My Hellhounds are Starving

One year… one year ago, Montana Mills was accused of bombing the floor where the CEO of their old company was. The CEO hadn't evacuated by then so everyone thought he died.

Three months afterward, he surfaced from a hospital, roughly getting away with a few burns on his body and face. He seemed to have been saved…

However, to Noah, he was killed and replaced.

The company didn't have so many bad deals, and all the customers they had were all legitimate and verified. Noah knew… because that was his job.

Crosschecking customer standing with other firms to find those with bad debts and those who were notorious for not paying. Their financial floor was on the seventh floor, and Noah remembered that very well.

It's just that… mostly everyone on the finance floor was killed by Bomberman. No one could truly verify that these didn't start way back. Only he could do so as a former employee.

Then again, seeing this request, Noah realized that this… could be connected to Bomberman's mission back then. Maybe he was hired to kill the CEO and everyone in Finance to hide such a matter for months.

They were just a little unlucky that SCC caught on too fast.

"We're going tonight?" Noah flicked his gaze at Rebecca, and she nodded. She then continued as she took out another piece of paper from under the couch. "This is his schedule for today. Later in the evening, he would be meeting with his counterparts. That's when we strike."

"Okay. Luca, you neutralize him. Leave everyone else to me," Noah spoke decisively. He couldn't guarantee that the target would live if he struck him after all.

"Uh, yes. I will do that." Luca was a little lost. He was a witch hunter and not a mercenary. He had no experience of hurting other human beings aside from witches, but it did seem to the higher-ups in the Order that wouldn't do.

With his father holding a very high position, they wanted his successor to be worth the title. More than anything, he needed more battle experience.

"Uhm, just so we're clear. Do you two have codenames? You can't be calling each other by your real names." Rebecca hummed as she smiled.

"Strange that you gave us this first before confirming our identities."

"Oh, I'm sending feeds to Theresa, and she already gave confirmation." Rebecca smiled before scratching her cheek. "Besides, I'm used to just jumping into action."

Luca only hummed. "I'll just go by Corso. He is Sleepydog." However, he did see her shocked expression coming. "Please, no need to be scared or awed."

Her eyes were glossy in admiration, but she had to shake it off and chuckle to regain her professionalism. "Of course, of course! Who hasn't heard that Sleepydog joining SCC?! Hahaha!"

"You're not very convincing." Noah hummed, making her lower her head and feel embarrassed. "Let's go now. We might miss the party."

Small orbs of light looked around in the distance. The vermin's eyes reflected light in such darkness, making sure no one was there to crush it. Then, it crossed from one side of the alley to another, barely getting run over by a passing car.

The alley was small enough to fit a car, but the end led to a wide intersection. Around the space were building backs, windows either barred or cemented to not see the grotesque scenery behind them.

The car stopped at the side, and a burly man walked out. He looked around before opening the door for the other person to come out. His salt and pepper hair was too prominent, along with that black goatee he wore. His face had scars from the burns he suffered from.

"They should be here at this time." The man only hummed before seeing another car at the distance. The burly man stood in front of him in case someone started shooting.

The second car stopped on the other side. Another man did the same, making sure it was safe for his master to come out with. However, unlike the man with salt and pepper hair, he was followed by many cars with a lot of other guards.

A fat man got out of the second car and huffed as he saw the shadowed face of the older man. His gold teeth twinkled as he started speaking. "Connor, we expected good news from you."

"I do have good news." Randy Connor pulled on the lapel of his suit to fix the creases and walked out the bodyguard's shadow. "I have struck a ten-billion-dollar deal. You don't need to worry about my end."

"Don't be ridiculous. You're already compromised, and you know that."

The fat man moved his head, and the guards suddenly took out guns from inside their coats. Before Randy could speak, they did open fire at him and his bodyguard.

However, a figure dropped in front of them and swiped his arm to produce a shield to protect the man from the bullets.

"What?!" The fat man gasped. He then felt a presence behind him so he turned. However, just as he did, someone delivered a fan kick to the side of his head and took him down on the ground. His bodyguard wasn't able to react anymore because he was already dead and only being held by something invisible.

"What is that?!" The thugs in suits didn't understand why the yellowish shield didn't break. Then, they heard growling from all directions. "Dogs?!"

Awooo! A howl came from nearby, and before they knew it, a blue light came from where the boss was. The guns were directed at that part of the intersection, but a black figure swiped across them effortlessly. Even at people that he didn't hit by his blue claw, they died from a claw strike across their chests.

The thugs tried to run, but they could never outrun eight hellhounds.

Luca didn't cancel his shield, but he took out a gun to aim directly at the bodyguard's face. He then stared at the man… soon knocking him out with just his gaze.

His green eyes had momentarily sparked gold before returning to normal. He then aimed the gun at Randy Connor.

"Who… who are you?!" Randy wanted to run, but he figured the yellow shield was solid. He was trapped with a young man with a gun. He glanced at his bodyguard that fainted and at the dead outside the shield. "If you want money, I will give you all my money!"

"Like he said… don't be ridiculous," Noah spoke as he approached the shield and didn't ask Luca to dispel it. "Answer my question, and perhaps I will let you live."

"Okay… okay…" The man backed against the shield, helpless in his situation.

Noah only smiled for a second before speaking again. "Are you the real Randy Connor? How come you survived Bomberman's blast?"

Randy then sucked in air. He turned to Luca first before gritting his teeth. He then hissed. "You won't believe it… no one ever believed me when I say it. You'll just end up killing me."

A huff came from the hunter. "I can see a witch's mark on you. Tell me, who does your handler serve?"

"…you… you can…" Randy then held onto his chest where the brand on his soul was placed. "…you… you're a hunter!"

"That's why you answer him." Noah frowned. "If you really are Randy Connor, you should be able to say something worthwhile."

"I… I am a witch! That's true! That's true! I serve Mammon! Mammon is my god!" Randy waved his hands at them. "Please, please. I didn't really mean to hide everything under my personal wealth! I serve the prince of Greed. Please, please, let me live!"

Noah then laughed out. He then walked around the part of the shield where the man was, the CEO inching away from him. "Randy Connor is a slave driver and a tyrant. Do you really think he would beg like that?"

Shock came to the man before he fell to his knees. "I… I am indeed not Randy, but it's not my fault if he refused to give my share to me!" He covered his head while screaming to the ground. "I did kill my twin brother so what?! He deserved to die! A lot of people hated him!"

"I will let you repent in your sleep." Luca recalled his gun and summoned his light glove. He then reached out to the man's head, knocking him unconscious. "He won't wake up unless a level three demon undo my work."

"I don't trust this guy. Make it stronger."

"Sleepydog, his mind will be shattered. I don't want him to suffer that way; he won't be able to redeem himself."

Noah only looked at him before humming. "If he wakes up soon, our success will be retracted."

Noah then twitched as he looked at the side where Caliga walked into their view. The blue flames from his belly ignited, but he didn't breathe fire. The hellhound only produced a blue mist that shrouded the man's mind. He then looked at Luca as if asking him to explain.

"The mist would strengthen the seal. Probably a level five would be needed to undo it." Luca sighed. He then looked around and was surprised to see that the bodies that littered the intersection all vanished. "So fast!"

"My hellhounds are starving." Noah then dialed a number in his smartwatch. "Theresa, call an ambulance for me. We already neutralized Randy Connor."

"Got it."

Noah ended the call and looked at Luca who gently placed Randy on the ground. He waited for the hunter to look up at him. "Let's get dinner. I'm also starving.

"And yeah…"—Noah playfully smiled at the confused Luca—"do you mind sleeping with me?"