Sweet Dreams, Mon

Only the occasional purring engines of passing motor vehicles broke the silence of the night. Montana kept on sleeping, but he wasn't immune to these noises. He rolled to his side, and his hand hit something next to him—when none should be there. Refusing to open his eyes, he only used his hand to map whatever was next to him.

It felt like a face.

A face? His hand moved back to feel the hair, but his finger combed through the hair after a few seconds of feeling its lush mane. It seemed someone with short hair was lying next to him.

Wait? Someone was next to him?!

Montana jolted in his spot and rolled away in a swift motion, enough to alert Caliga who was sleeping at the foot of the bed. When the dog lifted his head, he saw Montana fall off to the side… and a man sniggering with his eyes closed. As the dog knew who the man was, he didn't react all that much.

On the other hand, Montana grabbed a bat from under the bed and got to his feet. He then aimed it at the man. "Who are you, and how did you get in here?!"

"You shouldn't aim a bat like that. You should have it ready above your shoulder and swing it as hard as you can at intruders." The man chuckled and slowly got up from the bed. "If you do it like that—"

Bang! Montana did exactly what he just said. He hit the man as hard as he could with his metal bat. A loud crack echoed as the unknown man even took on the hit head-on. Caliga simply slipped off of the bed and hid underneath.

Of course, the man only laughed as he felt his skull cracked and his jaw dislocated. His facial features were most likely destroyed, but he was still painstakingly laughing. Then again, he was laughing as his rage ascended by levels.

Belphegor said that the person was harmless and docile. Why the fuck did this person even hit his face with a metal bat?

'Belphegor, you liar…'

The man held onto the side of his face that was destroyed by the bat. With a single touch, everything was fixed. He rolled his jaw and decided to get out of range before speaking again. Maybe next time, he wouldn't get hit by the backhand swing.

He slipped out of the bed and stood at the side before fluttering his eyes open. What greeted him was a red-faced Montana who was so ready to swing his bat one more time. It was also nice to see him only in his underwear as he slept that hot summer night.

"Hello… Mon~"

"Who are you, and how did you get here?" Montana repeated, his eyes stuck on the man's face. He was unwilling to be caught eyeing beyond the neck as it was easy poison for him. Who was this naked man?

Actually, the reason why Montana hit the unknown man without further ado was his nudity. Who in their right mind would show up naked next to a stranger? Was this trespasser an exhibitionist? Well, Montana thought he could be pleasing under different circumstances, but breaking in someone else's house didn't warrant their consent to see a stranger naked.

"Hahah, check the time first, Mon. Then, tell me what you think." The unknown man decided to lean on the side table instead. He feared that if he sat on the bed, his face would meet the bat again.

"The time?" Montana's eyes slid to the clock on the wall, and it was past three. He then gazed back at the man as he slowly lowered the bat. "B-Belphegor?"

"No." The man chuckled. At least this insolent human knew that he was a demon. "My name is Mephistopheles. Belphegor asked me to handle your deal as your situation is… special." His eyes darted at the direction of the foot of the bed where Caliga was hiding. "None of his clients had ever had the honor to host one of the King's hellhounds. I wonder what's so special with you."

"The King's hellhounds?" Montana dropped the bat entirely and ducked down to find Caliga underneath the bed. "Eh, Cali, come here… don't be scared. He won't hurt you…" Montana grasped the bat again. "I won't let him hurt you…"

Mephisto frowned as both of them disappeared from his plain sight. He then ducked down as well and watched the huge dog crawl under the poor bed just to get to Montana's side. "You got to be kidding me…

"What's the pup's name? I don't think I've seen him before." Mephisto sought Montana's eyes.

"Belphegor called him Caliga, and he responds to it." Montana was reaching out his arm to encourage Caliga to crawl towards him. He then looked at the man through the gap under the bed. "He's a pup?"

"Caliga? En, yeah. I remember now. The queen hellhound gave birth to another litter just weeks ago. For him to grow so fast…" Mephisto whistled as he continued watching them. "Can we… like… talk about your deal now?"

Montana pulled Caliga out of the bed before petting his head and rubbing his back. "Can we do it tomorrow? I have to sleep. I have a meeting early morning."

Mephisto only stared at the man as he sat on the edge of the bed to see him dote on the black dog. "…You do realize that hellhounds are bound to kill you after ten years, right? You signed a contract with Belphegor after all."

The human only hummed as if he didn't care. "Ten years? That's a very long time…"

His eyes then slid towards Mephisto. "I'm going back to sleep. Please put on some clothes if you wanted to stay until morning."

"Eh? Aren't you… attracted to this?" He even gestured to his lower half, and Montana glared at him. The demon then laughed out. "Aren't you a cute one?! Really?! Glaring and threatening me?! Do you even know how strong I am?!"

"Then, kill me." Montana only huffed as he lied back on the bed and stroked at Caliga's head until he fell asleep.

Mephisto was speechless. Someone so insolent existed? No wonder Belphegor had the audacity to kidnap one of the King's hellhounds and gift him to this human. If anything, the King would be amused. Whether Montana succeeded or not in whatever he was getting from Belphegor, Hell would surely be welcoming him.

That would be quite troublesome actually. It meant that he would have to watch over this insolent piece of shit until the day of his judgment came.

Shadows wrapped around Mephisto's lower half and formed an undergarment for him. He lied on the unoccupied side of the bed and listened to Montana's breathing. Montana was slowly falling asleep. Such a good time to play a trick on him then.

A whiff of shadow converged at the tip of Mephisto's finger, and then he gently poked Montana's head with it.

"Oh, sweet dreams, Mon."

Even before the alarm blared through the morning, Montana's whining woke up Caliga. The black dog lifted his head and looked at his new master and saw how he curled in humiliation. His eyes were locked somewhere in his lower half, and Caliga already knew what happened. He only had Mephisto to blame.

Mephisto finally opened his eyes after realizing that three hours was quite a long wait. Also, it was long enough for something as devious as his plan. When he heard Montana whining, a smirk curled his lips. He then sat up the bed.

The human in question was babbling and whining, with his face heating up to its full extent. He couldn't believe the kind of dream he had and that his body had been reacting along with his mind. His morning wood exploded just before he could fully wake up; now, he had a mess of white liquid coating his hands. A small puddle had formed, and it flowed to his thighs even.

Moreover, the person in his wet dream was the very person behind him. Considering his weak heart, he would get lightheaded the moment he saw even just a glimpse of Mephisto.

A hand snuck to his side and slid down to his outer thigh. "Hey, Mon, why are you so loud in the morning?"

"P-Please go away…" Montana was already getting dizzy from the heat on his cheeks.

"I can't go away. I'm supposed to help you with your deal with Belphegor, remember?" Mephisto chuckled as he felt proud with his little dream manipulation. How handy, really. He should ask the princes to give him a pint of their powers every time he had to undertake missions from them.

Asmodeus was really bothered by Caliga's disappearance that he handed a bit of power to Mephisto in case he had to deal with the kidnapper. In the end, Caliga wasn't kidnapped; he was gifted to someone, which was way worse if it was someone else but Montana.

Montana continued to whimper as he started dealing with the puddle soaking his bedsheet. He couldn't even remember Belphegor, and yet he had to deal with this Mephistopheles guy.

Getting up and trying to clean up the bed, he unknowingly spent precious minutes before starting his routine to get to work. The only difference today… was that he had Caliga and Mephisto going around with him.

'This is going to be troublesome.' Montana sighed as the elevator door closed slowly before him.

"Wait! Hold that elevator please!"