn't fathom. A rabbit-like monster with slug-like eye sockets protruding outwards. It was on video slaying the inhabitants of the police station like they were ants. The world fell into shock.

And so shortly thereafter an investigation took place of the police department. Since I was the only witness I was asked to tag along. I stood there and watched the scientists do their thing:

"Whoa!" A man in a lab coat exclaimed, "These samples…. They're out of this world!"

"What do you mean?" An officer replied.

'I mean that these samples are from outer space. Mars to be exact!"

"I can't believe it," The officer replied.

Bystanders gasped.

It was at that moment we heard something moving around amongst the machinery. And it jumped out. It was a monster. It grabbed onto me. A couple police officers took out their handguns and shot the beast multiple times. It eventually fell and ceased movement. The officers breathed a sigh of relief.

The monster's body was sent to a lab to be examined. Yes, the creature is indeed from mars. It was at that moment we heard a large crash from outside the building. When we went out to check we saw a blaze. A wall of fire. Behind it was something metal. A spaceship. Then there were silhouettes in the flames. Five of the monsters from before jumped out after us. One of them bit a police officer. But shortly there-after got executed by the cops firing their handguns. When all the aliens died the alien ship sounded out a message, "We will attack the earth in 3 years time. All life will die as a result!"

This news sent shockwaves across the whole world. Mankind knew its days were numbered. That is, unless they could figure out a way to take out the menace early. They needed to fly to mars. They needed to find a way to kill the aliens early. And luckily scientists had an idea. First they used NASA's newest rocket jet propulsion Then they had to attach it with the UN's new rocket sling. Yes, the rocket sling could be used with conjunction of those two things to get to mars. But there was something else they needed. Yes, something. They needed to go to the crash site and recover the alien spacecraft. Yes, with the alien spacecraft they could get to mars sometime during the next three years.